
I was going to be #4's hero. I was able to accomplish nothing.

Well it was a good try Don.

Hot here in the City.

Guys and gal, my tiller has burnt valve(s). He said he could put in new one(s) for about $80 but there might be something else wrong. He said he could put in a new motor for about $300. He's got a different kind of motor so he wasn't sure if it would fit. I had a Briggs and Stratton and his new one is a Huskavarna (sp). He said I might consider getting a new tiller and put the $300 toward that instead of his motor that he has.

I saw a new tiller at Lowes that I liked for $800, but I had rather get one from a dealer if I'm going that route. I told him the problem with the $300 or the $800 was that we didn't have it. He said his wife would work with me on making payments. We are running so close on dollars that I don't think we can take on any other expense. So, I'm not sure what to do. We were doing so well on weed control using a hoe and the tiller. Now the weeds are about to take things. FCC.
Well it was a good try Don.

Hot here in the City.

Guys and gal, my tiller has burnt valve(s). He said he could put in new one(s) for about $80 but there might be something else wrong. He said he could put in a new motor for about $300. He's got a different kind of motor so he wasn't sure if it would fit. I had a Briggs and Stratton and his new one is a Huskavarna (sp). He said I might consider getting a new tiller and put the $300 toward that instead of his motor that he has.

I saw a new tiller at Lowes that I liked for $800, but I had rather get one from a dealer if I'm going that route. I told him the problem with the $300 or the $800 was that we didn't have it. He said his wife would work with me on making payments. We are running so close on dollars that I don't think we can take on any other expense. So, I'm not sure what to do. We were doing so well on weed control using a hoe and the tiller. Now the weeds are about to take things. FCC.
FCC, before you lay out all of that money for a new one, please look in a pawnshop or four. You will save about $600.00.

I think it's time I put one of these in my closet.
Things Learned Today About Oil Change Rip-Off Places
  • A simple oil change at Jiffy-Lube is $45 plus tax in Johns Creek.
  • A simple oil change at Jiffy-Lube is $25 plus tax in Lawrenceville.
  • Jiffy-Lube doesn't have an owner according to the employees that I talked to today.
  • Jiffy-Lube doesn't have a manager according to the employees that I talked to today.
  • #4 needs to get her oil changed in Lawrenceville.
She drives a Kia. Her little Kia is a disposable car. People in Johns Creek have more money than good sense. The cars were lined up at Jiffy-Lube.

$20-25 bucks for an oil change these days is a good deal. 5 qts of oil and a filter costs $18-19 at Walmart. Not worth it to do it yourself. Just can't let them sucker you into doing all those other things they suggest. Women fall for that all the time. They scare them to death with what could happen.
evening D
got most of my stuff done today; gotta put groceries way and fold one last load of laundry
Grocery shopping ticks me off a little - you have to take extra time to search out good foods to feed your family, as opposed to all the pre-packaged, processed junk. And good luck if you need some decent produce before farmer's market. Won't even go into the cost of it all. I like to cook - not a grill master type, but pretty good even so. Just a little frustrating
Anyway - how was everyone's day
dinner was late tonight - but quite tasty, if I do say so myself: Chicken Cordon Bleu, Buttered noodles, Glazed carrots, Salads

I wish I had grabbed the tv before the fambly did - would love to be watching the Team USA exhibition.

Got carded today buying cigarettes - of course, the store policy is to card for anyone who appears to be under 40. It made me smile, though, considering I bid a fond farewell to 40 some years ago.
What up D!

Since I put on 3 pounds I'm really busting my ass this week. That still pisses me off!

Gotta work at 5am tomorrow, which means no sleep tonight since I worked till 8 am this morning. It screws up your sleeping schedule big time!

I had a great interview Thursday. I'll have a second one with them this week. The guy was blown away by my passion and drive. I'm super excited! I'm not quitting radio but I need another job to help pay for school for my degree which I have 1.5 years left. I'll always do radio as a hobby cause it's easy money but this opportunity could take me to the promised land.
It's hot as hell out side I went 3 miles tonight I look like I took a shower in my clothes

Gotta keep going and keep putting in the work cause I know it will pay off.

That's all for now, have a great night leagures!
Long, busy weekend. To complicate my life further, my ex called me today, and we actually conversed like non-divorced people. The situation is reversed now...I have MY guard up!

Went out with the guys last night. Gotta say, there is NOTHING more fun than a tipsy white woman. There is approximately 30 minutes between the time she's feeling nice and the point where's she's simply drunk off her ass. I was lucky enough to get those 30 minutes all at once with the same woman. She was part of a bridal shower party. Alternated between apologizing for bumping into me and showering me with kisses. The highlight of the night was her doing some freestyle dance that ended up with her glasses landing in a trash can. I found them just as those 30 minutes started wearing off. The two sober ladies out of the 7 in their group quickly packed them in a hotel shuttle and made a getaway!
  • Good Morning, DLers & Lurkers.
  • 77º in Johns Creek. Perfect-looking day. VFR.
  • Blood Sugar = 86. Weight = 230.
  • Likes applied. It took 1 minute.
  • Hope y'all had a nice weekend.
  • Didn't cook any good stuff yesterday. Missed doing it.
  • The figs will come in this weekend. Plans are to make a few pints of preserves.
  • I installed a couple of fig trees almost 30 years ago when we moved in this house. They were just little stick-looking things. You ought to see them now.
  • Dark Magic going.
  • Waiting for Tom Leach.
  • Over.
What up D!

Since I put on 3 pounds I'm really busting my ass this week. That still pisses me off!

Gotta work at 5am tomorrow, which means no sleep tonight since I worked till 8 am this morning. It screws up your sleeping schedule big time!

I had a great interview Thursday. I'll have a second one with them this week. The guy was blown away by my passion and drive. I'm super excited! I'm not quitting radio but I need another job to help pay for school for my degree which I have 1.5 years left. I'll always do radio as a hobby cause it's easy money but this opportunity could take me to the promised land.
It's hot as hell out side I went 3 miles tonight I look like I took a shower in my clothes

Gotta keep going and keep putting in the work cause I know it will pay off.

That's all for now, have a great night leagures!

don't get angry - you've done great losing what you have. You slipped a little, no biggie. Just, please - don't overdo it, especially in this heat. A few pounds isn't worth a heatstroke, my friend.

Understand the screwed up sleep schedule. Hubby is currently working 6p-4:30a. Even after 28 years of marriage, I can't sleep in the bed without him, so I sleep on the couch until he gets home (and it takes awhile to drop off) then wake up and go to bed with him for a couple of hours.

Best of luck on your interview :)
what kind of work do you do in radio? I'm sure you've said, before, but I'm afraid I've forgotten
Good mornin D
coffee is definitely my friend this morning. Didn't sleep much, or well, last night and I have the granddaughter today. She's here, now -getting ready to make her some breakfast (egg, toast and a banana)
Hot n muggy out there today - so if you're outdoors, stay hydrated!
I follow my old stomping ground's police Facebook site, occasionally I get to see what old school acquaintances are up to, sometimes I just get a good laugh. This is one of those sometimes:

"A Hopkinsville woman who allegedly hit her husband with a frying pan was arrested Sunday morning after a foot pursuit."
I follow my old stomping ground's police Facebook site, occasionally I get to see what old school acquaintances are up to, sometimes I just get a good laugh. This is one of those sometimes:

"A Hopkinsville woman who allegedly hit her husband with a frying pan was arrested Sunday morning after a foot pursuit."