
I always considered the Vietnam War a tragedy for our country but especially for the guys who were forced to serve there. I only missed it by the skin of my teeth. I was 23 in 1966 and married with a kid on the way when I got my draft notice. Fortunately for me I had applied for college shortly before that. I took all the tests, passed the physical and was classified 1A (see ya in a few weeks back then). If you were drafted in those years you were Vietnam bound. My college exemption came through just in time and I didn't have to go.

The only problem was that you had to be enrolled as a full-time student (at least 12 of a possible 16 hours) to keep that exemption. I worked 40 hours a week in a factory to support my family and pay tuition. On top of that i was a full-time college student carrying 12-13 hours of classes. I did that for 5 1/2 years and earned a bachelors. Those years are a fog to me now. I missed that whole "sex,drugs and rock and roll" era. lol I barely remember it. It almost cost me my marriage because I wasn't home much (homework took a lot of time). I would never recommend that path for anyone.

The unfairness of that draft era was that anyone who qualified or could afford to be in college got exempted. That meant that mostly poor whites and minorities got drafted. College students (Bill Clinton and me, eg) and "fortunate sons" didn't. Joining the National Guard (George W Bush, eg) was another way to serve but avoid Vietnam (protecting your butt and keeping your political options open).

When they started drafting by lottery (call your number - no exemptions, you're drafted and going to Vietnam) and the old gray-haired war lovers saw that they wouldn't be able to protect their sons, they started winding the war down and eventually abolished the draft.

Just hope that the draft doesn't start up again.
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93: Feet/ankle fine, could not wait, went to Urgent Care, Dermatitis allergy reaction (hopefully) meds, ointment. Just have to keep a watch on it.

I'm from Richmond, lived in Lex during college...consider Louisville home though. I'm currently in Lake St Louis Mo. I hope to be back to Louisville in the next 5 years forever. Cannot wait.

War movies, Deer Hunter in my top 5 all time movies. It is amazing to me, I'd heard of Russian Roulette, but never really realized it, until that movie, amazing cast (not just the big names).
SPR is great too, that is most people favs, probably due to saving his ass plus the balls:eyes: ... but they're some older ones that I equally think are fantastic. Give these a shot sometime.
The Great Escape ( I remember my grandpa having this on a disc) before VHS, after he passed away and going through his house, I never knew they existed (little larger than an Album) he loved westerns.
The Longest Day.
Cannot remember name of movie, just remember Stanley Kubrick was producer/director...excellent.
Cannot say enough about Band of Brothers and the Pacific too...Could watch those (and have) on weekends. Like I said before, War movies are my all time favorite movies. I've not watched It is a Beautiful Life yet, or Boy with Stripes yet. Anyone know if they're decent?

What for dinner boys?

Take care all.
Science Break:

X marks the spot. (And NO, I don't mean that it marks the spot of Willy's secret stash.) The Red Rectangle, is named because of its shape and color, It is a nebula — a cosmic cloud of gas and particles.The nebula is formed by the central star, HD 44179, which is a dying star and shedding most of its mass into space.

Activity at the molecular level inside clusters of dust causes the red glow. It appears that the nebula around the star is shaped like an "X," with ladder-like rungs of glowing gas connecting the four arms. The star is similar to Earth's sun and is responsible for those evenly spaced lines as it releases gas and other material to create the nebula and its distinctive shape.
93: Feet/ankle fine, could not wait, went to Urgent Care, Dermatitis allergy reaction (hopefully) meds, ointment. Just have to keep a watch on it.

I'm from Richmond, lived in Lex during college...consider Louisville home though. I'm currently in Lake St Louis Mo. I hope to be back to Louisville in the next 5 years forever. Cannot wait.

War movies, Deer Hunter in my top 5 all time movies. It is amazing to me, I'd heard of Russian Roulette, but never really realized it, until that movie, amazing cast (not just the big names).
SPR is great too, that is most people favs, probably due to saving his ass plus the balls:eyes: ... but they're some older ones that I equally think are fantastic. Give these a shot sometime.
The Great Escape ( I remember my grandpa having this on a disc) before VHS, after he passed away and going through his house, I never knew they existed (little larger than an Album) he loved westerns.
The Longest Day.
Cannot remember name of movie, just remember Stanley Kubrick was producer/director...excellent.
Cannot say enough about Band of Brothers and the Pacific too...Could watch those (and have) on weekends. Like I said before, War movies are my all time favorite movies. I've not watched It is a Beautiful Life yet, or Boy with Stripes yet. Anyone know if they're decent?

What for dinner boys?

Take care all.
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas is good. Pretty damn sad. Not a happy ending at all.
Y'all ever fool with fiberglass? I just did (repairing a plaster urn that accidentally broke, don't ask), and now I'm itching like a mothertoucher.
Man, my junior summer of college I installed ductwork in attics... 120°, open dripping pores, swimming in insulation.

Couldn't put my face on a pillow at night. 32 trillion needles stabbing you. Awful.
My service was voluntary, no draft involved during my 20+ years. Most wars are fought by the poor so Vietnam was no different as far as I'm concerned. I have paid several prices for that war that most people wouldn't understand. I did my tour and came home to be spit on and reading how someone dodged the draft or used college to evade it isn't much different. No, this isn't a Crown melt down, just an old man sharing his thoughts in print..
My service was voluntary, no draft involved during my 20+ years. Most wars are fought by the poor so Vietnam was no different as far as I'm concerned. I have paid several prices for that war that most people wouldn't understand. I did my tour and came home to be spit on and reading how someone dodged the draft or used college to evade it isn't much different. No, this isn't a Crown melt down, just an old man sharing his thoughts in print..
I was 1A for a while. Then 1A Married. Then the kids came along. I didn't go to college. It is a wonder that I did not get drafted. A good friend of mine was a B-52 pilot. He came home to the spitting and so forth that you remember and endured. He is bitter to this day. He is a little younger than I am. He also dislikes Jane Fonda for her antics at that time.
My service was voluntary, no draft involved during my 20+ years. Most wars are fought by the poor so Vietnam was no different as far as I'm concerned. I have paid several prices for that war that most people wouldn't understand. I did my tour and came home to be spit on and reading how someone dodged the draft or used college to evade it isn't much different. No, this isn't a Crown melt down, just an old man sharing his thoughts in print..
It's all good. I served 1980 - 2001 with an 8 month break in service. Retired as an E-7. Missed Vietnam by 7-8 years, but was trained by, and served directly under, many 'Nam vets. You gents will always have my respect.
I have no regrets and understand things a lot better these days. I went on recruiting duty in 1972. Too tanked to share that story now but will do so later. I don't resent Jane Fonda or anyone that protests war for that matter.
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