
Our football schedule is very tough. Two gimmes on there. How many games can we win?

I think we are heading for yet another 5-7 type season due to having a tougher schedule and...we are in a weird place where we can make some progress as a program, but you won't really see it in terms of wins and losses because...SEC.

Our D-line apparently continues to be well below SEC standards and our OT appear to be struggling again based on what I've read about the spring game. We seem to have a serviceable QB and a deep stable of RB. Our OG and Center appear to be OK. I think we are OK at receiver and TE, so we will give up our usual 28-30+ points per game while scoring 26-28.

Teams are going to run on us like crazy, and that's going to be frustrating to watch yet again. SEC defenses will be able to pressure us off the corners badly.

Same thing for three years, we will go to UL with a bowl game on the line and get beat.
  1. Southern Miss - Should win
  2. Florida - Loss (in Gainesville)
  3. New Mexico State - Win
  4. South Carolina - Win
  5. Alabama - They will murder us.
  6. Vanderbilt - Win
  7. Mississippi State - Possible Win
  8. Missouri - Should Win
  9. Georgia - They will murder us.
  10. Tennessee - They will murder us. (in Knoxville)
  11. Austin Peay - Win
  12. Louisville - Loss (in Louisville)
I see a way to six wins and a 7 with a bowl. Baby steps.

Hahahahahaha. 6 or 7 wins? For the football Cats? Hahahaha

Maybe if you combine the next 2 or 3 seasons. Or did I miss somethimg? Did UK drop to D2 in football? 6 or 7 wins...sheesh. you must be a new fan.

Cats will win 3 for sure. Will probably win 4. Could possibly with a little luck win 5. But that's it. That's the absolute max for this season...and that would be a Stretch Armstrong-esque reach at that.
Hahahahahaha. 6 or 7 wins? For the football Cats? Hahahaha

Maybe if you combine the next 2 or 3 seasons. Or did I miss somethimg? Did UK drop to D2 in football? 6 or 7 wins...sheesh. you must be a new fan.

Cats will win 3 for sure. Will probably win 4. Could possibly with a little luck win 5. But that's it. That's the absolute max for this season...and that would be a Stretch Armstrong-esque reach at that.

All of these years of being positive have to pay off eventually, right? I've seen the REDS win a World Series in my lifetime, for Pete's sake. The Brooks year can't be the plateau, can it? I have realistic expectations. Just one year or two at 8-4 and a real bowl win with this current crew and I'd be the happiest boy in KY. Florida, UGA, and some West team can run us through, we'll lose some other on the road; that's ok. Just win the rest.

I know that's not this year. Just sometime in the next 3-4 years.
One more friggin day and the house is done. The smell of polyurethane has permeated me. I always have a project to keep my mind limber and sleepless. I need a break.

For the record (over the past 2 years):

New garage door openers
New front steps, rails and walkway
New siding
New roof
New stone base
New deck
New exterior lighting (sconces and post)
3 new area rugs
Trees cut down / stumps ground to powder
Replacement doggie :-( , :)
Kitchen Reno 10 yrs ago, but still dope
New basement after Water Heater flood
New house numbers
New mailbox
Hardwood Floor Refinish

Time to chill the f out. I'm old and want to enjoy my kids. A lot of this shit I did myself, astonishingly.

Need new bathrooms, new leather coach for LR and interior door hardware. 3 years out.
One more friggin day and the house is done. The smell of polyurethane has permeated me. I always have a project to keep my mind limber and sleepless. I need a break.

For the record (over the past 2 years):

New garage door openers
New front steps, rails and walkway
New siding
New roof
New stone base
New deck
New exterior lighting (sconces and post)
3 new area rugs
Trees cut down / stumps ground to powder
Replacement doggie :-( , :)
Kitchen Reno 10 yrs ago, but still dope
New basement after Water Heater flood
New house numbers
New mailbox
Hardwood Floor Refinish

Time to chill the f out. I'm old and want to enjoy my kids. A lot of this shit I did myself, astonishingly.

Need new bathrooms, new leather coach for LR and interior door hardware. 3 years out.
It keeps a fella out of trouble.
Hahahahahaha. 6 or 7 wins? For the football Cats? Hahahaha

Maybe if you combine the next 2 or 3 seasons. Or did I miss somethimg? Did UK drop to D2 in football? 6 or 7 wins...sheesh. you must be a new fan.

Cats will win 3 for sure. Will probably win 4. Could possibly with a little luck win 5. But that's it. That's the absolute max for this season...and that would be a Stretch Armstrong-esque reach at that.
I liked this because it's the truth.
One more friggin day and the house is done. The smell of polyurethane has permeated me. I always have a project to keep my mind limber and sleepless. I need a break.

For the record (over the past 2 years):

New garage door openers
New front steps, rails and walkway
New siding
New roof
New stone base
New deck
New exterior lighting (sconces and post)
3 new area rugs
Trees cut down / stumps ground to powder
Replacement doggie :-( , :)
Kitchen Reno 10 yrs ago, but still dope
New basement after Water Heater flood
New house numbers
New mailbox
Hardwood Floor Refinish

Time to chill the f out. I'm old and want to enjoy my kids. A lot of this shit I did myself, astonishingly.

Need new bathrooms, new leather coach for LR and interior door hardware. 3 years out.
Nicely done.
Science Break:

This is IC 1101. It is the largest galaxy in the known universe. It is a supergiant elliptical and is the brightest known galaxy to date.

How big is it? 6 million light years across and contains trillions of stars. The Milky Way is 120,000 light years across.

At bottom left is the Milky Way (the dot), Andromeda and M87 for size comparison. IC 1101 resides about a billion light years from us.
One more friggin day and the house is done. The smell of polyurethane has permeated me. I always have a project to keep my mind limber and sleepless. I need a break.

For the record (over the past 2 years):

New garage door openers
New front steps, rails and walkway
New siding
New roof
New stone base
New deck
New exterior lighting (sconces and post)
3 new area rugs
Trees cut down / stumps ground to powder
Replacement doggie :-( , :)
Kitchen Reno 10 yrs ago, but still dope
New basement after Water Heater flood
New house numbers
New mailbox
Hardwood Floor Refinish

Time to chill the f out. I'm old and want to enjoy my kids. A lot of this shit I did myself, astonishingly.

Need new bathrooms, new leather coach for LR and interior door hardware. 3 years out.
What, no privacy fence?
Found a business card on the front door tonight from the local PD. Wanted me to call them regarding a dog incident last week.

One night last week my daughter and I took Norman for a walk. As we were nearly finished we ran into some neighbors and started chatting. My daughter was holding Norman's leash. He is strong, but usually very calm and friendly. A guy came walking a dog on the opposite side of the street & evidently Norman does not like that dog. So he got away from my daughter and ran over to the other dog (goldendoodle).

I ran over and quickly got him away and he settled down. The other guy and his dog moved on. It seemed strange to me that he didn't say a word. It was also strange to my neighbor, because she mentioned it to my wife.

So the man with the dog has reported us to the cops for having our dog off his leash. We have been issued a warning. WTF is wrong with people. Evidently this jerk knows where I live. Come knock on the door. Whatever happened to being a man?

Police won't let me know who the guy is. I will eventually find out though. Norman is very popular in the neighborhood.
One word......antifreeze
Found a business card on the front door tonight from the local PD. Wanted me to call them regarding a dog incident last week.

One night last week my daughter and I took Norman for a walk. As we were nearly finished we ran into some neighbors and started chatting. My daughter was holding Norman's leash. He is strong, but usually very calm and friendly. A guy came walking a dog on the opposite side of the street & evidently Norman does not like that dog. So he got away from my daughter and ran over to the other dog (goldendoodle).

I ran over and quickly got him away and he settled down. The other guy and his dog moved on. It seemed strange to me that he didn't say a word. It was also strange to my neighbor, because she mentioned it to my wife.

So the man with the dog has reported us to the cops for having our dog off his leash. We have been issued a warning. WTF is wrong with people. Evidently this jerk knows where I live. Come knock on the door. Whatever happened to being a man?

Police won't let me know who the guy is. I will eventually find out though. Norman is very popular in the neighborhood.
Do you let Norman run loose without being on a leash? If no, you are okay. If yes, you cannot do that without repercussions. Let me know. Norman scared my dog real bad.
Found a business card on the front door tonight from the local PD. Wanted me to call them regarding a dog incident last week.

One night last week my daughter and I took Norman for a walk. As we were nearly finished we ran into some neighbors and started chatting. My daughter was holding Norman's leash. He is strong, but usually very calm and friendly. A guy came walking a dog on the opposite side of the street & evidently Norman does not like that dog. So he got away from my daughter and ran over to the other dog (goldendoodle).

I ran over and quickly got him away and he settled down. The other guy and his dog moved on. It seemed strange to me that he didn't say a word. It was also strange to my neighbor, because she mentioned it to my wife.

So the man with the dog has reported us to the cops for having our dog off his leash. We have been issued a warning. WTF is wrong with people. Evidently this jerk knows where I live. Come knock on the door. Whatever happened to being a man?

Police won't let me know who the guy is. I will eventually find out though. Norman is very popular in the neighborhood.
We have a Havanese, a small dog. My wife took him for walks with no problems. Then, a neighbor gets a Lab mix that she kept chained. For some reason that dog did not like us or our dog. Sure enough, that dog was loose one night when my wife took Jackson for a walk and the Lab rushed them, causing my wife to fall. I went down and talked to the lady that owned him. Did no good. It happened again, this time when I was walking him. I intimidated the dog away but it was pretty aggressive. Again I talked to her and again it did no good. The next time I had just got home and my wife said the Lab got within 3 or 4 feet and was popping its teeth. Went down to the gun safe, got out a .22 Colt New Frontier, loaded it with rat shot and went outside. That dog came after me, out on the street and after the first shot hightailed it crying. Shot it once more for good measure as it ran past me. What a shitstorm that started! Owner of the dog came out yelling. Guy across the street was upset - "you can't carry a gun in town or fire it!" Told him bullshit, animal comes after my wife its lucky I didn't kill it. Cop came. Told him what happened, asked him what he'd have done if it had been his wife, and said that would be dead dog lying in the street.
I didn't want it to escalate to that, but f$$k with my family or my dogs and you're dealing with a crazy MF.
We've since moved out in the country. Love rural living, when I'm home
Norman is either on a leash or in our fenced backyard. The night of the incident, he was on his leash, but the other dog growled at him, so Norman went to check it out. The leash pulled out of the hands of my 11 year old daughter.

My neighbor that we had stopped to talk to was holding a small dog. If Norman were mean, he would have eaten that little dog. And the golden doodle .

Last fall, I returned 3 different dogs to their owners, because the dogs had gotten out of their yards. That is how you handle that shit IMO.

The entire incident took about 10 seconds. As soon as the other dog left, Norman was happy. He will let little dogs and kids get right in his face and stay calm. Most dogs won't tolerate that.

As for antifreeze - yes, I would gladly feed some to the bitch that called the cops. F him. I would never hurt a dog though.

It passive aggressive BS. If I find out who it is, he will have a lot of notes left on his door.
The guy is a turd and lied on you and Norman, pure and simple. Follow it up and maybe you can earn the prick a ticket for making a false police report. Something does not smell right about this.

My little dog, Sugar, is bad about running off looking for full feeding bowls. She comes right back, but I am always uneasy until she gets back, and, of course QB is raising Hell with me about it. Sugar has AH. Always hungry. A Beagle. 13 years old this Fall.
We have a Havanese, a small dog. My wife took him for walks with no problems. Then, a neighbor gets a Lab mix that she kept chained. For some reason that dog did not like us or our dog. Sure enough, that dog was loose one night when my wife took Jackson for a walk and the Lab rushed them, causing my wife to fall. I went down and talked to the lady that owned him. Did no good. It happened again, this time when I was walking him. I intimidated the dog away but it was pretty aggressive. Again I talked to her and again it did no good. The next time I had just got home and my wife said the Lab got within 3 or 4 feet and was popping its teeth. Went down to the gun safe, got out a .22 Colt New Frontier, loaded it with rat shot and went outside. That dog came after me, out on the street and after the first shot hightailed it crying. Shot it once more for good measure as it ran past me. What a shitstorm that started! Owner of the dog came out yelling. Guy across the street was upset - "you can't carry a gun in town or fire it!" Told him bullshit, animal comes after my wife its lucky I didn't kill it. Cop came. Told him what happened, asked him what he'd have done if it had been his wife, and said that would be dead dog lying in the street.
I didn't want it to escalate to that, but f$$k with my family or my dogs and you're dealing with a crazy MF.
We've since moved out in the country. Love rural living, when I'm home
I'm with you.
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no one appreciates a dog that gets out and roams. Had one a couple weeks back that kept coming to our yard probably because that bitch could smell my studs. I ran her off every time I saw her. She's got a home. **** her. She needs to stay there. My grandpa would've shot her right in the asshole with a BB gun. I mean really I'm more inclined to pet a stray mutt, but I also know that as soon as you give em good feeling they're coming around more. Wife called the dog catchers to come look for it. She posted on the city website on Facebook (hipmountjuliet or whatever) and other people posted that they had seen the same dog running around. Had a collar. Go the **** home, mutt.

Owners need a goddam fence or a leash or an electric fence/line or something. Dog's gonna get ran over or shot.
A wooden privacy fence would remedy this problem and you could calm down and have a beer in peace.
Dog story. Our daughter has 2 dachshunds, a miniature and a standard. Charlie is the standard. A lovebug too. She had him at the Vet for his shots. A 7 year was there holding a Pit Bull by its leash. When Leigh and Charlie arrived the Pit grabbed Charlie and pinned him and proceeded to try and kill him, and it almost succeeded. Charlie had to be sewed up in several places. Our daughter didn't sue the guy or the Vet for liable, but that incident pissed me off to no end, and I wasn't even there. Poor little Charlie.
league team won our game tonight.


Told the teammates pregame watching the other team warm up that we were gonna skull **** em, I wanted 100 and wanted to keep em under 40. Almost accomplished both. Decided I was gonna be a facilitator tonight. Only took 4 shots. Had 7 assists, only played half the game. Had my first ever sideline out of bounds half court alley oop dunk assist in my life. Our crazy athletic 6'3" black 18 year old (plays at Vol State down here apparently) had already pounded about 5 dunks and I was inbounding the ball at half court, saw him in the opposite corner point toward the ceiling, and I thought to myself "Jason, you've never tried this with anyone ever. I'm not sure you can do it." Well... I saw him start his cut, tossed the ball on a line toward the bottom opposite corner of the backboard just like Cal teaches, and sure enough this mother ****er catches it on the way up and smashes it two handed. Everyone went nuts. We were already up like 55 at that point with 3 minutes left.

Fun times.
Dog story. Our daughter has 2 dachshunds, a miniature and a standard. Charlie is the standard. A lovebug too. She had him at the Vet for his shots. A 7 year was there holding a Pit Bull by its leash. When Leigh and Charlie arrived the Pit grabbed Charlie and pinned him and proceeded to kill him, and it almost succeeded. Charlie had to be sewed up in several places. Our daughter didn't sue the guy or the Vet for liable, but that incident pissed me off to no end, and I wasn't even there. Poor little Charlie.
We have ours in carriers when they go to the vet. We're afraid of what your daughter experienced. We have a male Havanese, Jackson, age 8. Also his full sister ( by different litters) age 5, Betsy. I don't even want to confess how much is spent a year on vet bills, special food, and grooming on them.