
Ok, so I'm editing clips of music for my sons' baseball team, for walk-up music, and I'm really starting to realize the generation gap here. So far I've downloaded stuff by Meek Mill, Montana 300, Bryson Tiller, The Game, sheesh... I think there is actually a 2 or 3 generation gap between the music I would have used (PE, Ozzy) and this new stuff.
If the universe was created from a single point, and the speed of light cannot be exceeded, then how did those galaxies get so far away? What we see now in the night sky happened a long time ago. For all we know the universe might be collapsing on our asses in another 30 minutes

Inflation before expansion. It is expanding instead of collapsing. For a while the thought that the expansion would slow down and reverse itself due to gravity and mass but it is still expanding at an even higher rate than thought.
Inflation before expansion. It is expanding instead of collapsing. For a while the thought that the expansion would slow down and reverse itself due to gravity and mass but it is still expanding at an even higher rate than thought.
We think it's expanding but everything we see happened a long time ago. It could just about to freight train our puny butts and we wouldn't know it
A lot of truth to that part in bold. Ive seen first hand what greed can do to some. I don't think it's unique to the USA. I think it's just human nature.

I guess I'm a bit jaded. For years I wanted to have meaningful work. Now I'm in a place where I can do things to make a real difference in people's lives, but it feels hollow.
Perhaps it's a byproduct of aging, but I really feel this country has seen a rapid degradation of the values that made this country great. Individual responsibility, selflessness, initiative, and a moral foundation. It started with my generation in the 60's - if it feels good do it. I fear for the long term viability of the country.
Yep. I have a talent.

Make yourself cozy - disregard some stuff - and post away. I usually get one belly laugh a day from these jackals and Beyoncés- and for that reason alone it is entertaining.

Welcome aboard.
+1. It's a little different in the D, but we seem to have a good time over here. Try it and see if you like it. Some really good guys in here I think.
Belly full of Mongolian-grilled meats and about to inject some liquid happiness into it. Ought to be an interesting morning.

This might be the worst Reds team I've seen in a while. My memories go back to Driessen and Householder, so that's saying something.

23 days of school left, y'all.

Almost fully recovered from the flu. That was a rough 6 days. I can finally swallow without wincing today. (No swallow jokes, plz)
Walked by the white house today. All I could think about was how Shitty it must be to live in the white house. You got cops parked in front of your house all day long and people out there trying to stare in your Windows from outside the gate. And how paranoid it must be to snort coke in there. I'd keep checking the Windows every 15 seconds paranoid as Shit and higher than international space station on cocaine. What a damn nightmare
Y'all, Catfan prolly won't disclose this, but he's Neil Armstrong.

Also did the Lincoln tour at Ford Theatre. What a messed up story. And his son Robert Todd Lincoln, wow, just wow. The connections to him after his dad's death seems almost like it was made up, but damn was it true. They say he was cursed. 2 or 3 presidents were assassinated shortly after meeting Robert Todd. Crazy
Watching this chick on Comedy Central on demand. She's a 8.5 on the female comedian scale, so that's not bad. Voice is like chewing glass, however.

**** you and go to hell, sucking every dick on the dick trees on the way down.

You admittedly sheltered and ogled a vulnerable, naked big-cocked half-wit in your 1-BR apt, have a dick avatar, mention dicks in most posts, piss together with two male dogs, enjoy Prince tunes...

Pretty sure you're swinging from a tire swing on the only dick tree ever (in a fenced-in backyard so you don't have to share).

Not that there's anything wrong with that.