
So this Brexit thing, hopefully it hasn't ruined anyone's morning in the D. I checked the backyard and it looks the same. Same for the front yard and the sides. Nothing unusual flying overhead. Electricity and the water seem to be working. Kids seem to be about the same.

Everyone else safe?
<> Mostly a meh draft night for the Cats. But it went pretty much the way I thought it would. Murray went about where he should have, Skal went too high (as we all knew he would), and Ulis got drafted in 2nd round (but he probably made the right choice given the fact that next year's draft will be much more talent laden causing him to drop even further).

<> Not quite sure how they acquired it but the Suns apparently have exclusive first right of refusal on the contractual rights to any/all former UK guards. Mind-boggling.

<> Wish Poythress and Lee all the best in their endeavors. Hope they eventually latch on somewhere in the league or have success overseas.

<> Also...still wish we could have held on to Matthews. Somehow I think that will come back to bite us in the hind quarters.

<> Mostly a meh draft night for the Cats. But it went pretty much the way I thought it would. Murray went about where he should have, Skal went too high (as we all knew he would), and Ulis got drafted in 2nd round (but he probably made the right choice given the fact that next year's draft will be much more talent laden causing him to drop even further).

<> Not quite sure how they acquired it but the Suns apparently have exclusive first right of refusal on the contractual rights to any/all former UK guards. Mind-boggling.

<> Wish Poythress and Lee all the best in their endeavors. Hope they eventually latch on somewhere in the league or have success overseas.

<> Also...still wish we could have held on to Matthews. Somehow I think that will come back to bite us in the hind quarters.

The Dee needs more of your action, Kaizer. Just saying.
So this Brexit thing, hopefully it hasn't ruined anyone's morning in the D. I checked the backyard and it looks the same. Same for the front yard and the sides. Nothing unusual flying overhead. Electricity and the water seem to be working. Kids seem to be about the same.

Everyone else safe?

It has cost me several thousand dollars especially Caterpillar and CSX down, John Deare about even. I don't want to look much farther; however, the financial stocks are taking the biggest hit and I don't have many of those.

I am glad Britain exited the EU.
So this Brexit thing, hopefully it hasn't ruined anyone's morning in the D. I checked the backyard and it looks the same. Same for the front yard and the sides. Nothing unusual flying overhead. Electricity and the water seem to be working. Kids seem to be about the same.

Everyone else safe?
Didn't mean to leave you out, WC. We love it when you post with us.
Saw a guy a couple of days ago that knows a guy that collects metal for money. I told him I had a dryer I needed to get rid of. He came and got my stove a couple of months ago and I flipped him a twenty for his trouble. He seemed very appreciative. Anyway, today he woke me up ringing the front doorbell and by the time I got dressed and headed that way he had gone to the side door at the other end of the house and started knocking.

I forgot in all the excitement that I had sweetened the pot last time until after he had left. Now I feel bad that I didn't give him extra cash. I know that's why he got here so fast.
afternoon D
been another busy one, but a good one. We found our older son a car - was in the right price range, had the right mileage and, have to admit, it's a pretty good looking vehicle. He's happy as all get out and will probably stay that way until he has to make his first payment to us. We bought it, but it won't be in his name until he pays it off. He also has to get insurance -

Hope everyone is doing well today!
42 yr anniversary Sunday.
Grass mowed,bushes trimmed
Havin a family get together next month at my place . Lots of meat to smoke and planning to be done. Live music and so on..
Sittin here in the shop enjoying my favorite beer. Miller lite.
Startin a tailgate bench for my best friend for his birthday tomorrow.
Pondering a harley ride to brown county indiana before school starts. Wifey thing
Changed all my 4ft shop lights to LED. Now all my out door and shop lights are LED. Hoping it saves some $$
We rode harley to casino monday. Not sayin how much but wifey hit and we have to pay taxes! Yay for her
Life is is good!
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BKO has been wheelin and dealin on the cars lately.

I want/need some of that optimism and energy that Tony Robbins is selling. I'm too negative. I want to be more positive. The world seems to cater to the bullshitters. I need to become a better more positive bullshitter. Those people don't do much, but they trick others into doing the actual work, take the credit and get paid handsomely.
93 possitivity starts with attitude. If ya lay like a rug ur gonna get tromped on. Raise up. Say **** it and voice your opinion/ thoughts. Thats your right and you earn that. Always be who you are and NEVER become a follower. Its awful easy to fall into the trenches of what society wants. Thats not what life is about. Its about standing up for what is right and you believe in. Never ever cower down to a chicken shits level. If what you believe is right ( key word being right) than success is the future. Thats fact! Learned it the hard way
BKO has been wheelin and dealin on the cars lately.

I want/need some of that optimism and energy that Tony Robbins is selling. I'm too negative. I want to be more positive. The world seems to cater to the bullshitters. I need to become a better more positive bullshitter. Those people don't do much, but they trick others into doing the actual work, take the credit and get paid handsomely.

He's done quite well with his book "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute: How To Find Yours Like I Found Mine."
42 yr anniversary Sunday.
Grass mowed,bushes trimmed
Havin a family get together next month at my place . Lots of meat to smoke and planning to be done. Live music and so on..
Sittin here in the shop enjoying my favorite beer. Miller lite.
Startin a tailgate bench for my best friend for his birthday tomorrow.
Pondering a harley ride to brown county indiana before school starts. Wifey thing
Changed all my 4ft shop lights to LED. Now all my out door and shop lights are LED. Hoping it saves some $$
We rode harley to casino monday. Not sayin how much but wifey hit and we have to pay taxes! Yay for her
Life is is good!
Y'all are honest people. You would have reported the 50k I'm sure. It's just the idea that the gubment does not trust us because of how crooked they are. That has to be the reason for the 1099.