

GD. MFer.
If and when I do die, I hope I was crushing some chick before I did. It's the damndest thing. I behaved the entire time I was married. Didn't cheat on her once. Now that I'm single again it's like I'm back in the 80's again and I'm back in my 20's
Man, you are singing my song. When I got divorced, I chased any and all tail that was available. Good times.
If and when I do die, I hope I was crushing some chick before I did. It's the damndest thing. I behaved the entire time I was married. Didn't cheat on her once. Now that I'm single again it's like I'm back in the 80's again and I'm back in my 20's
Man, you are singing my song. When I got divorced, I chased any and all tail that was available. Good times.
Same here. 1988 and 1996 were my two best years.
I do ANYTHING that gets the tang, man

hahaha Desp man, I'd love eat your sloppy seconds. It would be an honor. I hate to hear about divorces. I really do. Every dude goes into it (other than some one night knock up) thinking it will work, regardless if they are anelgs or if they are cheating devils. No one gets married with the goal of getting divorced, regardless of the motives.

Techinically marriage is forced institution anyway. People were never meant to be married to one person. We teach that guilt and shame very early on. It's sad really. So many awesome people in the world were never able to show their full potential because their parents taught them the shame of marriage. And were lost due to a shitty relationship. How many Einsteins were never developed because of marriage? A lot.

But I hope you are smackin ass like Hank Aaron. I root you on.
hahaha Desp man, I'd love eat your sloppy seconds. It would be an honor. I hate to hear about divorces. I really do. Every dude goes into it (other than some one night knock up) thinking it will work, regardless if they are anelgs or if they are cheating devils. No one gets married with the goal of getting divorced, regardless of the motives.

Techinically marriage is forced institution anyway. People were never meant to be married to one person. We teach that guilt and shame very early on. It's sad really. So many awesome people in the world were never able to show their full potential because their parents taught them the shame of marriage. And were lost due to a shitty relationship. How many Einsteins were never developed because of marriage? A lot.

But I hope you are smackin ass like Hank Aaron. I root you on.
Lots of folks share your opinion. I wouldn't trade with anyone though. QB and I have been married for 53 years. She is the one that I always wanted to spend my life with.
Lots of folks share your opinion. I wouldn't trade with anyone though. QB and I have been married for 53 years. She is the one that I always wanted to spend my life with.

Totally agree with you. That's the magic (not the coffee). Despite the likelihood two people will split. There are always people like you and Queen B that even out the impact by staying together. That's human nature. The world needs marriages and commitment like your relationship, Don. Can't have 100% divorce rate. Hell. that would mess up a lot of relationship research college grants.
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Shit, so I guess I am the only bastard up tonight. Ya'll everyone needs to go spend at least a 4 day week (spent 7 days and not enough) in DC. Incredible place. I thought Boston was my favorite town. But I think I love DC. And dammit it. It's because of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. My two favorite American heroes.
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Shit, so I guess I am the only bastard up tonight. Ya'll everyone needs to go spend at least a 4 day week (spent 7 days and not enough) in DC. Incredible place. I thought Boston was my favorite town. But I think I love DC. And dammit it. It's because of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. My two favorite American heroes.
Glad ya had a good time. I last visited DC three years ago for a job interview. No sightseeing, unfortunately. Definitely a cool town.
Good Morning, everyone.

Free coffee, 2 cups down and a days worth to go

Storms were a bit of a let down yesterday/last night

B.B.D.K. - Is there any angrier poster on this site? Impossible to have a conversation with someone that flips out over stupid shat. Almost feel sorry for the dude, he definitely doesn't like opinions other than his own.

Hump day so we're halfway to the finish line.

Have a good one guys!
  • Morning, boys.
  • 70°F in Johns Creek. Clear. VFR. This is what we have been needing.
  • Blood Sugar = 70. Need to be at 80. Weigh 224.
  • Hope you guys are having a fine morning. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
  • The female duck just came roaring out of the woods. There must be a nest in there. I'd like to go look, but I'd best leave things alone.
  • Dark Magic going.
  • Skipping Tom Leach & Mack Jones in favor of Sirius 50s.
  • That's it from the gazebo.
  • Over.
  • Morning, boys.
  • 70°F in Johns Creek. Clear. VFR. This is what we have been needing.
  • Blood Sugar = 70. Need to be at 80. Weigh 224.
  • Hope you guys are having a fine morning. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
  • The female duck just came roaring out of the woods. There must be a nest in there. I'd like to go look, but I'd best leave things alone.
  • Dark Magic going.
  • Skipping Tom Leach & Mack Jones in favor of Sirius 50s.
  • That's it from the gazebo.
  • Over.
Looking great Donfather. It was a tremendous privilege meeting up with ya day before yesterday. Thanks for everything.
drinkin Fawsters.

Ya'll know it's A-stralyun fer beer?

Been a long time since I had a Fosters. Can't even remember what they taste like.

Need to figure out what my summer go-to beer is going to be. Been drinking tons of different IPAs but I'm lookin' to settle down and go steady for a little while. When I'm grilling in the summer I like to drink Corona with lime. I like a lot of lime in it so I usually squeeze and drop a couple slices in there.
Been a long time since I had a Fosters. Can't even remember what they taste like.

Need to figure out what my summer go-to beer is going to be. Been drinking tons of different IPAs but I'm lookin' to settle down and go steady for a little while. When I'm grilling in the summer I like to drink Corona with lime. I like a lot of lime in it so I usually squeeze and drop a couple slices in there.
Those Corona longnecks are hard to beat.