
That is amazing
My grandparents on both sides lived to their 80's with the exception of my paternal grandmother. My grandparents sisters and brothers all lived to their 80's and lived to almost 100. Funny thing is, only one of my 9 aunts and uncles lived to 80 and mseveral died in their late fifties. I don't think I'll make it past 78
You live much longer if you give up that wild lifestyle. Running all over the world, drinking that Yak milk and stuff. I'm happy to see you in this thread.
Was at a urinal at a business and they had put a line close to the urinal that said "Bulls with short horns stand here"
Richard Harris is one of my favorite actors but he did slight me once. I had tickets behind the orchestra pit on the left hand side of the stage for Camelot at the Taft Theater in Cincinnati. Richard was on my side of the stage when Merlin was flubbing his lines. I said loud enough for everyone to hear "Where the hell are you Merlin?" Richard was still laughing when he had made it to center stage and back.

I got the paper the next morning and turned to the article about the performance, fully expecting my ab lib to be included in the credits. Can you believe I wasn't mentioned?
Richard Harris is one of my favorite actors but he did slight me once. I had tickets behind the orchestra pit on the left hand side of the stage for Camelot at the Taft Theater in Cincinnati. Richard was on my side of the stage when Merlin was flubbing his lines. I said loud enough for everyone to hear "Where the hell are you Merlin?" Richard was still laughing when he had made it to center stage and back.

I got the paper the next morning and turned to the article about the performance, fully expecting my ab lib to be included in the credits. Can you believe I wasn't mentioned?

The nerve of those people! FCC.
Hey caftan, what's wrong with pink? Shhh. Don't tell anyone, but caftan ain't all there. He ain't playing with a full deck. He's about 2 cards short of that full deck. His elevator don't go all the way up. Not the sharpest pencil in the box. A few degrees from plum. He doesn't have both oars in the water. Y'all get the picture. But don't tell him. Just smile and raise your coffee mug, that makes him happy. FCC.
Back to westerns one of the ones at the top of my list is Unforgiven. The cast alone sells the movie but the story and message it sends ices the cake for me. I'm not sure Eastwood was aiming at all the targets he hit with the story line but I think it was one of the very best.

He's had a bunch of good ones. Late game tonight, so prolly bedtime for me. FCC
Back to westerns one of the ones at the top of my list is Unforgiven. The cast alone sells the movie but the story and message it sends ices the cake for me. I'm not sure Eastwood was aiming at all the targets he hit with the story line but I think it was one of the very best.
He has had a brilliant career. He has gotten better and better. Do you remember him in Rawhide on TV. Rowdy Yates.
I also liked Gran Torino. Didn't like the ending though.
Eastwood has did his best work as a director indeed. Flags of our Father is the only movie I have seen that actually showed some reality type things when troops are climbing down the ropes to the assault boats. He actually showed some falling in the water. I guess dropping their weapons and barfing on the boat crew would have been too realistic.

The Gran Torino ending may have been trying to say too much. I thought it was a statement about doing what ever it takes to get the job done.
Eastwood has did his best work as a director indeed. Flags of our Father is the only movie I have seen that actually showed some reality type things when troops are climbing down the ropes to the assault boats. He actually showed some falling in the water. I guess dropping their weapons and barfing on the boat crew would have been too realistic.

The Gran Torino ending may have been trying to say too much. I thought it was a statement about doing what ever it takes to get the job done.
I don't like sad endings at all. Last Of The Mohicans is another one that had a sad ending.
Another long long day at work. I sure am tired and glad to be at home on our gazebo with my little hound dog. She is about a foot from me in a chair fast asleep. Been my dog for almost 13 years. She showed up at a half way house during a storm one night, and those guys brought her to me. About 4/5 months old she was. A love bug. I walked her for about a month around Mechanicsville trying to locate her owner to no avail. I was in love by then. Took her to the HS vet for spading and shots. Now she goes to the $400 per year vet on the Northside. Good little friend. Sugar. Goes to work with me. Sleeps in a bed on a UK pillow in a UK chair. She is a Kentucky Wildcat fan too.
It could be a muscle that was worked too hard. Your electrolytes could be a little low - eat a banana or drink some Gatorade. However, it could be signs of peripheral artery disease. That is how it first started showing up in my dad. A few years later, he had both his legs amputated.

If it doesn't go away, get it checked out.

Not likely. Probably dropped this plate on it down at the office:


Ate this salad for my meal at 18:00
  • Romaine hearts
  • grilled chicken tenders
  • Avacado slices
  • sliced Strawberries
  • Red onion rings
  • apple chunks
  • sesame seeds
  • raisins
  • tomato chucks
  • sliced almonds
  • sliced banana peppers
  • sliced grapes
  • pecan halves
  • Lite Italian dressing
Retired two different times and then decided to take on some security jobs just to have something to do. Ended up having to change phone numbers to actually stay home or go on vacation. I have been wintering in the Panhandle of Florida the last three years and made the mistake of having a beer with a group that has contract security work there.

I did hold out until it was my turn to buy the next round before telling them that I had no interest at all in doing any kind of work. Yes, I stayed and bought the round. Long winded way of saying not working takes some getting used to but some of us do. I 'know some that can't though. Some can't afford to, others that won't stop working until they die because stopping would kill them. "Oh wait."

I've retired once already and that came 15 years ago. Working on a second retirement from the State of Texas. Nine more years and ten months until I can draw a pension from this job. Little wrinkle: downsizing. Our agency is being absorbed by our parent. Currently, our managers and directors must reapply for their current positions. I have not heard if such is the case for us.

I've retired once already and that came 15 years ago. Working on a second retirement from the State of Texas. Nine more years and ten months until I can draw a pension from this job. Little wrinkle: downsizing. Our agency is being absorbed by our parent. Currently, our managers and directors must reapply for their current positions. I have not heard if such is the case for us.
Scary. Hope you don't have any trouble. Be the guy that they can't do without.