
Never really seen it, but I've seen the intro...

One old show that I did occasionally see and wonder about a lot was this crazy ass old robot/alien show with a main character who looked like the Marlboro Man and had a big boxy hilarious looking robot space man thing. Idk. It cracked me up.

What was that show called?
Never really seen it, but I've seen the intro...

One old show that I did occasionally see and wonder about a lot was this crazy ass old robot/alien show with a main character who looked like the Marlboro Man and had a big boxy hilarious looking robot space man thing. Idk. It cracked me up.

What was that show called?
Lost in Space?
Recipe from my father in law, peel the back skin off, coat them in BBQ sauce, wrap in tin foil and put in the oven at 400 for an hour---in the morning. Turn off the oven in an hour and leave the door shut all day long keeping some heat in. Put them on the grill and baste with BBQ sauce to get some burn on them. Certainly not smoked ribs, but the meat is perfect and falls off the bone. Prefer it to dry smoked ribs and a whole lot easier.
Brother in Paducah called last night and said tornado's hit down that way..FCC also lives in that area. Hope all is well to those that were in the bad stuff.
JCPS meeting was going on late into the night and pay freezes and so on. From what I have heard Hargans will still get her raise. Lots of pissed people in the school system now. Funky, is your raise being froze as well, and your thoughts of Hargans?
Asking for prayers for my DIL, she is a great person who is having some issues right now. Dr's think she may have MS, not set in stone yet, more testing to do..

Hope ALL of you guys have a safe day..
Man... talk about good tv. Used to watch all that stuff on Nick at Night back in the day. Would come on at like 9 or 10pm. I Love Lucy, The Three Stooges, all those shows you mentioned, Beverly Hillbillies. If a show had a few seasons of black and white and then had some seasons in color... it was probably a damn good show.

Lots of great shows back in the day, Mission Impossible, Mannix, Honeymooners. Reality shows have taken the airwaves over..not a fan
Yeah, I dont. They taste really cheap to me.

I also dont have the government paying for everything for me and I work. So, there is that.

You're also not enjoying the limited edition EVERYTHING Ruffles that were popularized in Canada where folks have distinguished tastes, and are now available in the states FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY.

*lek pulls anal beads and hurries to the store right quick*
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You're also not enjoying the limited edition EVERYTHING Ruffles that were popularized in Canada where folks have distinguished tastes, and are now available in the states FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY.

*lek pulls anal beads and hurries to the store right quick*

Chips are good, but have you ever tried Blue Bell ice cream? It's hard to find but I've heard it's really good.
I was reading about John Wayne Gacy. Its crazy how he used things children like to lure his victims. 33 known victims. Gross shit.

But he would use images children love, like clowns, trains, balloons to lure children.
Images of trains is not mentioned in the John Wayne Gacy investigation. So you are inferring that I am a serial killer by your "images of trains" statement. It's right up there, Eric Banks. You keep messing with me, and you will get into serious trouble. I suggest you cease and desist immediately. Didn't you use clowns in your avatars of the past?
I grew up in Paducah. At one time the biggest steam locomotive shop in the world was located there in Paducah. When the steam locomotives were taken out of service in the 50s & 60s there were zillions of them on sidings outside of the enormous shop. Paducah was not on the main line that ran from Chicago to New Orleans, and we had to ride from Fulton to Paducah on some old train powered by a steam powered locomotive.

My first bail bond boss got his start in business there at the railroad shop. He would wash their nasty overalls. Then he started cashing their paychecks on payday. He became wealthy.
Andy Griffith
The Twlight Zone
The Lone Ranger
I Love Lucy
Big Valley

Uncle Jed in my opinion you nailed it. Barney is an all time favorite. Your post also brought back a great memory of something my grandpa pulled on a policeman. The policeman was goin into a restaurant next to my grandpa's house and he hollered "I just saw someone get shot!" The poiiceman ran up to him and asked where? My grandpa said "Marshall Dillon just gunned him down in the street, right in there on my TV."
I grew up in Paducah. At one time the biggest steam locomotive shop in the world was located there in Paducah. When the steam locomotives were taken out of service in the 50s & 60s there were zillions of them on sidings outside of the enormous shop. Paducah was not on the main line that ran from Chicago to New Orleans, and we had to ride from Fulton to Paducah on some old train powered by a steam powered locomotive.

My first bail bond boss got his start in business there at the railroad shop. He would wash their nasty overalls. Then he started cashing their paychecks on payday. He became wealthy.
i didn't know you were from there, Don. My mom went to reidland. I grew up in Cadiz.