
Met a guy at the casino in Cincinnati yesterday with a Reds hat on an a Cardinal shirt. on. I jumped back and he and his wife both asked "What's the matter?" I politely as I could told them that I thought both teams sucked and that I was a Pirates fan. People behind us made a lunge for me and I ran off and cried. Actually I lied to tem because I like the Reds and Cards too. But saying that wouldn't have gotten the attention from them that my answer did.
BTW…mav's epic 4-wheeler trek to the grocery in 4' of snow meltdown rant is probably my favorite posting episode on all of cat paws. It was described in a way that i could actually visualize the scene perfectly. Also, I usually don't read the super long posts all the way through (which is ironic because i post long posts all the time) but i was hanging on every, single word of that 4-wheeler rant. Good, nay, GREAT stuff. Pehaps even GOAT.

More irony for ya willy. Enjoy.
ATC…man i hate to miss your visit to Metro…but I leave for Atlanta in the morning. Next time you are up this way though the first couple of beers are on me.
Sounds good. I will catch you guys in October . Total change of plans for upcoming vacations.

My daughter is expecting a baby in September. Found this unexpected surprise out last Friday. I must cancel the planned visit back to FL over July 4 and instead hit both KY and FL in October.
  1. Southern Miss - Possible win. Won't be easy.
  2. Florida - Loss (in Gainesville)
  3. New Mexico State - Win
  4. South Carolina - Loss. Small chance of winning.
  5. Alabama - They will murder us.
  6. Vanderbilt - Possible win.
  7. Mississippi State - They will murder us.
  8. Missouri - Probably lose. Win not impossible.
  9. Georgia - They will murder us.
  10. Tennessee - They will murder us. (in Knoxville)
  11. Austin Peay - Win
  12. Louisville - Loss (in Louisville)
looking forward to retirement. Gonna stay drunk. Every day all day. Beers before the gym, beers before basketball, beers before evening relaxing, beers before fishing (because I'm sure I will be, all old men fish), beers before bed.

hahaha, definite on the beers before fishing. Speaking of which, I need to do some ocean fishing soon. I love having that option.

Funky- No ambien, because weed does the trick. But I do have a buddy who drives trains (engineer?) and he can't smoke weed and has sleep problems due to the way that the train company schedules him. He takes ambien. He has black outs at night where he doesn't remember a thing. Kinda scary
-6, Don

-glad you're on the mend, Funky. Had the flu myself back in January. That first day when you finally don't feel like crap is unreal.

-first solo flight with baby the middle of next month (Seattle). Terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought, as Egon would say. Don't want to be that guy with the annoying kid screaming the whole time. She's a happy kid and did well on other flight we took. Maybe she needs Ambien this time or Willy's weed.

-going to be near 90 today in the NC Piedmont. Your move, sundress girls.
-6, Don

-glad you're on the mend, Funky. Had the flu myself back in January. That first day when you finally don't feel like crap is unreal.

-first solo flight with baby the middle of next month (Seattle). Terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought, as Egon would say. Don't want to be that guy with the annoying kid screaming the whole time. She's a happy kid and did well on other flight we took. Maybe she needs Ambien this time or Willy's weed.

-going to be near 90 today in the NC Piedmont. Your move, sundress girls.

Man, keep her distracted the entire flight or until she is comfortable. But keep her occupied by asking questions.
Heard one of the coaches say that we "needed" Elam to be "the man" and I just LOL'd and SMH'd.

We know we'll suck, but nobody knows exactly how bad we'll suck. That's the appeal of UK football. You knew Matt Elam the 5* 500# football prospect who chose UK over Bama football was gonna suck, but you didn't know exactly how he would suck.

It's great entertainment, tbh. The good thing is we will be good at football eventually. We have to. We don't have a choice. We are an SEC big time institution of higher learning. We'll spend billions if that's what it takes.

See, if weed was legal you could give your baby a CBD packed lozenge that would knock her ass out with little to no side effects.