
I came home to a message on the answering machine from some firm named Foster and Monroe. I had to listen to it 3-4 times to take down the number. Sounded like a lawsuit, me as a 3rd party. It even mentioned the name of an ex-sil. Seemed very legit.

I googled the number and the firm name. SCAM.

I get BS calls all of the time. Just hang up and block. Lawsuits usually come in the month of December from my experience.
I don't know how the basketball stuff will turn out. I just know that there is always someone that leaves that doesn't make much sense, whether by declaring for the draft or transferring. This time next week, it should all be answered though.
I hope so -
and I don't know either - it's all speculation right now. I do hope we get Bolden, but honestly, at this point, it's more so that Duke doesn't. Either way, the sun will come up
I get BS calls all of the time. Just hang up and block. Lawsuits usually come in the month of December from my experience.
I've been getting more and more on my cell recently. Those are easy, hang up. The one tonight was a message on my landline. It sounded legit enough that I was nervous for a few min.
I came home to a message on the answering machine from some firm named Foster and Monroe. I had to listen to it 3-4 times to take down the number. Sounded like a lawsuit, me as a 3rd party. It even mentioned the name of an ex-sil. Seemed very legit.

I googled the number and the firm name. SCAM.


Scam calls are getting worse - we were supposed to be on that block list. yeah, right - and now I'm getting them on my cell phone.
My favorite will always be the guy who calls from Microsoft support to tell me I have a problem with my computer. Last time they called, I got them good; let him go through his spiel, then acted excited about where he was calling from. I even had him repeat it. Told him that I worked for Microsoft as well, and asked him what department he was in. I then asked him if he wanted to meet for coffee. For some odd reason, he hung up on me

Haven't heard from them, since.
Had a dude call me one time around 1990 who was a real dickhead on the phone. He told me that he was sure that I intended to pay my debt when I incurred it and that it was in my best interest to call him back at my earliest convenience. He told me the store that I owed the debt to. I called the number back and left a message that said, I had never even stood in that store and most certainly did not have an account there and that if he ever called me again that I would have my father, the attorney, call him back.

At that time there were three people that shared my name in the Louisville phonebook. Each of us had a different middle initial. Wasn't me.
I left out Lee. I hope he comes back. He needs another good big so he can shine.
Agree - I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Lee, IMO does very well with another strong, consistent big in the front court. He's not as bad a player as some seem to think. Is he NBA? I don't think so and don't think he'll ever be. But he's a solid role player as long as he's not trying to carry it by himself. Add in that he's a senior, and, by all accounts, a good guy, it can only be of benefit all around if he returns.
Agree - I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Lee, IMO does very well with another strong, consistent big in the front court. He's not as bad a player as some seem to think. Is he NBA? I don't think so and don't think he'll ever be. But he's a solid role player as long as he's not trying to carry it by himself. Add in that he's a senior, and, by all accounts, a good guy, it can only be of benefit all around if he returns.
When you write it, I don't have to.
BK, you understand the basketball, but being the amphibious guy that I am, I like football too. How are we going to keep the opposition from putting 40 on us every game?
play D2 schools?

I don't know; good question. Hoping with the new staff coming in we'll see some improvement. Stoops needs to relinquish some control with this team and let his assistants do their jobs. I feel that has been part of the problem. Also - as I mentioned earlier, learn to manage the dratted game clock. They also need to settle on a starting QB early; I think it's detrimental to the team to keep them guessing - who are they going to learn to trust?

I love football too
I don't know how the basketball stuff will turn out. I just know that there is always someone that leaves that doesn't make much sense, whether by declaring for the draft or transferring. This time next week, it should all be answered though.

This kinda stuff usually works itself out.
Scam calls are getting worse - we were supposed to be on that block list. yeah, right - and now I'm getting them on my cell phone.
My favorite will always be the guy who calls from Microsoft support to tell me I have a problem with my computer. Last time they called, I got them good; let him go through his spiel, then acted excited about where he was calling from. I even had him repeat it. Told him that I worked for Microsoft as well, and asked him what department he was in. I then asked him if he wanted to meet for coffee. For some odd reason, he hung up on me

Haven't heard from them, since.
I've been called by the microsoft scam guys a few times. Once when they called, I was at home with a sick kid, so not much to do. I kept the guy on the phone for 30 minutes. Another time, I pretended to go thru all the steps, but told him that my virus protection said I was being hacked by some short-d***ed Chinese mofo.

I also get a lot of calls from US Pharmacy wanting to sell me Wyagra or See awice. They ask me if I want 5 mg, 10 mg, etc... I tell them to send me 1000 mg pills, cause...
I despise the TV crooks, Dish and Direct TV. At the present I have Direct TV and a little rain knocks hem out. Dish did the same though so it is a Catch-22. At least for me. I have called their tech desk so many times I feel I know some of the reps.

They always call back and ask what I thought, I most always give the techs good marks, because they do help. Then they get to the question if I would recommend them to a neighbor or friend? I always give then the worse possible answer, like H-ll no!.

Oh by the way, good morning D guys and gal, Sun out early this way, Dry wall work should be finished before days end. I have a friend who told me Bolden is a done deal for Duke. Best part about that is the fact that he is never right. I hope he keeps his record intact.
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How far back in your childhood can you actually remember? I think that I remember taking water to my daddy in 1946. I would have been three years old. Is that even possible?

When I was six I had my tonsils taken out. I remember my daddy and a nurse holding me down while the doctor poured the ether.
Replying again because we discussed old TV shows earlier this morning. I remember watching the show "Shenanigans" on ABC in late-1965. At the time, I was 4 years old.