
I want to know HITF one can acquire hand grenades in France, Great Britain or the United States for that matter. I would declare war on ISIS and make them sorry that they have started WWIII on the civilized world. We need to do something dramatic now. This is beyond being serious business, Wake up for God's sake.
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agree with you, Don, about ISIS. They've been allowed too much power. And, I think, HRC is far worse a candidate than Trump could ever be, and I can't stand him.

Tyler Ulis had a good night tonight for Phoenix in summer league: 20 pt, 3 reb, 8 assists, although he did have 4 turnovers (very unusual) it's still a great ratio. They beat Miami (Damien Lee plays for them) to move on in the NBASL tourney

Jamal Murray had 20 points, 5 reb in Denver's win over Utah.

Proud of our guys.
We have made the most awful decisions about allowing the immigration of all of the Muslims. We don't know who is good and who is bad. ISIS must think that our great country is run by halfwits. They let us in, give us sanctuary, money, food, healthcare, and we are going to destroy them. We need a brilliant strong leader. We do not have that. We had better wake up. The time is now. Recognize it. This is ******* war. If you don't want war, get out of the way. It is upon us all. Be strong.
Evening d

The weather hit here bad.
Today sucked for a few reasons.
1. My newer tire blew out on me, how they hell it happened I have no idea
2. Now my headlights stay on and will not go off unless I pull the fuse. Once again I have no idea why
3 only went two miles tonight because my headlights would not go off and I didn't want to drain my battery

Sad day for France, there is a special place in hell for terriosts. I can honestly see an air strike to the heartland of these terriost groups.

9 mins away from day of rage, shits about to go down.

That's all folks!
Evening d

The weather hit here bad.
Today sucked for a few reasons.
1. My newer tire blew out on me, how they hell it happened I have no idea
2. Now my headlights stay on and will not go off unless I pull the fuse. Once again I have no idea why
3 only went two miles tonight because my headlights would not go off and I didn't want to drain my battery

Sad day for France, there is a special place in hell for terriosts. I can honestly see an air strike to the heartland of these terriost groups.

9 mins away from day of rage, shits about to go down.

That's all folks!
Do you have an ex-wife?
Don, just where is this ISIS Headquarters you speak of? (Hint--that's the problem, it's not a country with established lines of authority, ambassadors, etc.)

On a more positive note, as a lifelong music lover I had the opportunity yesterday of watching a group of amazing musicians rehearse for a their upcoming tour. Just me and a friend of mine watching The Union of Sinners and Saints practice for 4 hours. The band, made up of former members of Christian Rock icon bands Whiteheart and Petra, are unbelievably talented and some of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. I'd heard of both bands back in the 80's but never really listened to their music---but their talents are on par with virtually ANY other band I've ever seen.

Getting to watch them hone their skills in a concert practice facility as they worked back and forth together was amazing. (Probably bore most people to death but I was fascinated.) This is nothing like what you hear on The Fish or other mainstream Christian radio---it's rock played really really well just with Christian lyrics belted out by a lead singer who previously fronted Head East from the 80's--amazing voice.

Peace to all.
We have made the most awful decisions about allowing the immigration of all of the Muslims. We don't know who is good and who is bad. ISIS must think that our great country is run by halfwits. They let us in, give us sanctuary, money, food, healthcare, and we are going to destroy them. We need a brilliant strong leader. We do not have that. We had better wake up. The time is now. Recognize it. This is ******* war. If you don't want war, get out of the way. It is upon us all. Be strong.

At this moment we have the worst possible President for combating Islamic terror. Obama is the son of a Sunni Muslim and the step son of another Sunni Muslim. In Indonesia where he spent some of his early years he was taken to Mosque where he got instructions in the faith. He damned well knows the tenants of Islam, yet he defends the evil parts of the dogma and minimizes their impact on the Islamic population. Islam dominated nations suck both culturally and economically yet the world walks on egg shells not to piss them off. So Obama will never damn his native religion and has spent 7 and ½ years defending it.

Now in the US we have half the population calling you racist if you speak the truth about the most barbaric religion known to man. The politically correct make sure that Islamic terrorism is never mentioned. Let us blame the current rash of Islamic killings on the Crusades that happened over 1,000 years ago. (Note: the Crusades were in response to an Islamic invasion.) Also do everything to minimize the numbers and play word games to shift blame.

No mention is ever made of the brutal Islamic invasion of the East where millions were slaughter in the Indian sub-continent, no mention of the Eastern Christian Church being totally wiped out. What was the original name of Constantinople, oops forgot about the Ottomans. It is now called Istanbul after the Islamic conquest. Istanbul, Turkey, not Constantinople, is the pride of the Ottomans. Constantinople was the pride of the Eastern Christians but now few of them have survived the Islamic conquest. Now it is the capital of Islamic Turkey, where 100 years ago the Muslims slaughtered over a million Christian Armenians. They lie that it did not happen and our President lies with them.

So the narrative today is that whatever happens, the root cause is that it is something imperial Western nations have done to the Muslims. The idea of Western civilized people being so damned passive to such stupidity continues to baffle me. How many Chamberlains does this world have? How many times does the civilized world let the uncivilized hordes invade and go unchecked until untold thousands are killed?

So we see this plea “Please don’t piss off the Muslims.” Just let them immigrate to your European or American homes, let them establish no-go zones; let them establish Sharia Courts in your country. They are so peaceful and would never cause any problems…. That idea is so stupid that it sets a new definition for the word. If a Muslim immigrates to a country they should become a citizen of that country not an Islamic Trojan horse.

Islam is not compatible with democracy, take that to the bank. To frame this problem as less than Islamic hate is pitiful.
Don, just where is this ISIS Headquarters you speak of? (Hint--that's the problem, it's not a country with established lines of authority, ambassadors, etc.)


Peace to all.

ISIS' de facto capital in Raqqa, Syria. We should make it a damned hole.

They control territory, sell oil and rape women.
At this moment we have the worst possible President for combating Islamic terror. Obama is the son of a Sunni Muslim and the step son of another Sunni Muslim. In Indonesia where he spent some of his early years he was taken to Mosque where he got instructions in the faith. He damned well knows the tenants of Islam, yet he defends the evil parts of the dogma and minimizes their impact on the Islamic population. Islam dominated nations suck both culturally and economically yet the world walks on egg shells not to piss them off. So Obama will never damn his native religion and has spent 7 and ½ years defending it.

Now in the US we have half the population calling you racist if you speak the truth about the most barbaric religion known to man. The politically correct make sure that Islamic terrorism is never mentioned. Let us blame the current rash of Islamic killings on the Crusades that happened over 1,000 years ago. (Note: the Crusades were in response to an Islamic invasion.) Also do everything to minimize the numbers and play word games to shift blame.

No mention is ever made of the brutal Islamic invasion of the East where millions were slaughter in the Indian sub-continent, no mention of the Eastern Christian Church being totally wiped out. What was the original name of Constantinople, oops forgot about the Ottomans. It is now called Istanbul after the Islamic conquest. Istanbul, Turkey, not Constantinople, is the pride of the Ottomans. Constantinople was the pride of the Eastern Christians but now few of them have survived the Islamic conquest. Now it is the capital of Islamic Turkey, where 100 years ago the Muslims slaughtered over a million Christian Armenians. They lie that it did not happen and our President lies with them.

So the narrative today is that whatever happens, the root cause is that it is something imperial Western nations have done to the Muslims. The idea of Western civilized people being so damned passive to such stupidity continues to baffle me. How many Chamberlains does this world have? How many times does the civilized world let the uncivilized hordes invade and go unchecked until untold thousands are killed?

So we see this plea “Please don’t piss off the Muslims.” Just let them immigrate to your European or American homes, let them establish no-go zones; let them establish Sharia Courts in your country. They are so peaceful and would never cause any problems…. That idea is so stupid that it sets a new definition for the word. If a Muslim immigrates to a country they should become a citizen of that country not an Islamic Trojan horse.

Islam is not compatible with democracy, take that to the bank. To frame this problem as less than Islamic hate is pitiful.
  • Good Morning, D-Leaguers.
  • 82º in Johns Creek. Some clouds up there. VFR.
  • Blood Sugar = 65. Weight = 226.
  • We are at war. Make no mistake about it. Drop the passive attitude. Get your head out of the sand. Put your most powerful bombs in the sand as close to ISIS as possible.
  • Listen to your military experts.
  • ISIS is in the United States. To Hell with PC. Get this straightened out immediately. This is critical business.
  • I'm afraid our President intends to do nothing. HRC does not have a clue. Death to ISIS. Not prison. Death.
  • Heaven help us.
  • Over.