
If Syria was to attack Turkey from the rear, do you think Greece would help?
Good question. Moderates in Türkiye might try asserting some influence in such a scenario, but unlikely. Turks have more of a governing plurality than most folks believe. I understand the coup, but as previously stated, the underlying reasons amount essentially to a rebellion against Erdrogen.
My heart has a hole in it today..after 15 years being one of the most awesome dogs I have ever had,we had to put her down this morning...RIP girl..


My condolences
I know first hand how much it hurts
I would be against that. Stealth bomber attacks. Drones. Maybe some tanks later. Bomb craters. Hell on earth. It will not be pretty.
The last set piece war that will take place for a long time was Iraq. No one will take on the US in that type of scenario. It's tantamount to suicide. Our opposition will be basically foot troops with minimal mechanization. That's takes men on the ground, supported by air power.
Billy Bob Crice died in his sleep last night. He was the Sheriff of Ballard County back in the day. Big UK basketball fan. I knew him over 50 years. He was my niece's fil. Billy Bob was 90 years old.

He's the guy that hitchhiked to Louisville to see the Cats one time. He had very meager money and no ticket. He went to the hotel to see Coach Rupp to beg for a ticket. It just happened that Mrs. Rupp was sick and Coach Rupp gave Billy Bob her ticket. True story.
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  • Good Morning, Y'all.
  • 79º in Johns Creek. Clear. VFR. Drought in progress.
  • Blood Sugar = 97. Weight = 226.
  • Tired.
  • No business.
  • Cooking agenda for Sunday. St. Louis style ribs. Maybe a small butt. Have a taste for our Arizona Mexican-American tacos also.
  • Football team reports in a couple of weeks.
  • Have a safe and productive Saturday.
  • Over.
There is a young couple that live on my street just around the corner. They both work their asses off, keep their place clean and don't bother anybody. They have a camper and boat so they are at the lake doing family time every weekend..came home this weekend only to find their home had been broken flat screen and several other things..culprits may be next door to them...rotten bastards
There is a young couple that live on my street just around the corner. They both work their asses off, keep their place clean and don't bother anybody. They have a camper and boat so they are at the lake doing family time every weekend..came home this weekend only to find their home had been broken flat screen and several other things..culprits may be next door to them...rotten bastards
I can't stand thieves.
There is a young couple that live on my street just around the corner. They both work their asses off, keep their place clean and don't bother anybody. They have a camper and boat so they are at the lake doing family time every weekend..came home this weekend only to find their home had been broken flat screen and several other things..culprits may be next door to them...rotten bastards
Sounds like a couple I know. They posted on Facebook a bunch of pictures on vacation and when they came home they were wiped cleaned. They are the nicest couple with a two year old. It Ended up being a friend of a friend that saw on Facebook they were on vacation. I tell my wife not to say anything on Facebook when we go out of town. I've heard of similar stories as well.
Mornin D
Today is Oldham County day. I used to get excited to go and see the sights and mingle with people. Today.......just not feeling it. Not afraid of anything, just don't want to deal with the Pokemon Go folks, and the crowds and the heat for the same stuff we see every single year.
got some dishes to do, some picking up - trying to figure out how everyone's shoes ended up under the coffee table. And I don't mean one pair per person. Laundry is a must and sometime today I need to hit the grocery.
Older boy is doing sound for the children's carnival at our church; going to pick him up about 2, load up - bring him home, let him change and get him to work by 3; the g/f has to be there at 3:30. Then off to Mom's house to help with more organizing and packing.

Hate to hear about the young couple having their house burglarized. I see people on FB all the time talking about how they're on vacation and I cringe. Understand the excitement of getting to go somewhere, but need to use some common sense. I don't know if that's what happened to the couple 55 mentioned - but that kind of thing occurs all the time.

Hope y'all are doing well today
Mornin D
Today is Oldham County day. I used to get excited to go and see the sights and mingle with people. Today.......just not feeling it. Not afraid of anything, just don't want to deal with the Pokemon Go folks, and the crowds and the heat for the same stuff we see every single year.
got some dishes to do, some picking up - trying to figure out how everyone's shoes ended up under the coffee table. And I don't mean one pair per person. Laundry is a must and sometime today I need to hit the grocery.
Older boy is doing sound for the children's carnival at our church; going to pick him up about 2, load up - bring him home, let him change and get him to work by 3; the g/f has to be there at 3:30. Then off to Mom's house to help with more organizing and packing.

Hate to hear about the young couple having their house burglarized. I see people on FB all the time talking about how they're on vacation and I cringe. Understand the excitement of getting to go somewhere, but need to use some common sense. I don't know if that's what happened to the couple 55 mentioned - but that kind of thing occurs all the time.

Hope y'all are doing well today
Re: Pokemon Go folks: Eff 'em. I'd use harsher language about that crowd, but you are in the house.
There is a young couple that live on my street just around the corner. They both work their asses off, keep their place clean and don't bother anybody. They have a camper and boat so they are at the lake doing family time every weekend..came home this weekend only to find their home had been broken flat screen and several other things..culprits may be next door to them...rotten bastards
+1 on the rotten bastards comment. I HATE GD thieves. Scum of the GD earth. Yeah, I've been drinking, but gotta let my opinions known.