
At this moment we have the worst possible President for combating Islamic terror. Obama is the son of a Sunni Muslim and the step son of another Sunni Muslim. In Indonesia where he spent some of his early years he was taken to Mosque where he got instructions in the faith. He damned well knows the tenants of Islam, yet he defends the evil parts of the dogma and minimizes their impact on the Islamic population. Islam dominated nations suck both culturally and economically yet the world walks on egg shells not to piss them off. So Obama will never damn his native religion and has spent 7 and ½ years defending it.

Now in the US we have half the population calling you racist if you speak the truth about the most barbaric religion known to man. The politically correct make sure that Islamic terrorism is never mentioned. Let us blame the current rash of Islamic killings on the Crusades that happened over 1,000 years ago. (Note: the Crusades were in response to an Islamic invasion.) Also do everything to minimize the numbers and play word games to shift blame.

No mention is ever made of the brutal Islamic invasion of the East where millions were slaughter in the Indian sub-continent, no mention of the Eastern Christian Church being totally wiped out. What was the original name of Constantinople, oops forgot about the Ottomans. It is now called Istanbul after the Islamic conquest. Istanbul, Turkey, not Constantinople, is the pride of the Ottomans. Constantinople was the pride of the Eastern Christians but now few of them have survived the Islamic conquest. Now it is the capital of Islamic Turkey, where 100 years ago the Muslims slaughtered over a million Christian Armenians. They lie that it did not happen and our President lies with them.

So the narrative today is that whatever happens, the root cause is that it is something imperial Western nations have done to the Muslims. The idea of Western civilized people being so damned passive to such stupidity continues to baffle me. How many Chamberlains does this world have? How many times does the civilized world let the uncivilized hordes invade and go unchecked until untold thousands are killed?

So we see this plea “Please don’t piss off the Muslims.” Just let them immigrate to your European or American homes, let them establish no-go zones; let them establish Sharia Courts in your country. They are so peaceful and would never cause any problems…. That idea is so stupid that it sets a new definition for the word. If a Muslim immigrates to a country they should become a citizen of that country not an Islamic Trojan horse.

Islam is not compatible with democracy, take that to the bank. To frame this problem as less than Islamic hate is pitiful.
Daaang! Bert done dropped a nuclear truth bomb on the muslims. :clap::bomb::boom::fire:
Need a Harry S Truman to wreck some ass killing havoc in the middle east.

For those who say, well were do we start. Start by shoring up our own borders by stopping immigration and kicking some people out.

Then go hard after strong holds and or countries that harbor these people or can't control them etc.
Bert we need to get your piece about ISIS published. Thank-you for the truth!!!! FCC.

I have studied the Quran and Hadiths extensively. The history of Islam is pretty bad.

One of my friends in England posted a great little statement. Every bit of it is true and can be documented. If you notice, ISIS does exactly what Mahammad did.

my friends post

In case we forget....

Mohammed the Prophet was a lovely man. He only went to war a few times, and yes - he did take wives of war captives as booty to be handed round as sex slaves to his followers, and yes, he did raid caravans and he committed acts of antisemitic genocide against the Banu Qurayza tribe in Medina, beheading all the males in the community and consigning the women and children to lives of slavery, and yes, he did mutilate people who offended him and he did order women to be murdered for insulting him, and yes, he did have sex with a nine year old girl, who was still playing on her swing and owning dolls when he raped her, and yes he advocated beating disobedient wives, and according to his wife (Aisha the former child bride) she had to scrape the dry encrusted sperm stains off his robes before he would go off to the mosque - BUT - apart from all that - he was still the "most perfect man who ever lived." And though he hated dogs, he DID like cats. What's not to respect about him?​
By the numbers:

Oct 2014 - Dec 2015

9,000 bombing missions by US against Isis in Syria and Iraq.
20,000 missiles and bombs dropped.

As of Mar 2016

11,000 bombing missions by US
Amount of ordinance not available
67% of all US airstrikes conducted by US Air Force
27,000 Isis fighters killed.

Platforms used:
% of missions % of ordinance dropped
A-10 ---- 27 ----- 16
B-1 ---- 7 ---- 37
F-15 ---- 30 ---- - 27
F-16 ---- 33 ---- - 17
F-22 ---- 3 ---- 2

Total missions flown by coalition forces 91,821 as of April 16 2016.
Last edited:
By the numbers:

Oct 2014 - Dec 2015

9,000 bombing missions by US against Isis in Syria and Iraq.
20,000 missiles and bombs dropped.

As of Mar 2016

11,000 bombing missions by US
Amount of ordinance not available
67% of all US airstrikes conducted by US Air Force
27,000 Isis fighters killed.

Platforms used:
% of missions % of ordinance dropped
A-10 ---- 27 ----- 16
B-1 ---- 7 ---- 37
F-15 ---- 30 ---- - 27
F-16 ---- 33 ---- - 17
F-22 ---- 3 ---- 2

Total missions flown by coalition forces 91,821 as of April 16 2016.

Does anyone believe that the air war has killed 27,000 ISIS fighters? Hell they only had 30,000 to start with. Who goes out and counts them?
By the numbers:

(1) Christianity: About 2.3 billion followers. About 50% of Christians are Roman Catholics.
(2) Muslim: About 1.5 billion followers. About 80-90% of Muslims are Sunni and 10-20% are Shia. The Shia-Sunni split in the Muslim religion occurred due to the dispute over the succession after the prophet Muhammad died in 632.
(3) Non-religious or atheist: About 1 billion people
(4) Hindu: About 900 million followers with the vast majority living in India.
(5) Buddhist: About 400 million followers. Based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the vast majority of Buddhists live in Asia.
By the numbers:

Oct 2014 - Dec 2015

9,000 bombing missions by US against Isis in Syria and Iraq.
20,000 missiles and bombs dropped.

As of Mar 2016

11,000 bombing missions by US
Amount of ordinance not available
67% of all US airstrikes conducted by US Air Force
27,000 Isis fighters killed.

Platforms used:
% of missions % of ordinance dropped
A-10 ---- 27 ----- 16
B-1 ---- 7 ---- 37
F-15 ---- 30 ---- - 27
F-16 ---- 33 ---- - 17
F-22 ---- 3 ---- 2

Total missions flown by coalition forces 91,821 as of April 16 2016.
More nukes. Less missions. I figure one or two with the right amount of nuclear power will do.
I would be against that. Stealth bomber attacks. Drones. Maybe some tanks later. Bomb craters. Hell on earth. It will not be pretty.

They are using the B1 because it can carry a big payload at supersonic speed for low level bombing Don. 75,000 pounds. They are also using drones. And there are a lot of bomb craters already. The Air Force had to request emergency funding to ramp up manufacturing last December because they were running through the stockpile of both smart and dumb bombs at an alarming rate.

Unfortunately, to completely eradicate Isis, it does take boots kicking in doors. That is the role the Iraqi army is currently playing.
Some things to remember. Turkey is similar in some respects to the USA. Their REJECTS head up to Germany for work and a better life. They have a very strong sense of nationalism and many outright hate the Greeks. Out of all the places I've ever visited in my life thus far, the Turks respected me most as a person. Great folks. Put the GD Muslim-Christian stuff aside, please. It is far more complex.