
Doing well, FCC. Growing like a weed. Nearing 6 month mark. Really a lot of fun. She's been sick a lot (daycare will do that) but nothing out of the ordinary...we've managed to avoid getting too much of it ourselves thus far. She's at daycare three days a week and my wife keeps her the other two days. Seems to be a good balance between socialization and family time. Appreciate you asking about her!

Sure thing. Kids are the greatest. I might recommend having them while young. Mine are 9, 12, 14, 17, and 45. Last one there from a failed marriage in the 70s. I'm 63. Our house is like a zoo sometimes. But somewhat a controlled zoo. Wife works 12 hr swing shift so it's me most of the time. They wear me out sometimes. So, Triangle if possible have a house full. FCC.
Great scene. I bet I've spouted that phrase a thousand times over the years. Another one from that scene: "The white man has been sneaking up on us Indians for years."

BKO owes it to herself to watch Unforgiven. I've watched it about half a dozen times. Maybe my favorite Western - up there with Josie Wells and Lonesome Dove I.
Unforgiven has Gene Hackman too, right? He's one of my favorite actors.

I actually liked the movie "The Quick and the Dead" - it really wasn't that good, but liked it anyway
Good stuff, FCC. We are both 32 so hope to have at least one more in the house sooner rather than later. First one has been relatively easy I think compared to other people's experiences. Second one will probably be the opposite or that seems like the common trend.
I had forgotten you had a sweet little one :oops: Hope she's doing well - parenting is the hardest job, but the most rewarding.

Hubby and I had three - they were spread farther apart than we had planned (26, 19 and 11), although we did have the advantage of being able to give each of them one on one time more when they were younger (plus, never had more than one in diapers at a time, lol)
good morning folks
Fell asleep last night reading posts., with laptop open on my lap. Was a long day and it got the best of me

Chilly morning - only 51° went out side to sit on the porch for a few and got a little cold. But it's nothing a nice cup of coffee can't fix
Not a big fan of westerns, really; although there are a couple I really don't mind. Haven't seen Unforgiven. Do love classic movies though - the old black and whites, Golden Age of Hollywood, musicals and comedies
Have a massively busy day today.....again.....have to do some cleaning and rearranging upstairs, unload the van and get all that stuff organized and put away. Plus dishes that haven't been done, laundry that's way behind. All that fun stuff. is my friend

Hope this morning finds you all well

Okay, I did not "Like" this post.

It is unamerican to not like western.

I protest your lack of taste! :boxing:
I had forgotten you had a sweet little one :oops: Hope she's doing well - parenting is the hardest job, but the most rewarding.

Hubby and I had three - they were spread farther apart than we had planned (26, 19 and 11), although we did have the advantage of being able to give each of them one on one time more when they were younger (plus, never had more than one in diapers at a time, lol)
Not having multiple babies is a nice plus.

My planning wasn't the best. At one point we had a 3 year old, 14 month and newborn. That was tough.
My 90 year old farmer uncle still has his last Border Collie. When he sold his cattle the BC had nothing to herd. She herded the cats.

oh yeah, they herd anything, LOL. Ours loved to herd the kids
Indeed. Our English Shepherd, Summer, herds my wife and I around when we walk in our back yard together.
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I like a little honey in oatmeal.

It's grey and gloomy. I like like this because most people stay inside so it's quieter outside. Birds eating. I have never noticed birds as much as I have this year....spent last few++ years in Lexington around few trees, now I'm back in richmond living among trees. The Robins are common bitches. They patrol the grounds and squabble with each other a lot. Blue Jays are bosses. They are a bit bigger and more assertive than other common birdies I see. They will boss your ass. Usually a pair of em. Cardinals are just dumb sob's. They are pretty, tho. I just don't see them doing much. Oil slick black birds are bossy, too. They are more common than blue jays, and seem to be alpha like. Then there are some little birds that I call doves but idk if that's what they are. Pretty lil neutral colored things. Almost like a porcelain bird doll or something. Mama raised a couple fine lil partridge babies in my rhododendron. They aren't easily spooked, and they mostly bob around on the ground. The nest was exactly eye level and I would look them in the face every morning when I rounded the corner to get to my car. I left some sunflower seeds for them but they never ate them. They were roasted but not salted.

That's all I got for now.
I like a little honey in oatmeal.

It's grey and gloomy. I like like this because most people stay inside so it's quieter outside. Birds eating. I have never noticed birds as much as I have this year....spent last few++ years in Lexington around few trees, now I'm back in richmond living among trees. The Robins are common bitches. They patrol the grounds and squabble with each other a lot. Blue Jays are bosses. They are a bit bigger and more assertive than other common birdies I see. They will boss your ass. Usually a pair of em. Cardinals are just dumb sob's. They are pretty, tho. I just don't see them doing much. Oil slick black birds are bossy, too. They are more common than blue jays, and seem to be alpha like. Then there are some little birds that I call doves but idk if that's what they are. Pretty lil neutral colored things. Almost like a porcelain bird doll or something. Mama raised a couple fine lil partridge babies in my rhododendron. They aren't easily spooked, and they mostly bob around on the ground. The nest was exactly eye level and I would look them in the face every morning when I rounded the corner to get to my car. I left some sunflower seeds for them but they never ate them. They were roasted but not salted.

That's all I got for now.
good stuff Mash - I usually get a little down when it's grey and gloomy like that. Not today so much.
Know what you mean about the birds - we have a family of robins that make me just want to shoot 'em. Loud suckers. Cardinals are about stupid. I do see more Jays out here than Cardinals - good omen? I know the ones you're talking about - (that you call doves) - wrens maybe?
My favorites are hummingbirds, of course..we tend to have quite a few of them.
Not having multiple babies is a nice plus.

My planning wasn't the best. At one point we had a 3 year old, 14 month and newborn. That was tough.
wow - so you're saying you didn't sleep for several years? LOL
I do kind of wish ours were closer together, but at the same time it's nice that we're not "losing" them (moving out, going to college, etc) so close together.

Didn't you say you live/lived in OC?
Mashburned's bird story reminded me of a few weeks ago when we did the main spring shrub trimming.

One bush had 3 chicks in a nest and so we very carefully trimmed around that one shrub- every bush was well manicured and symmetrical with the exception of that one hanging all around like a drunk uncle at a family reunion.

Once the chicks were gone, we trimmed it down, but left the nest.
  • Clint Eastwood is a national treasure as far as I'm concerned.
  • Would never want to have two kids in diapers again.
  • We rescue and foster dogs, mainly pit bulls (deal with it lol)
  • It's a perfect day in Georgia and I'm taking it easy.
  • Drinking coffee on the deck.
Eastwood definitely a national treasure - anyone who disagrees can just talk to an empty chair
Love that you rescue dogs - and pits need love too
Coffee is everyone's friend
Sure thing. Kids are the greatest. I might recommend having them while young. Mine are 9, 12, 14, 17, and 45. Last one there from a failed marriage in the 70s. I'm 63. Our house is like a zoo sometimes. But somewhat a controlled zoo. Wife works 12 hr swing shift so it's me most of the time. They wear me out sometimes. So, Triangle if possible have a house full. FCC.

I got snipped at 28. Never regretted it. Would have stopped at one but the wife's IUD failed (never told the kid of course). Wife and I were home-free at about 40. Get to spoil and play with the grandkids (and great grandkids) and send them home. Perfect.
Mash, great take on the birds. I agree with your take on specific birds. Blue Jays are indeed very bossy.

All with kids, nurture them all you can. When ours were in diapers, the wife stopped working just so we could invest ,more time with them. We ate a lot of peanut butter but it was well worth the time. If you can do that, you will never be sorry. :Triangle, and others with little ones, the world will eat them alive if you don't nurture them a lot. It's a different world than when I grew up in the late 50s and 60s. If you are a believer, get them in church. If not, please consider it, but at all cost nurture that child. Provide a safe and loving environment. FCC.
Just read through a few pages to catch up. Made me smile to see civil posts. It is appreciated.

Gloomy day today, cold and rainy. Did meet and talk with Al Oliver a bit today at a local little league event. I asked him several questions that I had been wondering about. One was if he had met Branch Rickey and if he was the real deal. His answer was that yes he had met him. He added that he felt that what he did came from being a spiritual man.

He had made a comment years ago maybe 1974 in a interview about Portsmouth, Ohio being a great town for kids to grow uo him. I wasn't certain that it was him that said that so I asked him if it was indeed him? He said yes it was back then. Curious answer maybe? I didn't ask him if he thought it still was.

I am three years and 6 months older than him but I told him that I thought that by going by they way we looked, people would think it was the other way around. He looked at the people around us and said "This guy cracks me up." I took that as a yes. Hope I didn't offend anyone with this long rambling post.
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