
Rise and shine leagures

Happy derby day!
Who ya got?
I'm going to say rumor has it.
It's nice in the tristate this morning
Reds on a winning streak 3 in a row
A billion likes to whoever sends Catlyn Jenner a Mother's Day card, you might get laid as well.

Break out the bourbon it's mint julep time!
fence update:

Dude building it said he could start Tuesday or Wednesday this week which means the current bitch has to come down this weekend. After family dinner and workout of Insanity I decided to try my hand at how hard this shit was gonna be to remove.


Took down 80% and about 120 feet of one side by myself in about 20-30 minutes with my ****in foot and a sledgehammer. Old ass piece of shit ****ing retirement home needing fence can barely stand. Kick the lats hard a could times and a whole portion between the posts falls over. Take a sledgehammer to the upper part of the posts 2-3 times and it comes up. They're all cemented, but only about a foot deep. Awful work. Just made tomorrow way easier for myself and the FIL and BIL. I knocked out roughly 120 feet by myself tonight with minimal effort. Only about 350 total left. Should get it done within 2-3 hours tops tomorrow with 3 people. Many beers to go around. Gonna have fun ****in this bitch up tomorrow.

You boys be safe and don't forget to bring a towel
Morning DL

Only mowed 2 yards yesterday. One was way too tall. Hadn't been mowed this year. Literally like a hayfield. So I turned it down.

Two to mow today. Bushes to trim. Vehicles to vacuum. Maybe some pressure washing. Maybe some golf.

Be safe all and have a good day.
fence update:

Dude building it said he could start Tuesday or Wednesday this week which means the current bitch has to come down this weekend. After family dinner and workout of Insanity I decided to try my hand at how hard this shit was gonna be to remove.


Took down 80% and about 120 feet of one side by myself in about 20-30 minutes with my ****in foot and a sledgehammer. Old ass piece of shit ****ing retirement home needing fence can barely stand. Kick the lats hard a could times and a whole portion between the posts falls over. Take a sledgehammer to the upper part of the posts 2-3 times and it comes up. They're all cemented, but only about a foot deep. Awful work. Just made tomorrow way easier for myself and the FIL and BIL. I knocked out roughly 120 feet by myself tonight with minimal effort. Only about 350 total left. Should get it done within 2-3 hours tops tomorrow with 3 people. Many beers to go around. Gonna have fun ****in this bitch up tomorrow.
Your balls may drop just yet.
I have an account, but I mostly ignore it. My profile is out of date and I've just not had the energy to update it.

Austin, do yo use LinkedIn? Is it really worthwhile?

I got my account to please a friend. I am nearly 70 and I am not looking for a job outside of harassing some folks on Rivals.

In the real world though connections are very important. I had a 32 year career at one company but I used offers from other companies to step up my salary. I once got a 26% raise not to go to another outfit.
  • Morning, posters & hooligans.
  • 60°F in Johns Creek. Clear. Beautiful. VFR. 5-10 knot breeze.
  • Bought the women at work a delicious pound cake with caramel icing. It was a big hit with them for their pre-Mother's Day treat.
  • I love pictures of trains. My dad was in that business. I was in that business. It takes me back to see them. Posting them is not intended to attack the ageismists in any way. You boys are way too young to have nerve trouble.
  • Gotta go. See ya. Bye.
  • Over.
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  • Morning, posters & hooligans.
  • 60°F in Johns Creek. Clear. Beautiful. VFR. 5-10 knot breeze.
  • Bought the women at work a delicious pound cake with caramel icing. It was a big hit with them for their pre-Mother's Day treat.
  • I love pictures of trains. My dad was in that business. I was in that business. It takes me take to see them. Posting them is not intended to attack the ageismists in any way. You boys are way too young to have nerve trouble.
  • Gotta go. See ya. Bye.
  • Over.
My grandfather was also in the railroad business. He worked as a mechanic.
Went to OHOP. QB & the kids' mom went with us. Good food. Expensive though. Good time. Works awaits.

Do you always pick up the tab? I usually do. They are prepared for me not doing it but I know they are hoping I do. We're talking adult kids and grandkids here.

Everybody needs help getting started. I didn't get any help because my parents were not educated (maybe 5th grade - gave me no advice about life) and dirt poor like lots of other folks back then in the hills (got zero financial help). The one big advantage I had was a relative in Indiana willing to take me in till I found a job. I had to hitchhike to get there but I made it and ended up with a good job within a week.

I set an example in personal responsibility and gave my kids/grandkids valuable life advice I learned the hard way - which, naturally, the majority of them rejected (and paid the price for in screwed-up lives). Sometimes they do eventually learn the lessons and come around.

I bought each of my kids/grandkids their first car (mostly clunkers) after high school. Helped set them up in a place to live and helped them find a job. Mostly done after that.

** That first segment was a response to your post. The remainder is just the rambling and rantings of a senile old man.
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Ran a 5k with my daughter this morning. I think I spent more energy trying to encourage her than I did running.

Wonder how Jason's fence project is going. I'll bet he tells us later.

Gonna get the wig busted in a few.

I don't recall if anyone else had an opinion on that fence but I think he should have just paid some Mexicans to do that.
Do you always pick up the tab? I usually do. They are prepared for me not doing it but I know they are hoping I do. We're talking adult kids and grandkids here.

Everybody needs help getting started. I didn't get any help because my parents were not educated (maybe 5th grade - gave me no advice about life) and dirt poor like lots of other folks back then in the hills (got zero financial help). The one big advantage I had was a relative in Indiana willing to take me in till I found a job. I had to hitchhike to get there but I made it and ended up with a good job within a week.

I set an example in personal responsibility and gave my kids/grandkids valuable life advice I learned the hard way - which, naturally, the majority of them rejected (and paid the price for in screwed-up lives). Sometimes they do eventually learn the lessons and come around.

I bought each of my kids/grandkids their first car (mostly clunkers) after high school. Helped set them up in a place to live and helped them find a job. Mostly done after that.

** That first segment was a response to your post. The remainder is just the rambling and rantings of a senile old man.
Yes, I do. I have bought them several cars. #2 worked at ChikfilA and saved up enough to buy the F-150 that he is still driving. He is a college graduate and has a fine job. Loved your randoms.
How in the **** does that happen?

Fence. Down. 3 hours. Posts and concrete up. Some were bitches due to tree roots. Much beer helped make the job easier. Beer motivates me to get shit done. Me, BIL, and FIL went through 19 of a 24 pack. So tired, buzzed, sore, hurt. Gonna feel it tomorrow. But it was worth saving that $1200. They just have to show up and haul it off this week. Hopefully don't have to do it again for another 15-20 years.

Must show thanks to BIL and FIL. Thinking hookers will be proper.

Most of it, anyway.

I think it is called a random mutation. If that shape proves advantageous to survival, everyone will look like that in a few years. For example, if the Earth suddenly developed 15 inch sinkholes all over its surface, people with this shape wouldn't fall through those sinkholes (up to their waist, yes, but they can crawl out) but slender people would slide on through. People like this survive and reproduce others with this shape. It's science. Evolution 101.
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Back from Seattle. Read up on the last few days on this thing. Summary: trains.

-Trip was great. This was the first time visiting my dad in his new place. It's in the Denny-Blaine neighborhood and actually is just three blocks from Kurt Cobain's old house. Amazing area on Lake Washington. Had a blast catching up, bike rides with the kid, brewhounds galore, Mt. Rainier. Did a lot in 3 days.

-Baby was [thumb2] on all flights somehow. I was turbo anxious as we boarded each time. Slept most of the way, fussed a little bit at times but was really quiet about it mostly. No torrid rancid dumps, though she did explode in my car immediately after I got her in the carseat. A+ for her but probably won't be doing long flights like that too much. Think it was just good first luck.

-Mother's Day = flowers, a few framed photos of family/kid, a painting for our guest bath, grilling stuff. 85 and sunny is the forecast.

-Derby coverage on now. Highland Hoppy Wheat in hand.

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I think it is called a random mutation. If that shape proves advantageous to survival, everyone will look like that in a few years. For example, if the Earth suddenly developed 15 inch sinkholes all over its surface, people with this shape wouldn't fall through those sinkholes (up to their waist, yes, but they can crawl out) but slender people would slide on through. People like this survive and reproduce others with this shape. It's science. Evolution 101.