
here's the fun part of all of this:

WE'LL BE LIKELY TEARING DOWN/REBUILDING THE BACK DECK SOMETIME IN THE NEXT YEAR OR TWO SO WE CAN ALL HAVE THIS SAME EXACT DEBATE/CONVERSATION ALL OVER AGAIN :grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace::grimace:

Why wait...scratch the deck and do a sun room or whatever the hell they call it. Open windows in summer and keep the bugs out, close windows in winter and still usable!
only after the dogs and I both break it in.

don't think burning wood in your back yard is a crime. If it is then I could've been arrested dozens of times over by now haha... also probably could've gotten me with PI at the same time every time as well as indecent exposure due to whipping my dick out and pissing in my back yard.
The way you talk about your dick I doubt your making much of a scene whipping it out to piss. The term whip may be being used loosely here as well.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around a guy willing to pay 7k to have a fence built, and now struggling with understanding the correct way to remove the existing one. What has happened to men? Seriously.
The way you talk about your dick I doubt your making much of a scene whipping it out to piss. The term whip may be being used loosely here as well.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around a guy willing to pay 7k to have a fence built, and now struggling with understanding the correct way to remove the existing one. What has happened to men? Seriously.
You gotta be proud of what got. It's like you Mom.....been there your whole life. Bad times, good times...your dick is right there with ya. Sometimes you swing and miss but the point is it's still swinging away. Course for many of us it's more like a Maury Wills bunt than a Bonds home run but you keep at it you reach home base. Power to the Penis!! I say
I'm on hold with District 2 (Mt. Juliet) Commissioner Adam Bannach right now.


Exactly why most don't use our real names on here. NothinbutnetCat instead of JasonSpears. Jason's picture is probably posted on the wall at the dump shack.
Rub elbows, throw elbows
I wish more people thought that way. The mental sparring is what makes message boarding fun for me.

I have thrown jabs your way and ended up having several post exchanged and enjoyed it. You stand your ground and throw jabs. I stand mine and attempt to be witty. That's why I like being in threads with you.

I was taught long ago to be careful about engaging some people in debate or argument. It's like wrestling a pig in the mud, and after a while you'll realize the pig likes it.

Well...I'm a pig like that myself, and respect others that are too.
HTF do Clippers fans even begin to tolerate that idiot Doc Rivers playing his worthless son, SubZero? Dude shoots 40% from the field, 63% from the line, plays no D, yet struts around like he's king shit cock-of-the-walk. You'd think their fans would run both of them out of town.

Oh, wait, I forgot their fans don't give a shit about basketball. Nevermind.
He's a Dukie
Completely different. Put a marble in a jar every time that you and your wife have sex the 1st year of marriage. Then ......... take a marble out of the jar whenever you have sex after that 1st year. See how long it takes to empty the jar.
But it might be more interesting to yank the first years' worth of marbles out of her ass at the moment of climax.
Morning leagures

The Reds tried their best to lose
Date number 3 got screwed over last night the babysitter fell though so w2b wasn't happy
Transgenderlives matter
Manziel think he will play in the nfl this year. Yeah right
Happy bleated 420
Willy I need a menu for today's specials
Bolden needs to end this shit

Happy Thursday leagures!