
I just got an email from what I can only assume is this fly little hunny wanting the Jason diiiiyuck.

Check it out:

"Fw: Hi-ya

Hi-ya, I'm a lone baby, looking for handsome guy to go out with)) Where are you from, do you speak english?

reply me if you want to see my photos. Bye :)"

I mean what's a feller with a pecker supposed to do? She's (assuming female, since they probably know I'm a dude) CLEARLY in heat.

I think there is a photo of her in this group of cute young girls.

KRS One just said some of the smartest shit I've ever heard in hip hop.

My favorite part though was when NORE was telling a story about smoking on the terrace at the Four Seasons Maui and they called his room to tell him they had a very important guest on the floor with him, and would he mind not smoking outside. First, he asked them if that guest was paying more than him, and they said no. Then he asked if they were inviting him to smoke in the room, and they said no, and they dropped it. The important guest on the floor with him was that bitch Oprah and on that same day her stepson drowned there in Maui.
Willy is very good with the Asian stuff.

The hottest Asian I've ever seen worked at the fayette mall customer service kiosk place around 2003 (which they no longer have for whatever reason) but she was a tall Asian with red pants and very Americanized style wise. Her hair was on point. She was tall. That's what I liked. Long legs.

KRS said some real shit regarding the current situation of the United States of America, which is not united at all, and will be our downfall unless we come together as one, unlikely, or groups quit competing/bickering and start their own nations.

This is something I've thought about since I heard about bitcoin, and something that I think will gain real traction in my lifetime. It's just so stupid the way things are now regarding rules, laws, and all kinds of bullshit that nobody can realistically enforce or lead. We need something new, but that won't come till all this fails, or people realize the outcome and come together for the sake of THE GD CHILDREN - which was his whole point. Our economic system is setup for competition, which means the olds and youngs are in competition for the paper, which means it ain't nice, which means someone has to lose, and it just leads to greed and envy, mostly. There's not a teacher and apprentice type relationship. People aren't as likely to lead or teach because they gotta look our for #1, understandably. It's a tangled web, but these are things I like to think about.

Basically, We The D need need our retirement home nation thingy. Our currency can be whatever.

KRS also had interesting things to say about police. He said back in the day the cops patrolled the hoods where they were from. You knew everybody. The cops went to school with the shooters and they knew what was what, and who was who, and there was a community respect because you didn't really want to shoot someone you knew (NORE objected, he'll shoot anybody). However, partly because cops knew everybody, and it was a community type of relationship, there were a ton of crooked cops. That's just how it worked. Just like the movies, he said. Ain't nobody was taking down the big guys, because the cops worked for the big guys. Everybody knew the criminals because they were all from the community. The DA would pick and choose who to go after.

Well all that changed. They shipped cops out of their neighborhoods and mixed it all up (in the name of equality loll). So then you had Walter patrolling the hood where Victor used to patrol, and he don't know what's what. He has no respect for the hood, doesn't know what's what, and the community doesn't trust him. Things start going south. New cop gets scared and kills somebody. Shit gets really bad.

Then he really went off in left field and started conspiracies - global police conspiracy. A theory suggests that leases of the world who wish to have a national police force believe that one way to accomplish this is to get nations to not trust their own police....

Whether you believe that or not, it boils down to the government/leaders grabbing more power, and the way to so that is to make the citizens distrust everybody but the government, who is the savior. That is absolutely very relevant right now. Take the conspiracy carp away, and just focus on the powers and responsibilities we continue to give to the government/leaders because we don't trust the citizens.

Welp, see ya later.
I just got an email from what I can only assume is this fly little hunny wanting the Jason diiiiyuck.

Check it out:

"Fw: Hi-ya

Hi-ya, I'm a lone baby, looking for handsome guy to go out with)) Where are you from, do you speak english?

reply me if you want to see my photos. Bye :)"

I mean what's a feller with a pecker supposed to do? She's (assuming female, since they probably know I'm a dude) CLEARLY in heat.
Two timing bitch! She sent that to me on Tuesday.
Got my 2 teenage boys on the yard stuff today. Monumental. My 14 yr old can now for the first time ever, weedeat as good as I can. I'm hanging it up. Good job young men. FCC.
You go, brother. Go young men. I am happy as heck being back here up home right now with family.
Willy is very good with the Asian stuff.

The hottest Asian I've ever seen worked at the fayette mall customer service kiosk place around 2003 (which they no longer have for whatever reason) but she was a tall Asian with red pants and very Americanized style wise. Her hair was on point. She was tall. That's what I liked. Long legs.

KRS said some real shit regarding the current situation of the United States of America, which is not united at all, and will be our downfall unless we come together as one, unlikely, or groups quit competing/bickering and start their own nations.

This is something I've thought about since I heard about bitcoin, and something that I think will gain real traction in my lifetime. It's just so stupid the way things are now regarding rules, laws, and all kinds of bullshit that nobody can realistically enforce or lead. We need something new, but that won't come till all this fails, or people realize the outcome and come together for the sake of THE GD CHILDREN - which was his whole point. Our economic system is setup for competition, which means the olds and youngs are in competition for the paper, which means it ain't nice, which means someone has to lose, and it just leads to greed and envy, mostly. There's not a teacher and apprentice type relationship. People aren't as likely to lead or teach because they gotta look our for #1, understandably. It's a tangled web, but these are things I like to think about.

Basically, We The D need need our retirement home nation thingy. Our currency can be whatever.

KRS also had interesting things to say about police. He said back in the day the cops patrolled the hoods where they were from. You knew everybody. The cops went to school with the shooters and they knew what was what, and who was who, and there was a community respect because you didn't really want to shoot someone you knew (NORE objected, he'll shoot anybody). However, partly because cops knew everybody, and it was a community type of relationship, there were a ton of crooked cops. That's just how it worked. Just like the movies, he said. Ain't nobody was taking down the big guys, because the cops worked for the big guys. Everybody knew the criminals because they were all from the community. The DA would pick and choose who to go after.

Well all that changed. They shipped cops out of their neighborhoods and mixed it all up (in the name of equality loll). So then you had Walter patrolling the hood where Victor used to patrol, and he don't know what's what. He has no respect for the hood, doesn't know what's what, and the community doesn't trust him. Things start going south. New cop gets scared and kills somebody. Shit gets really bad.

Then he really went off in left field and started conspiracies - global police conspiracy. A theory suggests that leases of the world who wish to have a national police force believe that one way to accomplish this is to get nations to not trust their own police....

Whether you believe that or not, it boils down to the government/leaders grabbing more power, and the way to so that is to make the citizens distrust everybody but the government, who is the savior. That is absolutely very relevant right now. Take the conspiracy carp away, and just focus on the powers and responsibilities we continue to give to the government/leaders because we don't trust the citizens.

Welp, see ya later.
Mash, I will digest this post either tomorrow or when I return to Austin. Please give me some time. TIA.