
The girl kisses the frog and turns it into a prince. The prince kisses the frog and it turns into a train. That is where my frog, girl and prince story begins and ends. If you drank the same stuff I did today, you would understand that a lot better. Wait, I'm missin a train, can anyone show me one?

I of course I am not always this serious of a poster, I tend to poast silly stuff most of the time but thought I woud do something different today. If the soles of your feet are sunburned it is probally a good thing you were wearing bathing trunks, right?

I knew a lady who fell asleep in the sun; she very carefully had put sun screen on so wasn't too worried about burning during a short snooze. So she stretched out, on her back, arms under head, and drifted off.
One problem: she had forgotten to put sun screen on her armpits
I could eat a gallon bucket of strawberries and short cake with whipped cream.
don't know if any of you folks like vodka - but here's a tasty desert:
slice and sugar strawberries as you would for shortcake.
add enough vodka to cover and put into fridge overnight
next day, drain the vodka off - make the strawberry shortcake as usual
but keep the strawberry infused vodka for some tasty shots
You might have some country in you if you know about picking wild blackberries.
I grew up in Hardin County. My maternal grandparents lived near Millerstown in Grayson County and never drove or owned a car. All of my Mom's family could play instruments. One uncle played a lot at Renfro Valley ( dobro) and appeared several times on Hayloft Hoedown on WHAS 11 in Louisville. Another was a real fiddle player but did not like playing in front of strangers and had a drinking problem. I played drums and was a music major my first two years in college. Have recently tried banjo but that is impossible to pursue at the present. Perhaps next year. My paternal grandparents owned a farm near Nolin.
I'm not one who normally finds something to complain about but this sunset I had to watch in Dec of 2013 in the Panhandle still has me upset.
don't know if any of you folks like vodka - but here's a tasty desert:
slice and sugar strawberries as you would for shortcake.
add enough vodka to cover and put into fridge overnight
next day, drain the vodka off - make the strawberry shortcake as usual
but keep the strawberry infused vodka for some tasty shots
That sounds pretty danged good. I'll have to try that when I move to the other side.
I grew up in Hardin County. My maternal grandparents lived near Millerstown in Grayson County and never drove or owned a car. All of my Mom's family could play instruments. One uncle played a lot at Renfro Valley ( dobro) and appeared several times on Hayloft Hoedown on WHAS 11 in Louisville. Another was a real fiddle player but did not like playing in front of strangers and had a drinking problem. I played drums and was a music major my first two years in college. Have recently tried banjo but that is impossible to pursue at the present. Perhaps next year. My paternal grandparents owned a farm near Nolin.
My suspicions were correct, and there is nothing wrong with being country, brother.
Since there was no post from him previous that it could be a reply to - and since his name is misspelled,- and since I don't think he would have posted that - I wanted to call it to his attention.

Starchief5, I went over there and didn't see anything that even had FCC in it. Can you look and see if it's been changed? FCC.
Cookies to all posters that are having terrible weather.
Thanks. Thunderstorms cancelled my hike to the grocery story yesterday. I'll attempt the hike again in about 2 hours.

Today, I have a Brewery District Bike Tour scheduled. Hope the weather holds. If not, I'll ride it anyway.

Must hit three breweries (Adelbert's, 4th Tap, Circle) and drink a beer at each. Participants who successfully complete the short, 1.3-mile jaunt earn a free aluminum water bottle.
