
For Austin:

that would have one dead pit bull if it was me.
You know, I agree with your thought on this, but if I had been there and done that they would have locked me up for killing that damn dog that needed killing, Wanton Endangerment, Discharging A Firearm, the ******* guy might have pulled a weapon and killed me ......... and if he didn't my lawyer would have charged me 1,000s to defend me ......... it was better that I was not in attendance. Little Charlie was pitiful until he got well. He had to get shaved everywhere that that killer bit him. I can't stand Pit Bulls. One got after Sugar one day. Scared the **** out of me. A woman was trying to hold him. Scary *************.
good thing I'm having a bunch of hard working, likely illegal immigrant, Donald Trump hating, sweaty backed (wet backed?), Mexicans build me a 6 foot privacy fence in a matter of 2 days this summer.... no?

So my mutts can't get out and roam yards and whatnot, keep bad guys out and such.
If your neighborhood does not have a covenant against it, you would really enjoy an 8 footer. There is a 6 foot covenant in ours, but I put the 8 footer up anyway. Very private. About the same money.
good thing I'm having a bunch of hard working, likely illegal immigrant, Donald Trump hating, sweaty backed (wet backed?), Mexicans build me a 6 foot privacy fence in a matter of 2 days this summer.... no?

So my mutts can't get out and roam yards and whatnot, keep bad guys out and such.
If your neighborhood does not have a covenant against it, you would really enjoy an 8 footer. There is a 6 foot covenant in ours, but I put the 8 footer up anyway. Very private. About the same money.
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good thing I'm having a bunch of hard working, likely illegal immigrant, Donald Trump hating, sweaty backed (wet backed?), Mexicans build me a 6 foot privacy fence in a matter of 2 days this summer.... no?

So my mutts can't get out and roam yards and whatnot, keep bad guys out and such.
If your neighborhood does not have a covenant against it, you would really enjoy an 8 footer. There is a 6 foot covenant in ours, but I put the 8 footer up anyway. Very private. About the same money.
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my neighborhood ain't got shit because my neighborhood is awesome.

No HOA. It's old school. Was establishing in the late 80s. Feel like HOAs are more millennial and fairly gay.
You have to join our HOA, or they lien your property. A friend was a rebel about it, but he had to pay the lien when he sold his property. He showed them. He thought like you are thinking.
I would've killed that goddam dog on the spot. No lie.

I once took my oldest dog to my aunt's house (who took in strays because she's a dumb country bitch) when he was just over 1 year old, let him out of the car, and a stray mutt came running up to him and attacked him. I was kicking the ever loving shit outta that dog til it let him go and laid my knee down on its throat.... was gonna choke it to death until I heard my aunt yelling. I blacked out. Was ready to kill that ****in dog. I calmly told my aunt to either build a goddam fence or stop taking in strays. If it happened again I was gonna kill it. She agreed. Scratched me up a little and my dog was ok, but I was ready to kill it. I was about 200 and it was maybe 60. **** that piece of shit.

Dog was territorial. People say to never break up dogs fighting but I wasn't about to let some FAG-GOT ass mutt hurt my pup.
I like your spunk.
just spefificizing that I couldn't live in a neighborhood with a HOA where the homes are 5 feet apart and have a back yard the size of a pool table. Couldn't handle it.
We have lived in our home for almost 30 years. I know exactly what you imply. .9 of an acre. I would not want a house close to ours. We have a cozy woods in the back. Thick. Crows, Owls & Hawks feel safe back there. There was a covey of Quail back there when we first moved out here.
What's up my d league brothas

The Reds win which is great.
Still sticking to the diet 42 pounds lighter now
Going on a 2nddate tonight hopefully it's more than making it just to second base this time lol
Gene Simmons amongst others are pissed nwa made it to the Rock and roll
I'm hoping axl doesn't join acdc that would be awful!
Hitting 80 today in the tristate
Bolden needs to make a damn decision ASAP.
Johnny manziel drop by his super agent but expects to play in the nfl this year, loll they need an A football d-leafue for failures at the draft
I have not had good experiences with pit bulls at the dog park. They think different, or something.


Every single pit out there was not neutered. Wtf. Of all the dogs to not cut...
  • Morning, rapscallions & lurkers.
  • 71°F in Johns Creek. Partly cloudy. VFR. Calm.
  • Blood Sugar = 89.
  • Missed The Leach Report.
  • Mack Jones going.
  • Marcus Lee going?
  • Dark Magic waking me up.
  • Hump Day for most.
  • Starving.
  • That is all.
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If a cop leaves a note in my door I'm probably not calling and that would probably be a mistake but "hey copper saw you stopped by, what's up?" Is something I probably wouldn't do, and then he'd come back and I'd have to talk to his face.

I still can't believe dude called the cops.
Good morning (late evening here) from the Karakoram Range.
Temp is 34 F
Still snowing like a mother at 15000 and higher, on and off
Yak milk as a coffee creamer sucks
Shower yesterday felt great
Gonna kill a goat this weekend - fresh meat
Haji season opened this week
Is Bolden ever going to make a pick?
Has Willy put in an offer on the D retirement home yet?
So the man with the dog has reported us to the cops for having our dog off his leash. We have been issued a warning. WTF is wrong with people. Evidently this jerk knows where I live. Come knock on the door. Whatever happened to being a man?

Police won't let me know who the guy is. I will eventually find out though. Norman is very popular in the neighborhood.

This kind of crap is infuriating. What a pansy. Sounds like the guy needed to retreat back to his safe space along with his Labradoodle. People don't have the balls or the decency to talk to their own neighbors anymore and want the government to do it for them.

We volunteer some doing foster and rehab work, mainly for pit bulls that are scheduled to be euthanized (It's an epidemic around Atlanta) - so we have to deal with the stigma all the time.
I had a crazy Dobie one time. Spent a lot of money on training, but he (Max) was nutso and had to get him put down. That was a sad day. I loved that animal. I still have his picture.
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I saw 2 pits pick fights with dogs this past week. One bit a small dog at the park early in the year. It ain't a stigma. There are all types of dogs just like humans. Some aren't social. Pits are less sociable than a lab. Pits need strong owners, and not just pits - sheppards, chows, whatever dogs are bred to protect their pack.
I saw 2 pits pick fights with dogs this past week. One bit a small dog at the park early in the year. It ain't a stigma. There are all types of dogs just like humans. Some aren't social. Pits are less sociable than a lab. Pits need strong owners, and not just pits - sheppards, chows, whatever dogs apeak
Add Chesapeake Bay Retrievers to that list. Bad MFers.
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Figure we'll take a couple chainsaws to the current posts and cut em as close to the ground as possible since they're cemented in and it's the lats that are leaning way over. Once the posts are sawed, we can probably take sledgehammers and axes and knock the fence down rather easily in a matter of hours. Beer will help. The abstract idea of a damn good workout will help more.




Look dude, your plan is stupid. Chainsaws? Sledgehammers? Axes? I will pay you money if you film this comedy routine and post it in the D-League.

This is not how you take down a wooden privacy fence, Jason.