
I can't even enjoy Sportscenter anymore. I have watched like 5 minutes and they have discussed twitter reactions 5 times, compared a basketball player to God, and a segment about Russel Westbrook's dancing and the twitter reactions from whaaaaaat??!!! <----- they literally said that. I am fn old and miserable. F Disney to death.
Good Morning, all

Gonna be a good day! A productive day!

Three cups of free coffee in and feelin good.

GhostVol is gonna die, just sayin.

What makes people talk about people they don't know? I find it amusing and sad at the same time.

Poor guy in the golf thread is tryin to troll I think, but he's just not very good at it.

Don and Austin, nice to put faces with "names".

Storms in the Plains today. should be fun today.

Have a good one, guys!
Maybe, but its persistent. It's either in my head or it's not. If it's in my head, cool. If it's not cool, I believe in ghosts and spirits, just don't find them interesting anymore. Actually find them annoying.

If it's not in your head (I would totally understand if it is), you need to figure how to get it out of your house before it bothers anyone else in your family. (I'm playing the role of Captain Obvious here)
If it's not in your head (I would totally understand if it is), you need to figure how to get it out of your house before it bothers anyone else in your family. (I'm playing the role of Captain Obvious here)

Not sure how old LEK's kids are, but don't things like this usually manifest to children before adults (assuming it's supernatural)? Just wonder if the kids have noticed anything and just haven't mentioned it.

I think the Penny situation may be over.

Poor girl was lethargic, not eating for 3 days.

3 vet visits, 1 general anesthetic, 1 X-ray, 1 averted ultrasound/surgery, 1 long disgusting - poop filled youth soccer sock yanked out her tucchus like a magician's silk scarf.

You all don't want to know what veterinary bills are up here. It is a racket.

Could've been much worse. We are thankful.
Not sure how old LEK's kids are, but don't things like this usually manifest to children before adults (assuming it's supernatural)? Just wonder if the kids have noticed anything and just haven't mentioned it.

I don't know, but I was curious if anyone else in the house has experienced anything...I'm guessing from LEK's post they have not (?)

If not, it could be something in the mind and that is very understandable.
What's up leagures?

Keith Richards continues to out live others. I think everytime a rock star dies he gains another 5 years to his life
Ryan leaf is thanking the football gods as manziel is putting distance between him as greatest draft bust ever
Nice day in the tristate today
The Reds of old are returning
Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson, prepare for a race war.
Bolden needs to make up his damn mind

Press on leagures enjoy the day
This may be the most badass thing I've read on here. Well, top 3 anyways. That's the kind of stuff that I daydream about doing for revenge on someone, but I'm not hard enough for prison life.
Prison life wasn't in my mind at the time. I could survive prison, because you'd adapt, but I'll stick with my current pay grade and lifestyle.

Mashburned-I don't act like a madman over a "trick". At that time I considered her a wife and the mother of 3 beautiful children. The reality that their life changed and they wouldn't have the same stable background as I had drove me mad I guess. I have always been in control and very alpha. I reacted to vulnerability (and have never before felt vulnerable) the only way I knew. I tried to control an uncontrollable situation. I couldn't control my life, but I could control his fear.

Oh well. My new gal is TV level gorgeous and my kids really like her. My ex is now the primary earner for a deadbeat and my kids are with me more than half of the time.
I try and not think about things on other planes of existence, as they dont hold much power, and I refuse to give it to them. Also, the Bible clearly states dont. I would have in my earlier days, but I am not as brash as I was in my youth. I know I come off crazy, and I am a little, but I also now know not to poke a bear.

Understood - doesn't sound crazy to me at all, but then again, I'm certifiable.

Hopefully things will resolve without any problems.
She would have no trouble rolling me up into a little ball and sticking me up her butt.

Look, I'm not saying this person doesn't have super-human strength but I think you might be psyching yourself out a little bit here.

I think you two should discuss things mano e mano and report your findings back to the D.