
The D league should have an official cake. Maybe one the size of Rupp Arena? Then in the middle of it a Giant Horse's Butt. We could have a raffle to see which famous or infamous poster in the D got the special pieces of the cake. Just a thought.

Fred, not sure if I ever told you but thanks for your service. Bless you.

LEK, I noticed a few posts back that you called this thread your thread. Help me understand that. Isn't it true that this thread was started by Don and when the format changed it was just coincidence that it started back with your name. I mean, it could have started back with my name, but if it did, I wouldn't call it "my thread" knowing that Don in fact had started it. But that's just me. And to add, I'm one of the older ones too. FCC.
Yea... if you had started this very thread you're posting in, it would be your thread. LEK's name is listed as the person that started it, therefor it's his thread. Would be mine if my avatar showed next to the thread title. You can make your own thread if you want. Call that one yours. I've started threads on the paddock before... just usually silly ones.

Jason, you have to be one of the most entertaining and contrary posters here. I enjoy the work you put in.
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I always been a fan of the mid fifties ford trucks. Wish I had never sold my 56 but the offer was to good to refuse..Someday I may just build another...I like this..

I'm just a poster. Want it that way but I'll offer some thoughts. If you don't want some thoughts offered, I'd skip it.

Some things need to be off limits. Kids. Threats. Etc. Anything that crosses a line that with common sense we all know what that line is. Example, someone says they love banging my wife, that doesn't offend me. But it may another poster. I would aggressively jab and rib some of the guys in here that I've gotten to know and like and respect than some others. Not that I don't like them or respect them, but they may not take the jabbing as would others.

Some posters don't like or respect the aggressive swipes at others. That's understandable. Some don't like or respect the passive aggressive swipes at others that some make. Frankly, I don't see much difference when it comes to the swipes and them being swipes.

If you don't want mods coming over here and nuking posters or eventually nuking the D itself, I'd give it some thought because that's where this is headed. This should be a place that governs and moderates itself without official moderator intervention. Perhaps with some guidance from wise people here and there.
Jason's quote sums it up. Also, Don left for years, hence the Apple analogy. This isnt Don's thread. He left for years, and it was carried for years without him.

If a man has a son, and that son then goes out to the world, makes money, raises a family, does the dad get to come back and reclaim all his son's possessions?

And it was coincidence.

Thanks. FCC.
To get your name on a thread just start a thread. LEK started this one and no one has ever started a new one. Why should they? My mom once called me the "King of the Arzz Holes" I have never felt threatened by any one else claiming the same title. Don started the thread originally. LEK started the longest running thread in the D's history.

I'm not sure what screen name I was getting ready to have banned back then but I was one of the original posters in the D. Long story short, this is a great mixture of posters who fall a bit short of ever making the big league. Or maybe the big leaguer's are a bit short of making the D? I'm just not sure.
Again, y'all knew catlanta, you know z, but you don't know LEK because he's not funny like those dudes. Please pay attention so maybe we won't feed him so much?

He was universally ran from the paddock as louisEvil...somethingnother, certified worst poster the board had ever seen, came back and stepped up the troll game 10x. Infiltrated our thread and mf'ers played right into his hands.

I am apparently the only one who remembers this.

^ see post he just made. Does he need to spell it out for you?
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So they lowered Big Bertha down from Rupp's Rafters...looking forward to seeing the video board they put up there. Word used to be that the roof wouldn't support one of those big video displays...I guess that all changed.

Would have been cool if they could have moved forward with that new Rupp Arena design. There should be no basketball facility on earth superior to what the 'Cats play in.
Just what is the difference between insults and compliments in a forum like this? Depends on the mood or mindset of the person posting it and the person reading it. A reaction of any kind is just a way of passing time, to my way of thinking. The biggest difference to me is the contrast between negative posters and positive posters. The beauty of the D is that it is hard to tell the difference in a lot them.

Uncle Jed has pointed out that the D may be headed for destruction if some things don't change. I for one hope it stays around a lot longer.
If I were @-LEK-, I'd be saying the D was indeed my brainchild as the likes of you disappeared into the Rafters for several years and the current, (halfway decent, pre train pic D) iteration was molded by Funky, Mav, et al... You know the mantra.

Once again, I'm not LEK... Just a lonely Viking God trying to get along.


I foresee the future...and the complete impending doom of this thread.

Only Mav, Willie, Funk & Mash can save it too.
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LEK has successfully done what he set out to do. The founding mf'ers hardly post, and it's because the fun is largely gone. It's a troll thread. Period. That's what it is.
You're right. It's old. You're a funny guy. Change it.

Make me laugh, Mash.

But equally as destructive are repetitive pics of trains, foreheads and personal ailments.
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I would like to take this time to point out that when I used to read the D and didn't post in it, it all seemed fine . It was that one fateful night when I jokingly queried on who else would enjoy tongue punching the silver haired beaut's fart box that things blew up.

Has never been the same since, really.

That's when the old vs. young, funny vs. not funny, etc squabbles started.

I'ma take credit for that. May start a thread on it so I have my name next to it.
So, you and LEK ruined it...Good job, but don't flatter yourself.

The posters of train pics, foreheads, the wife-cheaters / pederasts, boring repetitive douchebags did their passive aggressive best too.
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