
Long, busy weekend. To complicate my life further, my ex called me today, and we actually conversed like non-divorced people. The situation is reversed now...I have MY guard up!

Went out with the guys last night. Gotta say, there is NOTHING more fun than a tipsy white woman. There is approximately 30 minutes between the time she's feeling nice and the point where's she's simply drunk off her ass. I was lucky enough to get those 30 minutes all at once with the same woman. She was part of a bridal shower party. Alternated between apologizing for bumping into me and showering me with kisses. The highlight of the night was her doing some freestyle dance that ended up with her glasses landing in a trash can. I found them just as those 30 minutes started wearing off. The two sober ladies out of the 7 in their group quickly packed them in a hotel shuttle and made a getaway!
My brother and I were given the wrong date for our family reunion. Seems that we were the only ones given that date, not sure what that means. I feel very saddened by that but will push on. But now I have to wonder who we made mad and how? Should we write Dear Abby or just pretend nothing happened, or should we milk our hurt feelings a bit?
Went to a family reunion one time at a park in Central Kentucky. Me and a friend drove down and met the family there. I was about 20 at the time. We hung out for awhile and decided to go chase girls in paddle boats out on the lake. When we came back, girlless, we were hungry and got ourselves a couple of huge plates of food, sat down and started chowing.

My mother came over to me and said "what are you doing"? I said I was eating, why? She said "that's not our family, we're over there"! The people heard all this and just laughed. Told us to go ahead and eat that they had plenty. She laughed about that many times over the years. I still run into the friend from time to time and if any talk of my family comes up he'll say, " are you talking about your family or someone else's"?
Years back I pulled into a family reunion spot at a park and started helping people carry food to the tables. They called everyone together and said the opening prayer and started eating. I had just finished my first plate and was headed back for seconds when I saw my own family members pulling in and setting up at another shelter beside us.

Best part is that I did the same thing the next year, then my luck soured a bit as my family changed the location for our reunion. It was too far to take in both then, so my family reunion crashing days came to a halt. Good memories though and good food and company.
OK, if that's what it's come down to... in 1985 I was running around with a guy from work and his girlfriend one day in Champagne Illinois. We were in a park and I saw a sign for a family reunion that had the same last name as me. We made our way through the park to find them. We did. It was a black family. We got out and started talking to them, I showed them my drivers license and a lady said I might as well hang out and eat just to be safe. We hung for about an hour, ate good too.
The bachelorette /bachelor and women who live and die with that show crack me up.

99% of the women that love that show would have a totally different attitude in the real world.
Most think a woman that leads 2-3 men on and sleeps with 2out of3 a week before an engagement is a whore/slut/tramp. Instead on reality tv they feel sorry for her because she is torn. Boo hoo.
Same for the bachelor. Most would think the guy is a player and using the women in the real world. But on there he is trying to find his true love by sampling multiple girls a week before proposal

Give me a break Yeah who wouldn't want to do that if they were single. But number one, that isn't how it works.
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Morning league!

Last 3 days have been brutally hot in the tristate
Work is going slow so far this morning
Watching Jeff Ross roasting criminals(my favorite comedian along with Chris Rock)
Big job interview today(I am keep my radio job, but I want a 2nd job to finish my degree which is 1.5 years away)
The two raccoons I accidentally killed have been removed from the road, may they rest in peace.

Happy Tuesday leagures! Check back in later!
The bachelorette /bachelor and women who live and die with that show crack me up.

99% of the women that love that show would have a totally different attitude in the real world.
Most think a woman that leads 2-3 men on and sleeps with 2out of3 a week before an engagement is a whore/slut/tramp. Instead on reality tv they feel sorry for her because she is torn. Boo hoo.
Same for the bachelor. Most would think the guy is a player and using the women in the real world. But on there he is trying to find his true love by sampling multiple girls a week before proposal

Give me a break Yeah who wouldn't want to do that if they were single. But number one, that isn't how it works.
I'd rather watch Cops reruns.