
If you had been keeping up you would see that I was attempting to get shit straight.

Not arguing that point, man. Just saying that, right or wrong, both sides have made their point on the subject…multiple times…ad nauseam. And neither side is changing their mind. Might as well be arguing about climate change…minus the charts…which I'm sure funkycat is now furiously working his photoshop wizardry on as I type the rest of this.

Last I am posting about it.
Two really awesome stories from the draft.

German kid goes to his favorite NFL team and gets to play with his favorite NFL player.

Navy QB gets drafted as WR in Baltimore.

Yep. Both great stories. German dude probably just opened Pandora's box though. Be a ton of NFL teams drafting futbol Euro-types in the coming years. Pulling for the guy though.
Not arguing that point, man. Just saying that, right or wrong, both sides have made their point on the subject…multiple times…ad nauseam. And neither side is changing their mind. Might as well be arguing about climate change…minus the charts…which I'm sure funkycat is now furiously working his photoshop wizardry on as I type the rest of this.

Last I am posting about it.
Fair enough.
Good grief. I've been busy and have missed most of the last few pages so I start trying to get caught up. I had to stop reading all of the posts and started scanning. Then I had to stop scanning and just quit.

Just let it go, man. Move on. What happened...happened. People got banned for it. Other people have commented on it. So now…move the eff on.

And Speerz…you are wrong. The NBA champ will be from the west.
Swim lessons for toddlers are fun. Instructors basically encourage you to try to drown your kid for a few seconds at a time so they'll get used to what it feels like to drown and then they won't.
Yes, that is true. The best way to drown proof them is to pull their arms behind their backs and tie them to their ankles and then pitch them in the
pool. That is the quickest way to get them over their fear of the water.
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Yep. Both great stories. German dude probably just opened Pandora's box though. Be a ton of NFL teams drafting futbol Euro-types in the coming years. Pulling for the guy though.

You think so? The kids measurable's, stats, and times are legit. If he doesn't make the squad it won't be because of his skill or athleticism, it will be because of communication issues. Forget who it was they compared him to, maybe Mike Evans, and the numbers were on par if not better than Evans.
Thought it was awesome how it all unfolded for him. Wish it was real, but something tells me it was all staged before hand.
I remember this from when I was like 5. **** that shit. I refused to go back.

I ended up teaching myself how to swim. Know how? I didn't wanna ****ing die so I learned how to not do that shit when in water. The end.

Great find on the pic. Wo done sir. From Hondo.
Yes, that is true. The best way to drown proof them is to pull their arms behind their backs and tie them to their ankles and then pitch them in them in the
pool. That is the quickest way to get them over their fear of the water.

I damn near drown twice before the age of 8. I've always had a little more than a healthy fear of water since.
I grew up poor but we raised pigs to butcher at around 600 lbs. We could afford to butcher a cow ever other year. Pretty easy to raise pigs, what are you needing to know?
Real quick. My good friend -- an old Army buddy -- in Arkansas wants to form a corporation and raise swine. He wants me to be a shareholder. Today, he purchased 18 acres, and a 4 BR/2 BA house for 375k. Because I have some business experience and a business administration minor, he wants me to be the CFO. I have absolutely zero experience with hogs.

Aside from your usual SWOT analysis, where should I go with this?
Real quick. My good friend -- an old Army buddy -- in Arkansas wants to form a corporation and raise swine. He wants me to be a shareholder. Today, he purchased 18 acres, and a 4 BR/2 BA house for 375k. Because I have some business experience and a business administration minor, he wants me to be the CFO. I have absolutely zero experience with hogs.

Aside from your usual SWOT analysis, where should I go with this?

OK, you shifted gears on me. We raised pigs for food. That means that there is a market for pigs. I would suggest adding a butcher shop to the hog farm. An old Warrant Officer told me years ago when I asked him about career fields. "People have to eat so any thing in the food business should be around forever. My take would be to go for it.
I teached myself to not die in water after I almost died in water in a 5 feet deep creek with a strong undercurrent that led to a small waterfall. Was pulling me under. I was drowning if not for grabbing at the top of the water and scraping across the belly of this fat chick floating on the top.

My mom felt helpless as I ran back to her crying saying I almost drowned after the fat chick pulled me out of the water.

I almost wouldn't be posting here today. I know some of you would like that. I'm sorry. Blame the fat chick.

Was running to the pool when I was 4 (could swim), slipped on the edge and hit my head and fell in. It took about a minute and a half for them to get me off the bottom and pump me.
Then around 9 was at lake cumberland with the parents and their friends. Well the old man was trashed and so was his buddy, so they grab my scrawny arse and throw me in. While in the air my arms went up and when I hit the water I slipped out of the vest. To make matters worse I got turned around and started trying to get to the surface by going down. My moms friend got me at about 15-20 feet down.
This all led to me being the only white dude at remedial swim class in boot camp. I can swim just fine, just can't tread water worth a damn, and can't open my eyes under water.
I remember this from when I was like 5. **** that shit. I refused to go back.

I ended up teaching myself how to swim. Know how? I didn't wanna ****ing die so I learned how to not do that shit when in water. The end.

Jock strap jr enjoys the not dying as well. He doesn't like going underwater but when we go to the beach, first thing he does is make a beeline towards the shore line.. Go figure.
Real quick. My good friend -- an old Army buddy -- in Arkansas wants to form a corporation and raise swine. He wants me to be a shareholder. Today, he purchased 18 acres, and a 4 BR/2 BA house for 375k. Because I have some business experience and a business administration minor, he wants me to be the CFO. I have absolutely zero experience with hogs.

Aside from your usual SWOT analysis, where should I go with this?
Talk to a pig farmer or 6.
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I love to eat pigs

One of my favorite stories goes this way. My girls were 7 and 4 and my boys were 13 and 11. While visiting my mom's the girls had named a hog Arnold. On a return visit, we got in just in time for breakfast which included fat back bacon, taters, eggs and biscuits of course.

While we were sitting down at the tables the girls had ran out to the hog pen to say hi to Arnold. They came back to the table and asked where Arnold was? My oldest son shook a piece of fat back bacon at them and said "I bet we're eating him!"
Get up get get up its da first of da month Leagures!

Thank you bone thugs and harmony for the reminder welfare checks come today
Congrats to the Reds 6 losses in a row!
Bengals looked good in the draft
Happy anniversary to the stones on this day in 1971 you released brown sugar
Happy anniversary to the eagles(yeah I know some say they suck) on this day in 1972 take it easy became your first single.
Cinco de mayo is 4 days away! Get the tequila ready bitches!
One of my nephew's in-laws posted a picture of himself and John Wall at the correspondents dinner on Facebook. Great family, but from New Orleans----they don't even care much about basketball. #jealous.

Don--have always been curious, when your team captures a bail jumper, what rights do they have with regards to constraining them/holding them, etc? In today's PC world, there would seem to be a fine line between capturing/holding someone and kidnapping.

With regards to all the little bitch fights in this thread, reminds me of my 13 year old son and his friends. Dudes, grow the Fck up.

-All of your kids are doo-doo heads.

-Lots of yard work yesterday but it's looking pretty solid. Pulled back some ivy, trimmed edges, new plants for the deck/patio pots, etc. Had 5 month old out with me in her rock n play. Old man walks by with his dog and asks "that's a baby, right?"

Honestly didn't know how to respond to that. "No, sorry, that's a cinderblock."