
Movies have never mad me cry. Some have brought back memories that I didn't need in my life. I have trouble crying even at funerals. I do have a tendency to cry at my mom's grave at times. Not because I am sad though, the tears come because I'm laughing so hard at a memory of something she did. Like the doll she made for my brothers wedding and handed to them as they were ready to drive off. When my new sister-in law lifted the dolls beard and saw what was under it and threw it out of the car is a classic example.
Movies have never mad me cry. Some have brought back memories that I didn't need in my life. I have trouble crying even at funerals. I do have a tendency to cry at my mom's grave at times. Not because I am sad though, the tears come because I'm laughing so hard at a memory of something she did. Like the doll she made for my brothers wedding and handed to them as they were ready to drive off. When my new sister-in law lifted the dolls beard and saw what was under it and threw it out of the car is a classic example.
Well, WTH was under it? Hey, Ghost.
Movies have never mad me cry. Some have brought back memories that I didn't need in my life. I have trouble crying even at funerals. I do have a tendency to cry at my mom's grave at times. Not because I am sad though, the tears come because I'm laughing so hard at a memory of something she did. Like the doll she made for my brothers wedding and handed to them as they were ready to drive off. When my new sister-in law lifted the dolls beard and saw what was under it and threw it out of the car is a classic example.
Your mom reminds me of mine. I think I got my sick sense of humor from her.

Hope every one had a good weekend. I did, but was awful busy. My lady friend's grandkids are flat out telling me that they want me to make their Nana an honest woman (my interpretation. They just want us to get married). To her credit, she's not putting any pressure on me since she knew what she was getting into when we got together. I told her from day 1 that after my divorce, I was in no hurry whatsoever to get married again. Still not.
My mom's special made wedding gift doll was a man with a full beard. When you lifted the beard which covered his legs, well his man hood was hanging there. Not sure what message she was sending her new daughter 9 in law. Just thinking of that wedding gift all these years later gets me all teary eyed thinking about my sweet old mothers sense of humor.
My mom's special made wedding gift doll was a man with a full beard. When you lifted the beard which covered his legs, well his man hood was hanging there. Not sure what message she was sending her new daughter 9 in law. Just thinking of that wedding gift all these years later gets me all teary eyed thinking about my sweet old mothers sense of humor.
ok, that's just too funny [laughing]
that's like when we gave hubby's grandmother glow in the dark prophylactics when she married for the 2nd time at age 74 - told her it was because a) we didn't want her to get pregnant, and b) so she could find what she needed to
I've never heard her laugh so hard.
My mom's special made wedding gift doll was a man with a full beard. When you lifted the beard which covered his legs, well his man hood was hanging there. Not sure what message she was sending her new daughter 9 in law. Just thinking of that wedding gift all these years later gets me all teary eyed thinking about my sweet old mothers sense of humor.

You got off light, Fred. My mom was born in Cincinnati. She was a prankster too. She was visiting some old friends for a week, then Dad and I drove up from Nashville to pick her up. Dad crashed in our hotel room since he did most of the driving so I went to her friend's home. When I came in, she grabbed the back of my head and kissed me full on the mouth in front of her friend. Her exact words were "Yeah, I traded the old guy in for a new guy!" When her friend AND I regained our composure, she told Shirley "I got you good on that one!"

you got ME good too...
Your mom reminds me of mine. I think I got my sick sense of humor from her.

Hope every one had a good weekend. I did, but was awful busy. My lady friend's grandkids are flat out telling me that they want me to make their Nana an honest woman (my interpretation. They just want us to get married). To her credit, she's not putting any pressure on me since she knew what she was getting into when we got together. I told her from day 1 that after my divorce, I was in no hurry whatsoever to get married again. Still not.
and you shouldn't - you get married because someone else wants it, it starts you off wrong and affects your whole marriage - but you knew that [winking]. Glad to hear you're being smart
A man I worked with a long time ago railroading told me this story. He had a tall beautiful wife, and Jack kept her pregnant all of the time. They had a house full of girls. He was out of town doing some work thing, and one of his co-workers put a pair of panties in his suitcase without him knowing it. Toni, of course, found them when she unpacked his suitcase. She asked the questions. Jack said it was not so funny.
Getting back to Mom...she was 4'10". My Dad, both of my brothers and I are all around 6 feet tall, so she always pulled us down to her level to kiss her boys on the cheek (which I was expecting). And Shirley hadn't seen me since I was in kindergarten so she had no idea how I looked at 17! Yep, she didn't pass on her opportunity for a prank.
oh wow, me too -
and - being the female I am - Steel Magnolias, got me, as did Beaches
ok, if it's any kind of tear jerker, I'm gonna cry - and sometimes even if it isn't supposed to be one
Terms of Endearment. How about the scene with the little mommie is saying a final goodbye to her boys. That little one crying in there .......... that got me.
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Ghost my mom rubbed off on me big time. I respond to things like she used to do without thinking it through. One time in a retirement home dinning room in Huston, Texas I was going through the serving line and came to a young lady serving chicken.

My mom and the old sailor in me stepped up front and center and said "I'll have two breasts about the size of yours." She got me off the hook by saying "And here I took you for a thigh guy" as she put two thighs on my plate.
wcc31 did not make the post, he responded to it. I would consider him innocent.

I agree. I don't think any of those guys would be sniffing around here (the least cool posters on the Paddock I'm told) often enough to even know who FCC is - let alone having any kind of grudge against him. It looks like wcc31 was responding to an earlier post that got deleted while he was replying to it.
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Ghost my mom rubbed off on me big time. I respond to things like she used to do without thinking it through. One time in a retirement home dinning room in Huston, Texas I was going through the serving line and came to a young lady serving chicken.

My mom and the old sailor in me stepped up front and center and said "I'll have two breasts about the size of yours." She got me off the hook by saying "And here I took you for a thigh guy" as she put two thighs on my plate.

We must be kin in some way. Mom used to tease me about what she did for years afterwards. She always ended it with "Could have been worse. At least I didn't slip you some tongue!" Then howled with laughter at the expression on my face! My kid brother put it best..."Sometimes Mom is weird".
My mom left with so many memories and most of them make me laugh. She had a certain way about her that allowed her to get her point across very well. One day while I was deployed and my girls were staying with her the school sent my oldest girl home early because her shorts were too short.

My mom took her back to school with her and the first thing they saw were cheer leaders doing hand stands with their bloomers showing at the entrance to the school. Then the teacher that sent her home was wearing a mini skirt and when she sat at her desk you know where all the male students eyes were. My mom delivered a sermon that they still talk about thirty years later.
My mom left with so many memories and most of them make me laugh. She had a certain way about her that allowed her to get her point across very well. One day while I was deployed and my girls were staying with her the school sent my oldest girl home early because her shorts were too short.

My mom took her back to school with her and the first thing they saw were cheer leaders doing hand stands with their bloomers showing at the entrance to the school. Then the teacher that sent her home was wearing a mini skirt and when she sat at her desk you know where all the male students eyes were. My mom delivered a sermon that they still talk about thirty years later.
Did she write Harper Valley PTA?
A man I worked with a long time ago railroading told me this story. He had a tall beautiful wife, and Jack kept her pregnant all of the time. They had a house full of girls. He was out of town doing some work thing, and one of his co-workers put a pair of panties in his suitcase without him knowing it. Toni, of course, found them when she unpacked his suitcase. She asked the questions. Jack said it was not so funny.
Have a friend who was a big Shriner. Some guys he knew did that to another guy and the guy's wife divorced him. Turns out they were having issues anyway.
Memory lane this afternoon has been pretty nice. I will share this one and it sort of sums my mom up. It was just before I entered the navy so I was still 16 or had just turned 17. I was walking up an alley to my house when I saw a police cruiser's lights flashing on the street above me.

I walked up to see what was happening and the policeman was telling my mom and two other ladies "The business men in town (meaning the bar owners) have told me that they would rather see three rattle snakes crawl into their place of business than you three ladies." She was proud of that because she repeated it all her life.