
No you're not!!! Don't quit Don. Don't ever quit. You could even dunk it if you want to,

PBR tastes good to me, tbh.

My grandpa couldn't run good, but he could walk, and he could still shoot FT's underhand (his preferred style) up till his late 80's when he sold his farm house with the goal and moved to town. He was usually good for 70% from the stripe. Always amazed me how he floated those soft shots up there.
QB just brought me an LG water filter that goes in the fridge. She couldn't open the packaging. I almost couldn't either. Cut my finger on the packaging. Damn it all to Hell. Why is it packaged in that tough stuff. You could build automobiles out of that stuff. ****!!!!!!!!!

You have shoplifters (thieves) to thank for all this.

I sure hope I don't offend any shoplifters by pointing that out.
WRONGO...ur only as old as you you can still "shoot it" with the best of em

I once saw this old guy staggering down the street huffing and puffing. He stopped and leaned against a street sign to catch his breath. I said to him, "Getting old is a real bummer, right?" He looked at me and said: "You know, they say you are as old as you feel. But, hell, I'm not 125 years old."
Lots of folks share your opinion. I wouldn't trade with anyone though. QB and I have been married for 53 years. She is the one that I always wanted to spend my life with.

Don, I think you and I are the lucky ones. 53 years for me as well. And good years at that.

Although I was not a Christian when I got married I did believe in God and that I am accountable to Him. I was married in a church (her wish) and I considered the vows I made that day as vows to her, to God (which I take seriously) and to the witnesses present. I vowed to be faithful to her and to stay "till death us do part." I have kept those vows so far. Since I vowed faithfulness and I was not ever going to cheat I deliberately stayed well back from that line of temptation (and, yes, I have had other women show interest in me).

A successful marriage requires some work. It always has its ups and downs. It requires two people willing to work it out. If only one of them, after a few years, wants it to continue to work it is probably over. Get out with the least damage possible (for the kids usually).

Here's old starchief5 and his QB (because I know that, without pics, it didn't happen)

Was she a child bride?

LOL. I've gotten that question all my life. I outkicked my coverage. She was about 68 when that photo was taken. Unbelievable. She doesn't look that much different today - and she's almost 71.

I was out once with my wife and her sister (who is also beautiful). Two couples were sitting at an adjoining table. I could see them staring at us and talking. A guy (he'd had a few) said, "our wives want to see your d**k." I started to fumble with my zipper, but stopped and started rolling up my pants cuff. "Wait. It's easier to get to this way," I told them. TS
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That sounds awesome.

I was thinking when I come down, I may want to skip Universal Studios. We will be doing like 4 parks in one week at Disney, so I may just want to hang out, but we can figure it out closer to time.

No worries brother. I accommodate and I am flexible my man. Just glad to get another opportunity hang with ya.

Mash-Yep- Harry Potter land is the shit. They brew a beer specifically for Harry Potter land that you can't buy anywhere.

Cujo- Great point. As much as I support pro choice, you are definitely right about that. I rectify it by telling myself those kids would prolly turn out in an awful situation anyway (bad I know)
Don, I think you and I are the lucky ones. 53 years for me as well. And good years at that.

Although I was not a Christian when I got married I did believe in God and that I am accountable to Him. I was married in a church (her wish) and I considered the vows I made that day as vows to her, to God (which I take seriously) and to the witnesses present. I vowed to be faithful to her and to stay "till death us do part." I have kept those vows so far. Since I vowed faithfulness and I was not ever going to cheat I deliberately stayed well back from that line of temptation (and, yes, I have had other women show interest in me).

A successful marriage requires some work. It always has its ups and downs. It requires two people willing to work it out. If only one of them, after a few years, wants it to continue to work it is probably over. Get out with the least damage possible (for the kids usually).

Here's old starchief5 and his QB (because I know that, without pics, it didn't happen)

Man you old folks are just better humans than my generation. I really admire y'all.

A group of senior citizens were exchanging notes about their ailments.

"My arm is so weak I can hardly hold this coffee cup."

"Yes, I know. My cataracts are so bad I can't see to pour the coffee."

"I can't turn my head because of the arthritis in my neck."

"My blood pressure pills make me dizzy."

"I guess that's the price we pay for getting old."

"Well, it's not all bad. We should be thankful that we can still drive."