
Can the Thunder best the Spurs in 7? I say no.

Can the Spurs beat a Curry-less Golden State for the West? I say yes.

Can the healthy Cavs beat either the Spurs or Warriors in 7? I say yes again. I still don't bet against Lebron with a healthy team.
If Pop coached OKC, I'd go with them. He's a master at his craft.

As it stands, Spurs vs Warriors.
Cavs win the east.

Spurs or Warriors win vs the Cavs. Not going to pick between the Spurs and Warriors until they match up and see if Curry is playing.
Just had a hot shower. Felt great PLUS the curry meat and vegetable stew I ate produced some resounding shower farts. There's something fine about the tonality produced when water is running down the crack of your a$$ and you fire off a few. Gives it that wet SPLAT sound without the mess. The steam combines with the smell to form a perfect ambience.
A true story....a good friend of mine lives in Brentwood, Tn. He was working one day near Cookeville when there were tornado warnings for the Nashville area. His wife called and said a tornado was headed to Brentwood and she was in an interior closet. Butch said "where's Smokey"? (His Lab). Wife said the dog was in the family room and there wasn't enough room in the closet for her and the dog. Butch told her" get the dog in the closet....I can find a new wife but good dogs are hard to find". She gets pissed to this day about that.
There's no defending talking about someone's kids, even relative to talking about other adult family members.

Hypothetical or not, it's just a bad look and anyone defending it looks bad too.

Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Are you talking to me? I have not defended anyone.
Well, gents, Operation Lori was a ROARING success. 9:41am, 4/25/2016 is a time and date that will live in infamy. I'm returning to Client Services, Lori is coming from Fast Lab.

Me: How was the vacation, future ex-wifey? (all the while moving closer to the target)
Her: No words spoken, just sticks her tongue out at me, eyes closed.

I moved in for the strike like a cobra nailing a mouse. Kissed her dead on the mouth, letting her tongue slip in between my lips. She was so shocked, she froze, with her tongue STILL in my mouth. When the paralysis went away...

Her: You kissed me!
Me: (with a smirk Snidely Whiplash would be proud of ): Yep. (you younguns might have to Google Snidely Whiplash)
Her: Damn. I didn't know you wanted to do that. But I'm glad you did.

And of course, a couple of co-workers picked THAT time to round the corner.

But with that last statement of hers, things are about to get real interesting
I'm sorry, but if anyone really believes this, well, I'm selling a bridge at a good price.
Good grief. I've been busy and have missed most of the last few pages so I start trying to get caught up. I had to stop reading all of the posts and started scanning. Then I had to stop scanning and just quit.

Just let it go, man. Move on. What happened...happened. People got banned for it. Other people have commented on it. So now…move the eff on.

And Speerz…you are wrong. The NBA champ will be from the west.
Good grief. I've been busy and have missed most of the last few pages so I start trying to get caught up. I had to stop reading all of the posts and started scanning. Then I had to stop scanning and just quit.

Just let it go, man. Move on. What happened...happened. People got banned for it. Other people have commented on it. So now…move the eff on.

And Speerz…you are wrong. The NBA champ will be from the west.
Yes sir.
I know that Irving and Lebron seem to finally be clicking. But it aint happening this year. LJ's best bet at a title in Cleveland would be for the Cavs to let Irving go in the offseason and then move heaven and earth to get Chris Paul.

A healthy Chris Paul playing with a healthy LJ in Cleveland next season will produce a title for the Cavs. Book it. Done deal. But Paul and LJ aren't getting any younger. Best to go on and make that happen this offseason.