
should have clarified - my apologies. I meant he SHOULD be doing that; winning OOC games and beating teams like Vandy in conference.
I have hope that we will improve in that respect. Have a new support staff - we'll see how it goes.
But realistically speaking, Stoops needs to learn how to coach at a higher level - at least learn how to manage a game clock.
I agree with you 100 percent. No need for any apologies. I know what you mean. Let's just hope they have a good season. Always respected your posts on here and hope you have been doing good. Always liked reading your posts
I was watching The Burbs earlier today. I think it's a great movie, but not just because Tom Hanks is in it. Made me think of a couple of other movies I've seen before that aren't on any kind of regular rotation anywhere I'm aware of. Ed And His Dead Mother, and Meet The Applegates are two that come to mind. Anyone remember seeing these?
Doesn't matter who you are or your position in life, I'm going to reiterate some good advice you've probably heard before...DON'T SHIT WHERE YOU EAT! You can extrapolate this advice to fit a multitude of situations. If you need assistance with that tenet, remember this, LISTEN TO YOUR INNER will never steer you wrong, unless you are permanently steered the wrong way.

The shitting/eating advice came from my grandfather when I was very young. So young I didn't understand. The inner voice thing comes from a dude named Rohammar Makihjonni. not the real spelling, but as close as I can get.

Don't shit where you eat is pretty easy to follow, in fact, you can extrapolate and expand to fit many different situations. For example, the hot chick in your office...NOPE...don't do it. Think "food before fun".

The inner voice thing should be easy but it is very hard. Of course the inner voice is your conscience, but your conscience isn't just useful in times of moral decision, it also comes into play in everyday so and so. How many times in your life did things not turn out as you hoped they would, but rather how you hoped they wouldn't? If you had listened, you would have known the way things would be, before they were.

If you people continue to be quiet, I will continue to talk. You have been warned.
Doesn't matter who you are or your position in life, I'm going to reiterate some good advice you've probably heard before...DON'T SHIT WHERE YOU EAT! You can extrapolate this advice to fit a multitude of situations. If you need assistance with that tenet, remember this, LISTEN TO YOUR INNER will never steer you wrong, unless you are permanently steered the wrong way.

The shitting/eating advice came from my grandfather when I was very young. So young I didn't understand. The inner voice thing comes from a dude named Rohammar Makihjonni. not the real spelling, but as close as I can get.

Don't shit where you eat is pretty easy to follow, in fact, you can extrapolate and expand to fit many different situations. For example, the hot chick in your office...NOPE...don't do it. Think "food before fun".

The inner voice thing should be easy but it is very hard. Of course the inner voice is your conscience, but your conscience isn't just useful in times of moral decision, it also comes into play in everyday so and so. How many times in your life did things not turn out as you hoped they would, but rather how you hoped they wouldn't? If you had listened, you would have known the way things would be, before they were.

If you people continue to be quiet, I will continue to talk. You have been warned.
Dude, keep it short and sweet, I didn't read this crap. No offence.
here is an interesting fun fact:

Percentage of American men who say they would marry the same woman if they had it to do all over again: 80%.

Percentage of American women who say they'd marry the same man: 50%.

Women that say they would marry me again. Two. Screw the other five, that's the reason I divorced them to start off with. They weren't appreciative.
so here we are with basketball:

Lee got negative feedback and canceled the rest of his workouts - but no word on if he's returning or not. I personally hope he does, because I believe he'd be fine with a strong frontcourt player beside him. Bam is that guy, IMO. Plus, he'd be a four year player along with Willis and Hawkins. Love our recruits, but it'll be those seniors that make the difference, whether it be on the court or off.

Briscoe actually got some positive feedback - but still no guarantees so far. Lot of people reading too much into his Dad's comments. I don't think there is too much beyond him giving a report as to what's going on, but that's just me. I really do hope Briscoe returns - wanted him to before, but really do now. I think we'll see a better scorer his sophomore year - and IIRC, that's when you generally see the biggest improvement (between freshman and sophomore years)

Matthews is concerning - hate that he felt he had to transfer. He wants to have opportunity to score more - and while he IS an energetic guy who can slash rebound well, he never did show anything much in the way of scoring. Even more, it leaves our backcourt thin, especially if Briscoe decides not to come back.

Bolden - supposedly announcing tomorrow. I have a feeling it'll be Duke. I know that gives them the top class, but I'm not seeing how he'll get to play ahead of Jefferson? Could be wrong on that - and really hope I'm wrong about his choice.
so here we are with basketball:

Lee got negative feedback and canceled the rest of his workouts - but no word on if he's returning or not. I personally hope he does, because I believe he'd be fine with a strong frontcourt player beside him. Bam is that guy, IMO. Plus, he'd be a four year player along with Willis and Hawkins. Love our recruits, but it'll be those seniors that make the difference, whether it be on the court or off.

Briscoe actually got some positive feedback - but still no guarantees so far. Lot of people reading too much into his Dad's comments. I don't think there is too much beyond him giving a report as to what's going on, but that's just me. I really do hope Briscoe returns - wanted him to before, but really do now. I think we'll see a better scorer his sophomore year - and IIRC, that's when you generally see the biggest improvement (between freshman and sophomore years)

Matthews is concerning - hate that he felt he had to transfer. He wants to have opportunity to score more - and while he IS an energetic guy who can slash rebound well, he never did show anything much in the way of scoring. Even more, it leaves our backcourt thin, especially if Briscoe decides not to come back.

Bolden - supposedly announcing tomorrow. I have a feeling it'll be Duke. I know that gives them the top class, but I'm not seeing how he'll get to play ahead of Jefferson? Could be wrong on that - and really hope I'm wrong about his choice.
TL:DR Too long, did read.

Bolden has to be picking UK tomorrow. Why wait if it was Duke? They kicked a guy off a month ago and he didn't bite. Lee breaks off combines one day, next day Matthews transfers. Open scholarship. Cal to Bolden. "just hang on, Lee will leave or Matthews will transfer, we'll have a spot either way".
I attended Pitino's first BBM and sat just above the floor. They held a Pitino look a like contest and I yelled down at CM Newton and asked him why he wasn't entering the contest, C M yelled back up at me "He's too short."

Fast forward a few years and darn if he doesn't have his 15 seconds of fame or shame? But of course that makes him short and fast and fun to make fun of. Is basketball season here yet?
I attended Pitino's first BBM and sat just above the floor. They held a Pitino look a like contest and I yelled down at CM Newton and asked him why he wasn't entering the contest, C M yelled back up at me "He's too short."

Fast forward a few years and darn if he doesn't have his 15 seconds of fame or shame? But of course that makes him short and fast and fun to make fun of. Is basketball season here yet?
I attended Pitino's first BBM and sat just above the floor. They held a Pitino look a like contest and I yelled down at CM Newton and asked him why he wasn't entering the contest, C M yelled back up at me "He's too short."

Fast forward a few years and darn if he doesn't have his 15 seconds of fame or shame? But of course that makes him short and fast and fun to make fun of. Is basketball season here yet?
He was just showing off for his "crew." He doesn't have a lick of sense.