
I have an account, but I mostly ignore it. My profile is out of date and I've just not had the energy to update it.

Austin, do yo use LinkedIn? Is it really worthwhile?
I currently use it for staying in contact with colleagues at previous jobs.

Later on, when when my business is going, I hope to leverage the platform much more.
I have an account, but I mostly ignore it. My profile is out of date and I've just not had the energy to update it.

Austin, do yo use LinkedIn? Is it really worthwhile?
My youngest son has had 2 head hunters call him in the past three weeks after they'd seen his profile. One he had no interest in. The second maybe, depends on the money.
Daughter (3) is a prissy little princess, but she shits like a grown man. Totally cockblocked me too. Wife is finally somewhat in a mood and just getting ambien-level loopy and then I hear, "daddy. My belly hurts!"

Precious memories and whatnot.
Is University of Kentucky Football an oxymoron? Getting close to summer and pigskin fever is sneaking upon me. As I have done for years now, I can't help but think the football team just may become bowl eligible. Is this the year? I mean. Santa, the Easter Bunny and LEK are real, right?
Hey, bro, what's up in your world?

I'm slowly getting hammered here in ATX. Missing KY.

Man just got home from Hard Rock at Universal Studios. Cover guy who didBowie was good. It's the skinny jeans on a guy old enough to be a granddad that has me tripped. This one mf'er had hair so white that it looked blue. This sum bitch had pants tighter than yoga pants. Know he had heart disease because his Goddamn gut was almost hanging to his testicles. But man was his jeans rockin'!!!!!!!!
Man just got home from Hard Rock at Universal Studios. Cover guy who didBowie was good. It's the skinny jeans on a guy old enough to be a granddad that has me tripped. This one mf'er had hair so white that it looked blue. This sum bitch had pants tighter than yoga pants. Know he had heart disease because his Goddamn gut was almost hanging to his testicles. But man was his jeans rockin'!!!!!!!!
+ [laughing]
Is University of Kentucky Football an oxymoron? Getting close to summer and pigskin fever is sneaking upon me. As I have done for years now, I can't help but think the football team just may become bowl eligible. Is this the year? I mean. Santa, the Easter Bunny and LEK are real, right?
If the Cats play in a bowl this season, Stoops is COY.
I'm sitting here watching Weird Science for the 137th time and suddenly it dawned on me -- computer science has significantly regressed in the last 30+ years.

Here's my question: Why could you create a flesh and blood babe with mid 80s technology but not watch porn on the computer, whereas now you can watch porn, yet not create a babe? It don't add up.

It's a weird kinda science man. Hell I saw a 300 lb 60 yr old man who couldn't even fit in diabetic socks but somehow can manage fit into an Ed Hardy shirt 10X smaller than he should be wearing
I'm sitting here watching Weird Science for the 137th time and suddenly it dawned on me -- computer science has significantly regressed in the last 30+ years.

Here's my question: Why could you create a flesh and blood babe with mid 80s technology but not watch porn on the computer, whereas now you can watch porn, yet not create a babe? It don't add up.
Go UK Football Cats!

Oooops, wrong post reply..... Sorry.
drinking Star Hill Northern Lights IPA, @AustinTXCat . Shit'll get ya drunk.

I'm drunk.

Two personal Red Baron deep dish peps in the oven heating up with added peps and shredded cheese. I'ma feast in 22 minutes.
Sounds groovy. I'm on my third bottle of The Temptress.

I really hope wifey passes out early tonight cause I wanna get loaded up on some Baileys.

I tend towards compulsion, and I'm definitely in an Irish cream phase right now. Would love to see if the answers to all my problems are at the bottom of that 750 ml bottle.
Last time I got tore up on Bailey's, I nearly got thrown in jail over in Germany. Happened roughly 25 years ago. Evil stuff.
I'd imagine they still hold a grudge, especially for Russkie soldiers haha.
Yeah, ha ha.

Another crazy story. My ex-German sister in-law is named "Silke", and she's a Facebook friend, and a redneck German. Many Russians now live in the town I formerly resided. These Russians live in an apartment project formerly inhabited by American families. My cousin, who ymmot met at Bluegrass Brewing last month, also lived there for a year back in 1983 with his old lady from Louisville. At any rate, after the US pulled the troops out, the German govt resettled Russian refugees there. Ex sis-in-law calls the project, "Rote Platz", or Red Square. Ha ha. Constant trouble all the time with that mob.
Dude, that would have really upped your street cred. I'll bet you could pick up all kinds of chicks with a story about doing time in a foreign prison.
Yeah, I got tossed in German jail twice. Was also arrested once in the Sinai by Egyptian troops. An Egyptian colonel arranged our release the next morning, as our patrol strayed too far past the border the evening previous. Crazy stuff. Ha ha!