
Got a doorbell in the shop that can be rung from house or driveway. It means somebody wants ya or is here. Mama just hit it so 55 is cashin in on the plus side with current d league members. You uns sleep well hope for a awesome tomorrow and godspeed on any issues you are dealing with! From my heart. BBN forever
You know what I got into this evening? Not a damn thing. Hoping I can talk the wife into truck shopping tomorrow. Not counting on it. Family reunion on Sunday. I had forgot till my mom called and reminded me. Even at 30 years of age mom still takes care of me some times. Haha.
I heard recently that half of the world's population is 31 years old. Has any one else heard this number?
After a radio commercial I often hear the disclaimer spoken by a race-talker. I usually cannot understand what they are saying. How can they talk so fast? Can anybody on here do it?
Those things are recorded at normal speed and then sped up to fit all the disclaimers into a short time. That's how it's done.
This one kills me. Call me at 404-867-5309 and I'll tell you what the credit card companies don't want you to know. I'll show you how to settle your credit card debts for less than you owe without affecting your credit score. You won't have to take bankruptcy. Realtors, banks and mortgage companies will be clamoring to sell you a new house. If you believe me, call me at 404-867-5309.
This one kills me. Call me at 404-867-5309 and I'll tell you what the credit card companies don't want you to know. I'll show you how to settle your credit card debts for less than you owe without affecting your credit score. You won't have to take bankruptcy. Realtors, banks and mortgage companies will be clamoring to sell you a new house. If you believe me, call me at 404-867-5309.