
I like a little honey in oatmeal.

It's grey and gloomy. I like like this because most people stay inside so it's quieter outside. Birds eating. I have never noticed birds as much as I have this year....spent last few++ years in Lexington around few trees, now I'm back in richmond living among trees. The Robins are common bitches. They patrol the grounds and squabble with each other a lot. Blue Jays are bosses. They are a bit bigger and more assertive than other common birdies I see. They will boss your ass. Usually a pair of em. Cardinals are just dumb sob's. They are pretty, tho. I just don't see them doing much. Oil slick black birds are bossy, too. They are more common than blue jays, and seem to be alpha like. Then there are some little birds that I call doves but idk if that's what they are. Pretty lil neutral colored things. Almost like a porcelain bird doll or something. Mama raised a couple fine lil partridge babies in my rhododendron. They aren't easily spooked, and they mostly bob around on the ground. The nest was exactly eye level and I would look them in the face every morning when I rounded the corner to get to my car. I left some sunflower seeds for them but they never ate them. They were roasted but not salted.

That's all I got for now.

I love birds. I feed them year around.
Robins don't eat grain, so they ignore my food. The "Oil slick black birds" are Grackles. They are pretty birds (so black that they look purple in sunlight) aggressive and I shoot them when I can. They waste more food than they eat.

I love Cardinals.

Blue Jays are very aggressive, large and only eat grain on occasion. I still like them.

Doves are wonderful. They only eat off the ground and wait for the other birds to knock the grain down and then they clean it up. I love to him them talk.

Are the Pretty lil neutral colored things ground sparrows?
Just read through a few pages to catch up. Made me smile to see civil posts. It is appreciated.

Gloomy day today, cold and rainy. Did meet and talk with Al Oliver a bit today at a local little league event. I asked him several questions that I had been wondering about. One was if he had met Branh Rickey and if he was the real deal. His answer was that yes he had met him. He added that he felt that what he did came from being a spiritual man.

He had made a comment years ago maybe 1974 in a interview about Portsmouth, Ohio being a great town for kids to grow uo him. I wasn't certain that it was him that said that so I asked him if it was indeed him? He said yes it was back then. Curious answer maybe? I didn't ask him if he though it still was.

I am three years and 6 months older than him but I told him that I thought that by going by they way we looked, people would think it was the other way around. He looked at the people around us and said "This guy cracks me up." I took that as a yes. Hope I didn't offend anyone with this long rambling post.

Not offended at all Fred. Great post. FCC.
Mash, great take on the birds. I agree with your take on specific birds. Blue Jays are indeed very bossy.

All with kids, nurture them all you can. When ours were in diapers, the wife stopped working just so we could invest ,more time with them. We ate a lot of peanut butter but it was well worth the time. If you can do that, you will never be sorry. :Triangle, and others with little ones, the world will eat them alive if you don't nurture them a lot. It's a different world than when I grew up in the late 50s and 60s. If you are a believer, get them in church. If not, please consider it, but at all cost nurture that child. Provide a safe and loving environment. FCC.

My wife quit work when she was about six months pregnant with our first. She was only employed intermittently until the second was about 16. We could do that back them by living frugally, which we surely did. Unless there is a husband (or a wife) with a real good income, it's pretty hard to pull that off today. But being a good parent is one of our most important jobs in this world
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My wife quit work when she was about six months pregnant with our first. She was only employed intermittently until the second was about 16. We could do that that back them by living frugally, which we surely did. Unless there is have a husband (or a wife) with a real good income, it's pretty hard to pull that off today. But being a good parent is one of our most important jobs in this world

Amen starchief5. Good parent. And it's doable. FCC.
I love birds. I feed them year around.
Robins don't eat grain, so they ignore my food. The "Oil slick black birds" are Grackles. They are pretty birds (so black that they look purple in sunlight) aggressive and I shoot them when I can. They waste more food than they eat.

I love Cardinals.

Blue Jays are very aggressive, large and only eat grain on occasion. I still like them.

Doves are wonderful. They only eat off the ground and wait for the other birds to knock the grain down and then they clean it up. I love to him them talk.

Are the Pretty lil neutral colored things ground sparrows?

We have BIG woodpeckers in AZ. Probably nearly as big as a parrot. They can do a lot of damage if they take a liking to your house. They won't take a hint and are not easy to run off.

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I love birds. I feed them year around.
Robins don't eat grain, so they ignore my food. The "Oil slick black birds" are Grackles. They are pretty birds (so black that they look purple in sunlight) aggressive and I shoot them when I can. They waste more food than they eat.

I love Cardinals.

Blue Jays are very aggressive, large and only eat grain on occasion. I still like them.

Doves are wonderful. They only eat off the ground and wait for the other birds to knock the grain down and then they clean it up. I love to him them talk.

Are the Pretty lil neutral colored things ground sparrows?

No, I think the pretty lil taupe birds are doves. The just waddle around on the floor scavenging.

I don't notice many sparrows in my yard. I will see notice them at Meijer hunting parking lot trash.

Grackles are fun to watch.
Wife and I went to the Jim Beam Stillhouse at 4th St. in Louisville today. Neat place. Did a free tasting for 5 dollars each. Put a label on a bottle, filled it, sealed it, had it etched with our names and the date.

Two ul fans are there at the bar for the tasting, wearing their ugly red shirts. Dude with the microphone who was giving the presentation mentioned something about the cards. Another guy asked him if was going to say anything about me. He said "we don't notice blue", I said, "don't they have a classy guy here that can do your job"? Most people laughed, him and the guys with the ugly shirts did not. We got to taste 4 bourbons.

On the way back to the car we decided to stop in the old bar at the Seelbach Hotel. Had a Goodwood Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Stout, and a Goodwood Ale. Talked with some lady from Michigan who had been there a while.

While we're at the Seelbach a friend of ours who works at the Evan Williams bourbon experience invited us to come there for a tour. We hoofed it up to fifth and main st. and took that in as well. Very nice place. I highly recommend a trip there. They have an awesome tour, best I've seen yet. Very interesting stuff about the history of bourbon in Louisville. We only got to taste 3 bourbons here, but the tour was free for us. Really free. Not 5 dollar free.
The girl kisses the frog and turns it into a prince. The prince kisses the frog and it turns into a train. That is where my frog, girl and prince story begins and ends. If you drank the same stuff I did today, you would understand that a lot better. Wait, I'm missing a train, can anyone show me one?

I of course am not always this serious of a poster, I tend to post silly stuff most of the time but thought I woud do something different today. If the soles of your feet are sunburned it is probablly a good thing you were wearing bathing trunks, right?
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