
I love that Jed's response is to film it. Not get to safety, but film.

"Hey, there is this big giant ball of death heading my way. Might as well take a selfie with it."

Actually not heading his way which is pretty evident even from a still shot. Video clearly shows he's a safe distance away and the tornado is moving across the screen. Had it looked like it wasn't moving across, then he would have been in trouble.
I didn't see a tornado yesterday afternoon, but I did experience the types of wind you are talking about. Have they rated it yet? I'm guessing EF-2
I told the NWS no damage was visible. Can't see the ground to confirm a touchdown, so not sure if they will even say it was more than a funnel cloud. Even if it did touch the ground, minimal rating imo.
I told the NWS no damage was visible. Can't see the ground to confirm a touchdown, so not sure if they will even say it was more than a funnel cloud. Even if it did touch the ground, minimal rating imo.

So the one you saw isn't the one that injured 10 people or so? I figured it was since it was the only one as of right now listed as official.

National Weather Service.

I get it.
I boarded her Dec 15th off the coast of France. When we started back across to the states the Atlantic was smooth as glass. I had my department tie everything down anyway. The word was that the new Chief aboard was nuts. This wave sort of said that I wasn't.Throughout 1974 and half of 1975, Shreveport was the flagship of the Caribbean Amphibious Ready Group and participated in various fleet exercises with the Marine Corps, occasionally also with South American Forces. In July 1975, she deployed back to the Mediterranean where she participated in a major NATO exercise involving British, Turkish and U.S. Navies. During the return trip to Norfolk in February 1976, the ship’s flag bridge was destroyed by a forty foot wave off Cape Hatteras. Thereafter "Shreveport" returned to fleet exercises in the Caribbean until September 1979 when she began another Mediterranean deployment where she completed four major amphibious operations with various European allies.
I tried it yesterday but my thread already died. I spawned a good one, but couldn't nurture it, so it perished.

Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.

No joke man, that stuff is hard to do. I thought my -LEK- Appreciation thread would be a huge hit and buy me some good will with the inventor of threads, but NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
It's a swipe at me, it's just creepy when some mention children. I mean they supported the comment about "hitting" another poster's underage child. Plus the other posts about kids. Pretty :eek:
I don't remember anyone supporting that crap. But if you act like one, isn't that the same thing as "If it walks and quacks like a duck it is probably a duck." What is creepy is the continuation of acting like an Effing Little Kid.
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