
I mostly like bold unfiltered flavors. I'm usually strictly water but I've been in the caffeine a bit lately. The sweet teas are usually syrupy messes, and just not as refreshing as unsweet.

If you can get me that same deal, I'll sell out Gen X.

Mindset doesn't change only the generation does.

In terms of what? Mindsets/society is always changing.
Re: Mother's Day...wife sent me pics shortly after Kinlee was born saying for Mother's Day she wanted a ring with her birth stone in it. Ok. Cool. She's not the jewelry type. Never asks for it. Doesn't own much of it. She and I both figured it'd be in the 200-400 dollar range most likely. Not gonna break us, So I figure I'm gonna let her think she's not getting any of em and just get her the one that's $900 and let her be surprised.

Well done.
Re: Mother's Day...

wife sent me pics shortly after Kinlee was born saying for Mother's Day she wanted a ring with her birth stone in it. Ok. Cool. She's not the jewelry type. Never asks for it. Doesn't own much of it. She and I both figured it'd be in the 200-400 dollar range most likely. Not gonna break us, but may make things tight with the newborn, new fence, etc. Today I finally get around to researching some of the pics she sent and send her a text: "Hey did you happen to look at the prices of these when you looked em up?"... "No... why is it too much?"... "Well that depends on what you think is too much". Not one of em is less than 900 dollars. She was all like "Whoa!... nevermind then. Don't know if we can afford that. Don't worry about it then." I could tell she was a little disappointed in other texts she sent. So I figure I'm gonna let her think she's not getting any of em and just get her the one that's $900 and let her be surprised. I mean I can probably afford it paying $300 for the 3 months with dipping into savings some, but that's gonna make it tight.


I mean... shit, though. Get less expensive taste, woman.
And here comes kid 2..........
I mostly like bold unfiltered flavors. I'm usually strictly water but I've been in the caffeine a bit lately. The sweet teas are usually syrupy messes, and just not as refreshing as unsweet.

In terms of what? Mindsets/society is always changing.

Core mindset. Sleep, thirst, cravings, power, control, sex, hunger
Sorry, should have been more specific
have never met a person in my entire life that likes unsweet tea. I mean... why?

Used to hate it, and would dump sugar in any tea that I made. Then all the sudden I hated the sweet stuff. So for about the last 10 years or so it's all about the unsweet for me. Don't put sugar or sweetner in my coffee either. None of that is to say I don't like sweet drinks, I can't live without an ALE8.
Tried to do what Ghost did...where I get my allergy shots,the nurse who injects me is super hot, maybe 30yr old blonde and nice on da eyes , huge rack and wears no undies that I can tell.For the past few month's when I get ready to leave she sticks her tongue out, waggles it a bit at me, so today I thought WTF. When she did that I grabbed her by her waist and thrust-ed my 60 yr old coffee stained tongue down her throat and before I yanked my tongue in she karate chopped me in the neck putting me flat on the floor then a swift kick to the balls, that was not good enough so she pulled me jeans down, grabbed me sack, stretched it out only to fist bump it into the tile floor,. when she snapped me bag back it went into my anal cavity as if to hide. After I could get my senses back she gave me my shots, I apologized for the tongue blunder then shamefully BUT gracefully too eased on over to elevator for my trip out...In two weeks I am to get my shots again, should I go on a different day or ask for a different nurse..** She had TOURETTES! and that's why she flicked her tongue!

** yes this story was and is complete and utter bullshit!
Tried to do what Ghost did...where I get my allergy shots,the nurse who injects me is super hot, maybe 30yr old blonde and nice on da eyes , huge rack and wears no undies that I can tell.For the past few month's when I get ready to leave she sticks her tongue out, waggles it a bit at me, so today I thought WTF. When she did that I grabbed her by her waist and thrust-ed my 60 yr old coffee stained tongue down her throat and before I yanked my tongue in she karate chopped me in the neck putting me flat on the floor then a swift kick to the balls, that was not good enough so she pulled me jeans down, grabbed me sack, stretched it out only to fist bump it into the tile floor,. when she snapped me bag back it went into my anal cavity as if to hide. After I could get my senses back she gave me my shots, I apologized for the tongue blunder then shamefully BUT gracefully too eased on over to elevator for my trip out...In two weeks I am to get my shots again, should I go on a different day or ask for a different nurse..**

** yes this story was and is complete and utter bullshit!

Very nice!!! [roll]
Well, shame on me.

Apparently I made the mistake of upgrading my old Windows Vista OS on my desktop PC with a Windows 7 key that I purchased legally and downloaded. Install went perfect and it works just fine, but now 2 weeks later Bill Gates pops up on my screen and informs me that my Windows 7 key can't be validated...apparently because it is an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture) key??

Pretty sure my Vista disks are in a box up in the attic. Since my software is all purchased legally, I'm wondering if my Vista key code will work and that can be validated? Probably not because that would be way to easy, huh?

Austin, how do I fix this?
Willy, brother, don't mind you asking at all. Any ideas on how to smooth out that kind of bad news would be mucho apprecioso'd.

I honestly always try to empathize with them because I truly do realize how devastating it would be to lose my driving privileges. However -- and this is what I delicately try to get across -- there's also a huge public safety issue to consider. Of course everybody is initially in denial and if I've heard "I ain't never had a wreck yet " once I've heard it a million times.

I may have mentioned this story a few months ago...A late 60ish dude comes in for an exam and the first thing out of his mouth as we're going into the exam room is "I'm just here to shut her up," meaning his wife [laughing]. He said she bitched at him constantly about his driving and he'd heard enough. Long story short, he had horrible (20/400 acuity), yet correctable, vision -- BUT HE REFUSED TO WEAR GLASSES. Now he was a jackass that I had no problem with bluntly telling him he was wrong. As he was leaving I said that, unless a heart attack got him first, he was gonna die in a car wreck and the only question was how many people he was gonna take out with him haha.


Join their frustration. If you display unpleasant non verbal body language that matches with your tone of voice. Joining their frustration rather than empathizing with their frustration will help get them to listen to you more.

Some times just won't work.
Well, shame on me.

Apparently I made the mistake of upgrading my old Windows Vista OS on my desktop PC with a Windows 7 key that I purchased legally and downloaded. Install went perfect and it works just fine, but now 2 weeks later Bill Gates pops up on my screen and informs me that my Windows 7 key can't be validated...apparently because it is an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacture) key??

Pretty sure my Vista disks are in a box up in the attic. Since my software is all purchased legally, I'm wondering if my Vista key code will work and that can be validated? Probably not because that would be way to easy, huh?

Austin, how do I fix this?
Try the code anyway. Was the software downloaded from MSFT? If so, then attempt finding a key in the email they sent.
Try the code anyway. Was the software downloaded from MSFT? If so, then attempt finding a key in the email they sent.

Yes, I already tried the code. No I didn't download from MSFT.

**apparenty -You cannot use an OEM Key Code to activate a retail installation...oops didn't know that because I guess I'm a dumb.

I have the original disks somewhere packed away - I read online that I can enter that key and:

click start, type slui3, press enter.

I bet that doesn't work though haha
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Old folks and driving cars ......... once we were on vacation with our grand children and their mothers. #2 got the croup, and we took him to a little medical facility in Panama City for a shot of adenelin to help him breath. While we were waiting this older couple came in and it appeared that the female half of the couple looked like she was blind. They got help before we were finished and walked to their car. She was the driver.
Another old folks story. Friends of our recently moved to an old folks facility in Wilmore. They have an apartment in there and this facility takes care of old folks all the way from an apartment to the nursing home stage of life. They got to know about a certain old guy and the rumor about him was that nobody could stand him. The other day while our friends were having dinner this guy stopped by their table and said to them "I've got gobs of money."
Typical happening in Atlanta ......... took Sugar out to take care of her bidness this afternoon, and as we approached the homeless hangout a guy saw us and walked in the space en route to the pee pee spot. I stopped and let some distance between us happen. I expected to get panhandled or worse at any second. The guy did not say a word, but he laid down on the sidewalk on his back near where we were. Weird. Then he started toward us in the grass, I did not have my sidearm, but I did have my trusty Case pocket knife. He walked by us and headed out of the area. Unnerving.
Dude some of my biggest fights with patients over the years have been when I told them they shouldn't be driving.

I mean I get it, having freedom to go where you want is great, but it's almost like I've instructed 'em to drink a large glass of extra strength cyanide.

Which is persactly how it will go down with you when it's your turn, no doubt. When you can no longer drive, it is a death knell. Fortunately I can still drive. The bad part is the two drivers ahead of and behind me with the "Wide Load" signs and blinking lights I have to hire. It's expensive.
I just realized how snobby this sounded -- and for that I am indeed proud of myself :D.
Wanna be really snobby?... Buy yourself some Grindz beans to clean out the burr grinder.

Actually do this in a year.

I just back flushed the Ascaso Steel Uno Pro w\PID with Cafiza and Durgol. My shots have been amazing since.

Still want a Reg Barber tamper and knock box.
Highway accident ......... the other day I came upon an accident scene involving a Georgia State Patrol car and a motorcycle rider. A hellofawreck. I stopped not realizing that the two drivers were on their way to Grady Hospital. There was blood everywhere, and I looked closer and saw a big toe.
Highway accident ......... the other day I came upon an accident scene involving a Georgia State Patrol car and a motorcycle rider. A hellofawreck. I stopped not realizing that the two drivers were on their way to Grady Hospital. There was blood everywhere, and I looked closer and saw a big toe.
You want a toe? I can get you a toe. I have my ways.

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wife said to get the $375 ring. No use in spending $900 on a fancy jeweler website for a ring that's nearly identical in size, carat, band, etc when it's over $500 less on Etsy made by an independent jeweler. I researched em. They seem legit.

Good on your wife. I was going to suggest buying the expensive ring box and putting the cheaper ring in it.
Willy, brother, don't mind you asking at all. Any ideas on how to smooth out that kind of bad news would be mucho apprecioso'd.

I honestly always try to empathize with them because I truly do realize how devastating it would be to lose my driving privileges. However -- and this is what I delicately try to get across -- there's also a huge public safety issue to consider. Of course everybody is initially in denial and if I've heard "I ain't never had a wreck yet " once I've heard it a million times.

I may have mentioned this story a few months ago...A late 60ish dude comes in for an exam and the first thing out of his mouth as we're going into the exam room is "I'm just here to shut her up," meaning his wife [laughing]. He said she bitched at him constantly about his driving and he'd heard enough. Long story short, he had horrible (20/400 acuity), yet correctable, vision -- BUT HE REFUSED TO WEAR GLASSES. Now he was a jackass that I had no problem with bluntly telling him he was wrong. As he was leaving I said that, unless a heart attack got him first, he was gonna die in a car wreck and the only question was how many people he was gonna take out with him haha.

I was in the local DMV and an old lady came in to have her drivers license renewed. She had to be in her late 80s or early 90s. She took the eye exam and couldn't distinguish any of the letters. The employee finally told her what the letters were and passed her .

My BIL went to the same DMV to get his license renewed. He has extreme Parkinson's and weighs about 115. His hands tremble greatly and he spends his days hunched over in a wheelchair. Yep, he passed the test (but he doesn't drive).
Hi D

Great pic of Austin/Don!
Butt flushing, butt fart/shittn stories...ok man gotta do what he do.
JS: Love the ring. Pls post end product. She is going to love it...regardless.

Ghost: Eeek. Glad you realize that is No Zone going forward. Really? Dangerous territory. They're too many single women out there? Correct? Go do your thing.....:) You seem to be popular with the ladies? Why go there?

Starch: wow at that pic. both of you. You're a lucky man, and she is as well.

55: please elaborate on the fence against the house/wall? Please?

Mash: I know you're older than 28? You old ass man!!!

Be home for Derby. Excited, it may be the last time I'm able to be with my dad/stepmonster this year. He is older, she is 2 yrs younger than the oldest sibling. I don't like her a bit. Real family problems.: )