
I was reading about the show, and some stated that he simply stole scenes.
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Brother in Paducah called last night and said tornado's hit down that way..FCC also lives in that area. Hope all is well to those that were in the bad stuff.
JCPS meeting was going on late into the night and pay freezes and so on. From what I have heard Hargans will still get her raise. Lots of pissed people in the school system now. Funky, is your raise being froze as well, and your thoughts of Hargans?
Asking for prayers for my DIL, she is a great person who is having some issues right now. Dr's think she may have MS, not set in stone yet, more testing to do..

Hope ALL of you guys have a safe day..

Yes, I live about 8 miles west of Ky Oaks Mall. We had some rain, but nothing else. FCC.