
Damn. We could have used you. Came in third (two questions out of first) out of about 35 teams -- and we only had three players haha.

Should have won the damned thing easily. Missed three easy questions:
  1. Who did the US beat in the gold medal hockey game in 1980? (I said Sweden -- it was Finland)
  2. Who shot John Lennon? (Not one of us could pull up friggin Mark David Chapman, even though it was right on the tip of our tongues)
  3. Who was Alex P. Keaton's hero (we reflexively said Ronald was Nixon)
Oh well. Sigh.
2&3 were layups... But I would've swore we beat asweden as well.

I mean... Ho-Lee-Shit.

Perhaps it's a byproduct of aging, but I really feel this country has seen a rapid degradation of the values that made this country great. Individual responsibility, selflessness, initiative, and a moral foundation. It started with my generation in the 60's - if it feels good do it. I fear for the long term viability of the country.

We go in cycles, I think. Individual responsibility, selflessness, initiative, and a moral foundation are still regarded as important for many. Those are the people who succeed in life. Decadence always ends badly.

The country's history has been filled with bitter division. In fact the Whigs and federalists in the early 19th Century went after it as bad as or worse than the Dems and Repubs today. It was just in the newspapers and pamphlets instead of radio and TV. But the way our Republic was established was to not trust government and keep all three branches fighting it out. So far it has worked.

In my view the government will undo itself financially and we will go through a bad depression (and probably a massive war) that will force a correction and financial restructuring. Having made my living understanding how Capitalism works, I see some very stupid things being thrown around trying to get a vote. We have stretched the boundaries of our system. We need a change or we will pay the consequences.

Just my views.
Morning, D.

-Tons of rain yesterday. Everything drenched. Yard work will have to wait. Damn, what a shame.

-Wife left early this morning to go to Charlotte. Dad gets another solo day/night. Accept thy punishment, liver.

-Stoops and company getting it done. Hope they can keep these guys. Secondary looks to be in really good shape as well as LB going forward. Get some hosses up front and who knows? Might win 6 games sometime haha lol

-Some of those dudes on Rafters really have a ridiculously short fuse. You guys don't have to do much of anything and you're in their heads big time. Guys probably grinding teeth to mush all night in their sleep out of internet anger.

-Pinehurst tomorrow :golf:

Good morning from Harrogate. Hardee's action again . Heading to Knoxville later and meeting up with folks I've not seen in 33 years. May hit Sawtooth Brewing shortly thereafter.

Life is good.

What part of town did you stay at there? I grew up living on Noetown Road. Our house was exactly where West Cumberland Ave intersects with Noetown Road. They had to tear our house down to make room for the new highway.
Here's a few more for all you techies and IT heads:
  • What was the Sony Walkman's original name?
  • When was Windows 1.0 introduced?
  • What was the first "notebook" based software program?
  • Which two companies were most responsible for developing the CD?
  • Which company first introduced disposable cameras?
We only got #4 (CD) correct.

Complete guesses:

Sony&RCA? For CDs?
Disposable camera--Fuji?
First program- Solitaire?!?
Windows 1.0 -'89?
Old Pi
What part of town did you stay at there? I grew up living on Noetown Road. Our house was exactly where West Cumberland Ave intersects with Noetown Road. They had to tear our house down to make room for the new highway.
Mom's house is located on Old Pineville Pike near the old tannery. In fact, the house was built in 1896 originally for tannery executives.
Here's a few more for all you techies and IT heads:
  • What was the Sony Walkman's original name?
  • When was Windows 1.0 introduced?
  • What was the first "notebook" based software program?
  • Which two companies were most responsible for developing the CD?
  • Which company first introduced disposable cameras?
We only got #4 (CD) correct.
#3 is tough.
Philips and Sony?
Eastman Kodak or Fuji?
Here's a few more for all you techies and IT heads:
  • What was the Sony Walkman's original name?
  • When was Windows 1.0 introduced?
  • What was the first "notebook" based software program?
  • Which two companies were most responsible for developing the CD?
  • Which company first introduced disposable cameras?
We only got #4 (CD) correct.

Sony Walkperson
Beer Pong
General Motors and General Mills
Hello everyone.

It is a beautiful day here in St Louis. Perfection

Austin: I love your zest for life. You are always going/moving having fun. I look forward to all of your travels.

Don: #3..thoughts with him. I'll bet you're very proud. You should be, I've heard that is very tough.

Cujo: Go for piano, just do it. Chords on piano vs guitar are very similar.

JS: hope the baby is good. Hope you're getting some sleep.

Mash: So I'm craving Spoon Bread really bad, You wanna send some my way? I've made it a bunch, but it's never as good as BT.

GoCat: Elise passed, not sure you heard:(

I'm still hurting over Prince. What a talented (all around IMO) musician. Sad.

I know we don't discuss Politics in here....But, can we not have found any better representations for President? Uggg. Absolute worst in my adult life.

That is all I have. I hope everyone is well and living the good life.! Have a great weekend all. :) :)
Elwood…welcome to the D. Good to have another fellow child of the 80's aboard the mothership.

Just remember…and never forget…what sets the D apart is that in addition to posting random shit on a meaningless message board…we also save lives.

So post what you like and as much as you like. But save a life or two every now and again or GTFO.
Elwood…welcome to the D. Good to have another fellow child of the 80's aboard the mothership.

Just remember…and never forget…what sets the D apart is that in addition to posting random shit on a meaningless message board…we also save lives.

So post what you like and as much as you like. But save a life or two every now and again or GTFO.

Speaking of this, I might have saved my sons life today.

We were at a truck show at the horse track when out of nowhere, a gust of wind picked up a portable tent (you know, the ones with metal supports and nylon tops) and sent it flying like a kite. I heard shrieks, looked up, and there it is, coming down at us from about 20 feet in the air. I grabbed my kid and ducked inside a track starting gate they had on display, and the tent bounced harmlessly right where we were standing.
Final destination level craziness. I'm still a little rattled by what almost happened. My son can't stop chattering about big "choo choo" trucks.
Speaking of this, I might have saved my sons life today.

We were at a truck show at the horse track when out of nowhere, a gust of wind picked up a portable tent (you know, the ones with metal supports and nylon tops) and sent it flying like a kite. I heard shrieks, looked up, and there it is, coming down at us from about 20 feet in the air. I grabbed my kid and ducked inside a track starting gate they had on display, and the tent bounced harmlessly right where we were standing.
Final destination level craziness. I'm still a little rattled by what almost happened. My son can't stop chattering about big "choo choo" trucks.
Reminds of 30 years ago when we were setting off fireworks for Fourth of July. One went spinning sideways toward my 3 year old and mother-in- law grabbed him and took off running. Wasn't funny at the time but my wife and I laugh today remembering the sight of her Mom's big butt trucking up that hill
Speaking of this, I might have saved my sons life today.

We were at a truck show at the horse track when out of nowhere, a gust of wind picked up a portable tent (you know, the ones with metal supports and nylon tops) and sent it flying like a kite. I heard shrieks, looked up, and there it is, coming down at us from about 20 feet in the air. I grabbed my kid and ducked inside a track starting gate they had on display, and the tent bounced harmlessly right where we were standing.
Final destination level craziness. I'm still a little rattled by what almost happened. My son can't stop chattering about big "choo choo" trucks.

See, Elwood. That's what I'm talking about right there. The D.Saves.Lives.
Reminds of 30 years ago when we were setting off fireworks for Fourth of July. One went spinning sideways toward my 3 year old and mother-in- law grabbed him and took off running. Wasn't funny at the time but my wife and I laugh today remembering the sight of her Mom's big butt trucking up that hill

Only takeaway from that story is that it sounds like your MIL should be posting in the D instead you. C'mon, stevo…step up your game...your freakin' MIL is pitching a shutout.

MIL - 1
Stevo - 0
Only takeaway from that story is that it sounds like your MIL should be posting in the D instead you. C'mon, stevo…step up your game...your freakin' MIL is pitching a shutout.

MIL - 1
Stevo - 0
LOL I was setting off the fireworks so I got blamed
It was worth it to see her chugging up the hill with him under one arm
  • @LEK ......... I looked for something in the DK thread, but I didn't see anything.
  • Austin is enjoying his vacation/trip, Hope he can have the time to come by and meet/see me.
  • Round pizza only. I'm with Mashburned.
  • @Heshimu ......... thanks for the well wishes for #3. He called me tonight. He is looking forward to the training, but said that he was a little nervous. Their bus should have pulled out a few minutes ago. There are 30 men in his class.
  • I've made that BT spoon bread more than once. It's goooooooood.
  • Quick thinking j_mc. Scary I'm sure.
  • stevo51, it was all your fault. You can't be trusted to watch your own little boy,
  • maverick1 is a regular Elvis ain't he (uppers/downers) and he is snobbish I hear.
  • 93, that was some good work that you did. How will the wife ever repay you?
  • LEK, you are as handy as a pocket on a shirt. I used to despise painting the bathroom.
  • Life is indeed good.