
Interesting evening. After 24 years at my present place, I've learned to pick my spots. There are most ladies here I wouldn't dare to do what I got away with to Lori. She cornered me later on and I explained myself (the whole flirting/sticking her tongue out at me). Part of her was relieved that it was just a one time thing...but part of her wanted to see how far I was going to take it, which told me that hubby needs to handle his business with his wife. And I'm not going to take it any further than what happened today.

Lesson learned for the ladies. DON'T gossip about a single man on your job IF you're a married woman. Unintended consequences might occur.

Thanks for the words of warning, guys. But I rolled the dice on this one and didn't come up snake eyes. As always, there's method to my madness.
Interesting evening. After 24 years at my present place, I've learned to pick my spots. There are most ladies here I wouldn't dare to do what I got away with to Lori. She cornered me later on and I explained myself (the whole flirting/sticking her tongue out at me). Part of her was relieved that it was just a one time thing...but part of her wanted to see how far I was going to take it, which told me that hubby needs to handle his business with his wife. And I'm not going to take it any further than what happened today.

Lesson learned for the ladies. DON'T gossip about a single man on your job IF you're a married woman. Unintended consequences might occur.

Thanks for the words of warning, guys. But I rolled the dice on this one and didn't come up snake eyes. As always, there's method to my madness.
Smart play.
always. Just picked up 78lb younger dog from man cave, carried him downstairs, and tossed his ass out in the yard after he started to piss on the floor. These steroids are doing a number on his bladder, but I'm still not gonna deal with pissing in the house. He was outside 2 hours ago.
Can't blame you, but you should buy a crate for him until he is not taking medicine.
Et tu Brute?
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brianpoe Senior
Gold Member

Mar 25, 2009
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I cannot think of one poster i have admired more than you over the years.

You joining in on a total lie regarding me and my family is sad.


Brian, son, you are mistaken. What makes you think that? From what I read it sounds like you and your dad got a very bad deal.
Interesting evening. After 24 years at my present place, I've learned to pick my spots. There are most ladies here I wouldn't dare to do what I got away with to Lori. She cornered me later on and I explained myself (the whole flirting/sticking her tongue out at me). Part of her was relieved that it was just a one time thing...but part of her wanted to see how far I was going to take it, which told me that hubby needs to handle his business with his wife. And I'm not going to take it any further than what happened today.

Lesson learned for the ladies. DON'T gossip about a single man on your job IF you're a married woman. Unintended consequences might occur.

Thanks for the words of warning, guys. But I rolled the dice on this one and didn't come up snake eyes. As always, there's method to my madness.

Smart play leaving it be. I can give you a cliff note version of my story and what you could have dealt with.

My ex wife was a stay at home mom for 10 years and I was a provider. I guess during that time I became a workaholic. It seemed to be necessary to me and maybe I went wrong there, but I digress.

She takes a job at a hospital and became unfaithful. Once. I found out.

It can flip a switch. I hunted the guy down atter getting some info. Found him walking to his car. Took off my belt, looped it through the buckle, put it around his neck and pulled. After yanking him to the ground I stomped his head down with my boot and stood on it, released pressure on the belt and pulled out a 357 and cocked the trigger and put it to his head.

Then I awkwardly interviewed him with a gun to his head. Asking him questions about his wife, children, upbringing, Christmases, vacations and talked about what is going to happen going forward and why he would be willing to throw that away. Each time he paused I kicked with the steel toe of the boot and made a mess. This went on for 10 minutes at least. I had an unusual calmness and demeanor with my anger. Like certified nuts...the definition of temporary insanity.

I gave him 2 days to report back to me. One day to make peace with what's going on and another to break the news to his family. He reported back on time.

I ended up divorced and so did he. After a couple of charges and restraining order (attorney helped me here) I got through it and he didn't stick around with my ex. I have since done well and she has too.

Just saying. You may be dealing with a time bomb messing with another mans woman and taking a path with more resistance than you want.
Smart play leaving it be. I can give you a cliff note version of my story and what you could have dealt with.

My ex wife was a stay at home mom for 10 years and I was a provider. I guess during that time I became a workaholic. It seemed to be necessary to me and maybe I went wrong there, but I digress.

She takes a job at a hospital and became unfaithful. Once. I found out.

It can flip a switch. I hunted the guy down atter getting some info. Found him walking to his car. Took off my belt, looped it through the buckle, put it around his neck and pulled. After yanking him to the ground I stomped his head down with my boot and stood on it, released pressure on the belt and pulled out a 357 and cocked the trigger and put it to his head.

Then I awkwardly interviewed him with a gun to his head. Asking him questions about his wife, children, upbringing, Christmases, vacations and talked about what is going to happen going forward and why he would be willing to throw that away. Each time he paused I kicked with the steel toe of the boot and made a mess. This went on for 10 minutes at least. I had an unusual calmness and demeanor with my anger. Like certified nuts...the definition of temporary insanity.

I gave him 2 days to report back to me. One day to make peace with what's going on and another to break the news to his family. He reported back on time.

I ended up divorced and so did he. After a couple of charges and restraining order (attorney helped me here) I got through it and he didn't stick around with my ex. I have since done well and she has too.

Just saying. You may be dealing with a time bomb messing with another mans woman and taking a path with more resistance than you want.
A situation like that can make a person crazy. That's how people wind up dead over this sort of shit. You are lucky that you did not do hard time, even though you have my complete sympathy for having gone through that Hell.
Don, he messaged all of us, and we all know that you didn't get involved. It's us, or me, I've been manipulating him in a private thread, and then sharing it on Twitter.

It's obvious that the guy is overcompensating for some reason. He's threatened me with violence, which obviously, that's not the first poster I've made fall in love with me. Meh, but sorry you're involved.
Thank you. I went back and reread that part of the thread to make double sure that I didn't misremember. That stuff is not my cup of tea.
My kids are both in our bed. Somehow, I'm on the couch.

Weirdest thing last few days, I've been seeing/experiencing a 3rd kid in the house. Been freaking me out. We have 2.

Like just a minute ago, a kid was breathing in the same room with me, a sleep breathing, I'm only one in here. Yesterday, I was getting clothes up stairs for the kids, and one ran up to me, but I didn't pay attention, because I was getting clothes at dresser. I pull up from leaning over, and both the kids are downstairs, no where near me, nor had time to go.

Whatever it is, it should know I'm not interested.
Maybe your wife is pregnant.
Smart play leaving it be. I can give you a cliff note version of my story and what you could have dealt with.

My ex wife was a stay at home mom for 10 years and I was a provider. I guess during that time I became a workaholic. It seemed to be necessary to me and maybe I went wrong there, but I digress.

She takes a job at a hospital and became unfaithful. Once. I found out.

It can flip a switch. I hunted the guy down atter getting some info. Found him walking to his car. Took off my belt, looped it through the buckle, put it around his neck and pulled. After yanking him to the ground I stomped his head down with my boot and stood on it, released pressure on the belt and pulled out a 357 and cocked the trigger and put it to his head.

Then I awkwardly interviewed him with a gun to his head. Asking him questions about his wife, children, upbringing, Christmases, vacations and talked about what is going to happen going forward and why he would be willing to throw that away. Each time he paused I kicked with the steel toe of the boot and made a mess. This went on for 10 minutes at least. I had an unusual calmness and demeanor with my anger. Like certified nuts...the definition of temporary insanity.

I gave him 2 days to report back to me. One day to make peace with what's going on and another to break the news to his family. He reported back on time.

I ended up divorced and so did he. After a couple of charges and restraining order (attorney helped me here) I got through it and he didn't stick around with my ex. I have since done well and she has too.

Just saying. You may be dealing with a time bomb messing with another mans woman and taking a path with more resistance than you want.

I'm a firm believer in NOT messing around with OPP (Other People's P****). Like I posted, about Lori, I knew what I could get away with and how far I could go. Now back in the day (in my 20's) I threw caution to the wind. I effed Whitey Bulger's common-law stepdaughter (Google Teresa Stanley) back in the 80's and the only reason I'm still alive is that his crew thought I was Puerto Rican. Thanks to the barkeep at the Holiday Inn at Logan Airport Boston who tipped me off (and I broke that thing off with the quickness), I'm posting on the Paddock in 2016. That incident calmed me down to the point where I met my then GF in 1986 married her (now ex) in 1992 and settled the hell down.
I'm a firm believer in NOT messing around with OPP (Other People's P****). Like I posted, about Lori, I knew what I could get away with and how far I could go. Now back in the day (in my 20's) I threw caution to the wind. I effed Whitey Bulger's common-law stepdaughter (Google Teresa Stanley) back in the 80's and the only reason I'm still alive is that his crew thought I was Puerto Rican. Thanks to the barkeep at the Holiday Inn at Logan Airport Boston who tipped me off (and I broke that thing off with the quickness), I'm posting on the Paddock in 2016. That incident calmed me down to the point where I met my then GF in 1986 married her (now ex) in 1992 and settled the hell down.
You must have thought back then that you were invisible like The Shadow.
I do not know what the hell I just read.

Ghost touched Whitey Bulger's girlfriend and whitey didn't know or didn't care because he loves Puerto Ricans? Idk.

I think ky1998 is Whitey.

Ky1998 yoked some dude up with his belt, stuck a pistol to his head, and kicked his face in over a trick.

I'm gonna go murder some Cheerios. Bye.
My kids are both in our bed. Somehow, I'm on the couch.

Weirdest thing last few days, I've been seeing/experiencing a 3rd kid in the house. Been freaking me out. We have 2.

Like just a minute ago, a kid was breathing in the same room with me, a sleep breathing, I'm only one in here. Yesterday, I was getting clothes up stairs for the kids, and one ran up to me, but I didn't pay attention, because I was getting clothes at dresser. I pull up from leaning over, and both the kids are downstairs, no where near me, nor had time to go.

Whatever it is, it should know I'm not interested.

You should call TAPS "ghost hunters".

Stories like that really intrigue me. Got anymore?
I haven't had experiences like LEK necessarily, but I have had the feeling of someone 'missing' in our family of 5 when we're all together. It comes and goes, though. Wife did miscarry very early in a pregnancy between the 1st and 2nd kid, so maybe that's it. The insane puppy we have is making up for it too. Haven't had that feeling in a few months.
2 egg omelet and fresh coffee
haircut today...starts touching my ears, it's time to go
spray bombing a couple storage for swimming towels chest...gonna prep em today before rain gets here..
Don't **** with Ky1988's **ssy
If wife works in a hospital, tell her not to be flickin her tongue...could get a man hurt or killt
Dondaddy and Austin look like they ready to get into some shit somewhere..
UK and Irish flags off the pole for a bit, now flying Chicago Cubs n NY Yankee flags
WO tie rod end and lower control arm from rockauto..going to install on #2's car this weekend..
been havin a hankerin for a few white castles, other than a few chic filet grilled nuggets I have had no fast food type food since last of January..gonna pass yet again on the belly bombers..
I do not know what the hell I just read.

Ghost touched Whitey Bulger's girlfriend and whitey didn't know or didn't care because he loves Puerto Ricans? Idk.

I think ky1998 is Whitey.

Ky1998 yoked some dude up with his belt, stuck a pistol to his head, and kicked his face in over a trick.

I'm gonna go murder some Cheerios. Bye.

Flipping the "S" can change the whole meaning...Whitey's Bulger