
I watched Fury again. That's a badass movie. Probably my favorite war movie. It's a very simple movie.

I got a real deep and burning hate for the Netflix model.

Fury was decent. But there are a ton of better war movies...for my tastes anyway.

Bridge on the River Kwai
Dirty Dozen
Great Escape
Longest Day
Saving Private Ryan
Guns of Naveronne
Appocolypse Now
Full Metal Jacket
Blackhawk Down
Thin Red Line
We Were Soldiers
Deer Hunter
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Good Morning Vietnam

Just to name a few off the top of my head and in no particular order. All of the above are better than Fury IMHO.
Internet down at my place for 2 days. Get back and I was 5 or 6 pages behind.

Started to mow this morning and got rained out on the second round. Grass grows fast when you have a lawn service.

Hope all D'Leaguers have a great day.
Bro you need a better window manager. That some gnome 2?
That website doesn't even have Jay Z ffs.

I'm angry at everything today. Honked at this fat bitch slinking across the road, holding up traffic, as she READ HER FN PHONE. This is actually the norm on campus...the campus that spent mucho money on a pedway that exactly zero students use, because why would you walk up a flight of stairs when you can just walk across the street?
about to do an eval on a dude with the most Islamic name ever. Can't post it for HIPPA and things like that, but it's pretty comical. Like a name the writers for South Park would come up with.

My Ray-duhs drafted some kid named Jihad Ward out of Illinois with the 44th overall pick. His rookie camp is gonna be FUN when the veterans get ahold of him.
Lady riding around in the chair at Walmart slamming into everything including me. Knocked me down right in front of a greeter. I got my old butt up and tried to make a joke out of it. I looked at the greeter and said
"Bet you she couldn't pass the breathalyzer test?" The lady greeter said "She isn't drunk, she just can't see good, nearly blind!"

So, the wally world folks are aware of their carts being driven around their store by the blind or nearly blind? Makes me feel all warm and secure.
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Fury was decent. But there are a ton of better war movies...for my tastes anyway.

Bridge on the River Kwai
Dirty Dozen
Great Escape
Longest Day
Saving Private Ryan
Guns of Naveronne
Appocolypse Now
Full Metal Jacket
Blackhawk Down
Thin Red Line
We Were Soldiers
Deer Hunter
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Good Morning Vietnam

Just to name a few off the top of my head and in no particular order. All of the above are better than Fury IMHO.
At no time did the poster say that Fury was the best war movie of all time. He said the movie was badazz, which it was IMO.
At no time did the poster say that Fury was the best war movie of all time. He said the movie was badazz, which it was IMO.

The poster did however say, "it is probably my favorite war movie ever". I was responding to that statement. And i qualified my statements with "IMHO". Movies are just like music…to each his own. I was simply stating that there a ton of war movies THAT I LIKE BETTER than Fury. Then i listed a few off the top of my head.

Fury was a decent flick but it isn't even my favorite war movie that Brad Pitt played in. That honor would go to Inglorious Bastards.
The poster did however say, "it is probably my favorite war movie ever". I was responding to that statement. And i qualified my statements with "IMHO". Movies are just like music…to each his own. I was simply stating that there a ton of war movies THAT I LIKE BETTER than Fury. Then i listed a few off the top of my head.

Fury was a decent flick but it isn't even my favorite war movie that Brad Pitt played in. That honor would go to Inglorious Bastards.
I love Inglorious Bastards also. At no time did I sat you were a bad poster. I think you are a good poster. I love your posts. I let you boss me. I am obedient of you. I respect you. You is a good boy. So there.
Hey DL. Hope all had a nice weekend. Rain/cool here, ready for some sunshine/warmth.

War Movies: My all time favorites. I used to watch Deer Hunter over and over. I've always liked history, so I prefer the ones that lean on actual events.

What is vacation plans for everyone this summer? I'm heading to Kentucky in July, my brother purchased a home recently, excited to see it, however I hear he is having golf ball issues, guess he didn't think to too much about buying so close to a golf course.

Austin: so how short did you go on the hair? Is it completely buzzed?

Don: 3 is going to fine, 5-16 is just around corner. That is tough.

Planted my garden (most) couple weeks ago, amazing how fast that stuff comes up.

My lil buddy is getting older, he will be 10yrs old Oct. It is starting to show, I hate to see this! He's been, by far the friendliest dog I've ever had.
Speaking of pets. I was watching an old story on ID last night, do you all remember the 2 dogs that attacked/killed that women in San Fran several years back, 2 atty's owned the dogs? That is 1 messed up story, fascinating really, they literally adopted some prisoner at 38 years old so he could continue dog breeding business from prison. I had no idea how in depth that story was until last night, woman still in prison today. Just messed up.

How do you take your coffee? I just like coffee with plain creamer (liquid)

Have a good day all!
The Deer Hunter belongs in any discussion about war movies. While I did my 20+year hitch in the navy the movie Twelve O'clock High was used in several traning lectures. Did they make a movie out of "Catch-22?" If so it needs in the mix also.
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