
Yep. I was last there in the mid-80s. Scouting Austin out for a possible relocation. Didn't do it obviously. I kinda wish I did. There was an historic feedstore (Polk's) on that highway that my wife;s uncle owned. Google it sometime. It's gone now I believe.

Here's link for you that mentions it. Dick Polk is my wife's uncle. It mentions that Dick Polk sold Gov. Ann Richards the first Texas lottery ticket in 1992.
Cool stories and good stuff. Back when I worked out there, it was 28 miles driving one-way. My former boss, who lived in Lexington during the 1960s and worked for IBM, is still around at 94 years old. He and his wife own a huge house out off Fitzhugh.
I love wild game. Worked a job in Alabama one time and a grocery store in the little town sold rabbits and quail. I fired em up on the grill several times a week.

Like Austin, I haven't had squirrel for quite some time. Might do something about that this year. Used to hunt them with a .22, but I haven't shot for years and would just end up making a lot of noise. I do have a 28 gauge Remington pump though. That would be the next best thing.
My paternal grandfather was a Pacific veteran and hated the Japanese until he died. He also said it was that while it was rare for Japanese to surrender, it was also pretty common to kill the ones who did. I knew a gentleman who passed away about 3 years ago and talked to him about his WWII experiences and he said no one was tougher than his wife. She was a Filipino who had her family rounded up by Japanese as Americans were approaching Manila in 1945. Saw her brother, mother, and father murdered, she and her sister who were about 13 and 15 were set aside for rape but then after a few days they were herded into a group with others and were mowed down with machine gun fire. She played dead for a day or two until American troops arrived and liberated that part of the city. The Japanese were thought to have killed hundreds of thousands of Filipino civilians.
My paternal grandfather was a Pacific veteran and hated the Japanese until he died. He also said it was that while it was rare for Japanese to surrender, it was also pretty common to kill the ones who did. I knew a gentleman who passed away about 3 years ago and talked to him about his WWII experiences and he said no one was tougher than his wife. She was a Filipino who had her family rounded up by Japanese as Americans were approaching Manila in 1945. Saw her brother, mother, and father murdered, she and her sister who were about 13 and 15 were set aside for rape but then after a few days they were herded into a group with others and were mowed down with machine gun fire. She played dead for a day or two until American troops arrived and liberated that part of the city. The Japanese were thought to have killed hundreds of thousands of Filipino civilians.

The cruelty of the Japanese during WWII is unbelievable. Their racism and deep hatred of anyone they defeated or who would surrender was ingrained in that society from a very young age. It took two atomic bombs to convince the emperor to surrender (the people themselves would not have surrendered). Civilians and young children were still training with sticks to fight the day they surrendered. I wonder if they would act that way today if they got involved in a war.
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Fred, my barber fought the Japanese. Until his capable replacement, he was the only one that cut my hair for 50 years plus. I went to school with his kids and my best friend married his daughter. I know him well is my point as he knows me well too. I say that to say this, his voice would change when he talked about the Japanese. Sort of grit his teeth and would whisper in my ear. It would make the hair stand up on the back of my neck. FCC.
Watching this new bird. He's small-medium and roundish. He kinda waddles and wonders, pecking like a chicken. His feathers are a pretty chocolate brown. No distinctive markings. He looks like a chocolate lab. Little thing is a bit goofy; it might be a baby. It looks like great prey. I believe it's learning how to hunt worms.

I'm watching it like a hawk. Keep you updated.

...his belly is lighter brown with maybe some specks.
Watching this new bird. He's small-medium and roundish. He kinda waddles and wonders, pecking like a chicken. His feathers are a pretty chocolate brown. No distinctive markings. He looks like a chocolate lab. Little thing is a bit goofy; it might be a baby. It looks like great prey. I believe it's learning how to hunt worms.

I'm watching it like a hawk. Keep you updated.

...his belly is lighter brown with maybe some specks.
Is this it?
I don't know what it means. He has read the same things the talking heads have said about him as we have. He knows where he stands. I would like to have Bolden, but not at the expense of ANY player currently on the team. That wouldn't be a good look for Cal and would be potent ammo for negative recruiting in the future. I don't think Cal would do that, I hope not.
They are wild animals.

Possibly. I might've seen the baby version. That looks like a larger bird with a long tail that makes many different chirp sounds....I saw one of them way up high the other day.
That is a juvenile Brown Thrasher. The adults are bigger. Long tail feathers. About the size of a Bluejay.
evening folks
quiet night - youngest already asleep, thank goodness.
Wish it would quit raining, and warm up already
Kids have gotten me hooked on this post-apocalyptic tv show called "The 100" - based on young adult novels, but definitely not written that way for the small screen. I love Netflix, lol
evening folks
quiet night - youngest already asleep, thank goodness.
Wish it would quit raining, and warm up already
Kids have gotten me hooked on this post-apocalyptic tv show called "The 100" - based on young adult novels, but definitely not written that way for the small screen. I love Netflix, lol
I got my yard mowed today during a period of no rain.