
You might have some country in you if you know about picking wild blackberries.

My dad and I used to pick wild blackberries by the gallon for mom to make jelly and jam. Her jelly was just blackberry juice and sugar, the rest became the jam. Both were to die for but mom could tell by the drop of juice on the end of a spoon if it would jell or not.

What a woman my mom was. Plus she made buttermilk biscuits every morning to enjoy the jelly or jam with. Our butter was home made from our Jersey cows we milked ever morning and night and our eggs were laid by our chickens. My afternoon chore was to 'gather the eggs' for our leghorn chickens who wanted to nest all the time and would fight for every egg. You had to wear gloves. Our ham, sausage and bacon were home made and hung in the smoke house.

Every May we would gather 'dry land fish' (morell mushrooms). They are wonderful.
Morning, folks
@UKGrad93 - thanks for checking that. Kind of unusual for wcc too, though.
@AustinTXCat - you're happy for something every day, and we like that about you
Got my coffee - son and g/f went to cracker barrel last night for a date but ended bringing ME something home: a large coffee mug with a hummingbird on it. LOVE
it's a very chilly 41° out there today - UGH; going to have to put my coat on when I step outside for a few

Random fun fact:
Did you know that you'll eat approximately 35,000 cookies in your lifetime?
My dad and I used to pick wild blackberries by the gallon for mom to make jelly and jam. Her jelly was just blackberry juice and sugar, the rest became the jam. Both were to die for but mom could tell by the drop of juice on the end of a spoon if it would jell or not.

What a woman my mom was. Plus she made buttermilk biscuits every morning to enjoy the jelly or jam with. Our butter was home made from our Jersey cows we milked ever morning and night and our eggs were laid by our chickens. My afternoon chore was to 'gather the eggs' for our leghorn chickens who wanted to nest all the time and would fight for every egg. You had to wear gloves. Our ham, sausage and bacon were home made and hung in the smoke house.

Every May we would gather 'dry land fish' (morell mushrooms). They are wonderful.
my mom used to make blackberry cobbler - if we managed to bring enough home when picking them. We kids had a bad habit of eating most of them, LOL

Mom was a pretty amazing cook too - no one could beat her fried chicken, or chicken n dumplings
My dad and I used to pick wild blackberries by the gallon for mom to make jelly and jam. Her jelly was just blackberry juice and sugar, the rest became the jam. Both were to die for but mom could tell by the drop of juice on the end of a spoon if it would jell or not.

What a woman my mom was. Plus she made buttermilk biscuits every morning to enjoy the jelly or jam with. Our butter was home made from our Jersey cows we milked ever morning and night and our eggs were laid by our chickens. My afternoon chore was to 'gather the eggs' for our leghorn chickens who wanted to nest all the time and would fight for every egg. You had to wear gloves. Our ham, sausage and bacon were home made and hung in the smoke house.

Every May we would gather 'dry land fish' (morell mushrooms). They are wonderful.
I had a country mother too. Doesn't get any better than that.
Lawn mowed, ready for weed eating, bush trimming and fresh mulch. A little chilly on the muddy Ohio river bank but no rain. I'll take it. Maybe a bucket of fried chicken is in the works also. Rough spell I'm going through but I have the will power to see it through. A buttered biscuit or three with honey to balance the chicken would help.
Brewery ride got postponed until next weekend. Damn.

"EVENT POSTPONED: In light of current weather forecasts, the breweries have discussed the situation and we have decided to postpone today's event. We know that it's disappointing, but want to make sure that everyone is able to ride safely between the breweries and not worry about lightning and slick streets. All three taprooms are still open today if you still need a beer fix!"

Meh, no biggie. Plenty work available around here.
afternoon folks

getting antsy - 5 more months till BBM. I think college basketball should be year round; but that's just me. Still waiting on whether Briscoe and/or Lee are coming back, and if we get Bolden. My opinion is Briscoe is will be back, Lee is gone and Bolden is probably UK bound. Obviously, anything can happen. I'd be ok if both Briscoe AND Lee returned, even if it meant not getting Bolden. All I know for sure, though is that I'm ready for UK basketball right now.
BK, I will point out something that you already know. UK Basketball is year round for us regardless if they are playing actual games or not. Not watching westerns is one thing, not liking horror movies I agree with. But UK basketball is ever breathing moment! At least that was the way my mom was. And maybe the way I am?

Anyway, I agree that they play year round. One those great minds think alike moments?
Brewery ride got postponed until next weekend. Damn.

"EVENT POSTPONED: In light of current weather forecasts, the breweries have discussed the situation and we have decided to postpone today's event. We know that it's disappointing, but want to make sure that everyone is able to ride safely between the breweries and not worry about lightning and slick streets. All three taprooms are still open today if you still need a beer fix!"

Meh, no biggie. Plenty work available around here.
Sorry you didn't get to do it, Austin. Next weekend.[cheers]
All they have to do is start the season in September, play out of conference games until December. Have a tournament around Christmas. Give them a week or so off for New Years then hit the conference schedule. Conference tournaments and NCAA at regular times. Everyone goes to summer school and we have a blue/white game every Friday night. Is that really too much to ask?
  • Good afternoon, DLeague.
  • 65° in Johns Creek. VFR. Not a cloud. Perfect for flying.
  • Blood Sugar = 80. Weight = 222.
  • More Dark Magic going.
  • Took the G-kids to OHOP. #1, #4 & #5. Didn't try to eat all of mine. I will finish it in the morning.
  • Sugar went with us and scored some great leftovers.
  • Have a productive Sunday, or get some rest if that is what you need.
  • Over.
He was speaking of wcc31 who is a gyero guy. The idiot that changed the name to FCC is not a gyero guy. Just a random idiot. Well, not exactly random.
Just making sure that the Gyero guys knew that we were not insulting them. The troll account maker was not a very smart man. Bless his heart. He is so dumb.
BK, I will point out something that you already know. UK Basketball is year round for us regardless if they are playing actual games or not. Not watching westerns is one thing, not liking horror movies I agree with. But UK basketball is ever breathing moment! At least that was the way my mom was. And maybe the way I am?

Anyway, I agree that they play year round. One those great minds think alike moments?
very good point. Basketball IS year round for us.
My dad and I used to pick wild blackberries by the gallon for mom to make jelly and jam. Her jelly was just blackberry juice and sugar, the rest became the jam. Both were to die for but mom could tell by the drop of juice on the end of a spoon if it would jell or not.

What a woman my mom was. Plus she made buttermilk biscuits every morning to enjoy the jelly or jam with. Our butter was home made from our Jersey cows we milked ever morning and night and our eggs were laid by our chickens. My afternoon chore was to 'gather the eggs' for our leghorn chickens who wanted to nest all the time and would fight for every egg. You had to wear gloves. Our ham, sausage and bacon were home made and hung in the smoke house.

Every May we would gather 'dry land fish' (morell mushrooms). They are wonderful.
Granddaddy sold milk. Jersey was his breed also. He would get up at 0400 for the morning session. That man was a hard worker. The Jersey bull was a mean SOB. He hooked my granddaddy a couple of times. Good milk from those Jerseys they said. Keep the bitterweeds cut. Ruins the milk.
Granddaddy sold milk. Jersey was his breed also. He would get up at 0400 for the morning session. That man was a hard worker. The Jersey bull was a mean SOB. He hooked my granddaddy a couple of times. Good milk from those Jerseys they said. Keep the bitterweeds cut. Ruins the milk.
My grandfather was a dairy farmer as well. Also grew tobacco and corn. He stopped farming in the early 70's. That same 200 acres would make someone a pretty good living long about now.