
The big mystery now is whether or not you would be wanted there. I surmise they might be pissed if the D-Leagers they wanted away from followed them over there. I could be mistaken about what I am seeing.
We shall see. To my knowledge I've not made anyone mad, nor have I tried to. If so.......I've lived very well up to now and will continue to do the same no matter.
The flat tire: QB looked out and has a flat tire. She did not have her copy of our insurance card. The policy number is the same. Me: call Roadside Assistance and they will send someone to change it. I just called her to see if it had been attended to. QB: no, they will be here tomorrow. Me: We have a portable airtank. I can inflate the tire when I get home. (detecting anger in her tone.) Are you upset with me because you had a flat tire? WTH?