
Was looking at Facebook this morning and someone posted one of those, "If your life was a song it would be..." So I did mine, and it came up with Iggy Pop's Lust for Life. Never having been a big Iggy Pop fan, I googled the lyrics. Not sure whether to be mortified or proud....

"Lust For Life"

Here comes Johnny Yen again
With the liquor and drugs
And a flesh machine
He's gonna do another strip tease

Hey man, where'd you get that lotion?
I've been hurting since I bought the gimmick
About something called love
Yeah, something called love
Well, that's like hypnotising chickens

Well, I'm just a modern guy
Of course, I've had it in the ear before
'Cause of a lust for life
'Cause of a lust for life

I'm worth a million in prizes
With my torture film
Drive a G.T.O.
Wear a uniform
All on government loan....
Was looking at Facebook this morning and someone posted one of those, "If your life was a song it would be..." So I did mine, and it came up with Iggy Pop's Lust for Life. Never having been a big Iggy Pop fan, I googled the lyrics. Not sure whether to be mortified or proud....

"Lust For Life"

Here comes Johnny Yen again
With the liquor and drugs
And a flesh machine
He's gonna do another strip tease

Hey man, where'd you get that lotion?
I've been hurting since I bought the gimmick
About something called love
Yeah, something called love
Well, that's like hypnotising chickens

Well, I'm just a modern guy
Of course, I've had it in the ear before
'Cause of a lust for life
'Cause of a lust for life

I'm worth a million in prizes
With my torture film
Drive a G.T.O.
Wear a uniform
All on government loan....
Vital info
Nearly got into a fist-fight just now with a gay dude. He's basically homeless, a local help-center is paying for his exam/glasses, and, not only does he want contacts, but he has to have COLORED contacts.

He tells me he's been walking around blind for a couple weeks cause he ran out of his old contacts, and then goes on to poor-mouth about how he doesn't have any money and why is everything so expensive and blah blah blah. I casually mention that if money is a problem he should consider getting a cheap pair of glasses and he came unglued -- you'd have thought I said he should quit sucking dicks for drug money.

I think I could have taken him.
Did he get the second pair for free?
A. What is a "ferner"? Is that slang for "foreigner"? Or are we talking about some red necks from Fern Creek trying to play cricket? If it's the later I want to see vid clips ASAP. If it's the former then…meh.

B. Do they throw curve balls in cricket? If not, sign mav up for the next league. I don't know the rules per se but if there is a stick and a ball and no curve balls then mav will DOMINATE!!!

C. Isn't cricket just a glorified, more organized, more refined version of stick ball just played with less trash talking and fighting?
Nearly got into a fist-fight just now with a gay dude. He's basically homeless, a local help-center is paying for his exam/glasses, and, not only does he want contacts, but he has to have COLORED contacts.

He tells me he's been walking around blind for a couple weeks cause he ran out of his old contacts, and then goes on to poor-mouth about how he doesn't have any money and why is everything so expensive and blah blah blah. I casually mention that if money is a problem he should consider getting a cheap pair of glasses and he came unglued -- you'd have thought I said he should quit sucking dicks for drug money.

I think I could have taken him.

Just don't don't get me riled up. Mav.

Is that mav^^^^^^?
Met a guy at the casino in Cincinnati yesterday with a Reds hat on an a Cardinal shirt. on. I jumped back and he and his wife both asked "What's the matter?" I politely as I could told them that I thought both teams sucked and that I was a Pirates fan. People behind us made a lunge for me and I ran off and cried. Actually I lied to tem because I like the Reds and Cards too. But saying that wouldn't have gotten the attention from them that my answer did.
One of the best posts in the history of the D, and it was just one part of an epic tale.

When I say "four-wheeler" I'm basically speaking in the academic sense. This thing ain't one of the newer 900 cc or more $12,000+ open-air mini-cars. It's a 1994 300 cc Polaris, also with half-bald tires, that we bought from FIL years ago for 500 bucks. Still, for our purposes -- puttering around the yard pulling a trailer picking up branches and moving stuff and such -- it does just fine. I'm kind of wondering, however, how it's going to do on a multi-mile trek over uncleared roads through foot deep snow. After the morning's ongoing bitch/panic fest though, I'm more than willing to find out.

"Wait, let me make a list for you." Of course, a list. How can you go to a grocery without a list? Heaven forbid I actually walked up and down each aisle and get what we need or what looks good. Besides, I've got limited space since I'm only packing a 35 gallon tote on the back rack (I was afraid to haul a little pull-behind cart cause the wheels might get stuck). Hey honey, just spitballin' here, but, ummmm, how bout I just call you when I get there and you can tell me what to get, k? The store is closing in a little over an hour (I called) and I don't know how long its gonna take me to get there in this crap.

OH I REALLY WISH YOU WOULDN'T DO THIS YOU'RE GOING TO FREEZE. No I'm not. YES YOU ARE ONCE YOU GET MOVING THAT WIND IS GOING TO FREEZE YOU. Bullshit, like I've said time and time again, windchill is soooooo over-rated. Besides, what about the "heat index"? I mean clearly there's humidity in the air even in winter -- just look at all this touching frozen humidity on the ground -- so doesn't it cancel out the wind chill? (Of course, even if I had gotten cold I wouldn't have admitted it to her. That just be one more thing for her to crow about in the future. Hell, I'd freeze solid before I ever admitted to being cold.).

I deck out in full camo including full-face camo (because why not?), strapped a gun (10 mm Glock, again, why not?) on one hip and strapped a huge, Rambo-esque survial knife on my other hip just to freak her out even more. And she was. Positively aghast in fact. OMG DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU'LL NEED ALL THAT? Well honey, in a disarmingly calm voice, you just never know, and survival is all about being prepared, so I'd rather be safe than sorry, you understand don't you?

Now, again, we live in a quasi-neighborhood, ie civilization, and I'm only 4 miles from the store. Hell, if i get stuck all I have to do is touching WALK back home to my warm, electrified house. I mean I sure as hell don't intend to find a pig to kill and butcher to eat (I'M NOT EVEN TOUCHING HUNGRY GD IT) or rub two sticks together to make a fire after building a temporary snow hut to hunker down in for the night -- but she doesn't have to know that. For all she knows, I'm making a life and death trek through the GD Andes Mountains like the rugby boys IT'S ABOUT SURVIVAL DAMMIT AND DON'T WORRY HONEY I'M GONNA GET YOU SOME FOOD AND SAVE US FROM STARVATION.

Off I go like some kind of half-assed Waterboy-on-his-lawn-mower (YOU KIN DEW EET) across the frozen tundra at like 5 miles per hour. Much slower than I anticipated. I had walked out to the end of the driveway earlier to check the conditions and watched a Ford 350 diesel with huge tires make the only tracks on it. I could follow in one of his tracks but of course that meant my other wheels were in the middle of deep snow, which made the 4wheeler keep wanting to pull in that direction, which in turn made me have to constantly fight with the steering wheel. Still, that was better than all four wheels in deep snow, so onwards I trudged.

After going through backroads for half the way, I decided touch it, I'm going to the main road. If there's any cops out, and if they actually give a shit, I'll just run from em. I. DON'T. CARE. ABOUT. ANYTHING. AT. THIS. POINT. I finally make it to the store after about 25 min or so, and of course there's like 4 gallons of milk left and two loaves of bread (which I immediately and greedily snatched up), and then I call her.

"We need Pringles, some pudding, Lipton noodle soup, shredded lettuce (cause, you know, you can't have hamburgers without lettuce), Velveeta (cause of course you can't have chili without pimento and cheese), Cheetos puffs (are you touching kidding me? I thought we were in survival mode), taco mix (I STG I am not exaggerating), taco shells (yes honey, you're absolutely right, why I remember watching Jeremiah Johnson survive a whole GD winter fighting off Injuns and sub-zero temps on nothing but crispy tortilla shells), Oreos (yes, you read that right, she wanted Oreos), frozen pizzas (like I said, we already had them but, hey, they're on sale and you HAVE to buy them if they're on sale)" and on and on it went.

Finally I check out, and of course, the 35 gallon tote was overflowing with enough GD junk food to make Michelle Obama petition to put me in prison for spousal abuse -- so I have to carry like 6 bags (three each side) on the touching 4wheeler handlebars. Good freaking gosh. And, also of course, by now it's almost dark and the light on the four wheeler doesn't work and I'm wearing camo so I'm a prime target except there's no other idiots on the road -- AND WHY WOULD THERE BE? -- so off I go back home, bounty and treasure secured, having saved the day from malnutrition. Hell I just took the highway the whole way and didn't see a single car. Kinda felt like Mad Max 4 -- Max Does Antarctica.

Made it home proud of myself -- pseudo-country boy can survive and all that stuff BAH GAWD (yeah, I can survive alright, as long as the local grocery has stuff I can purchase) -- AND, for an extry special shut Wifey the touch up and got her off my GD back. The end.

EPILOGUE: So after getting all this food, after we finally now HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT, what happened? Well, turns out she didn't feel good. The stress of the day and all that just took its toll and if I didn't care she was gonna lie down for a bit and fix something to eat later. I ended up having a frozen pizza at midnight -- one that we ALREADY HAD IN THE FREEZER -- and a couple of Mountain Dews. All in all, it was a good day.
This episode of Baking with Willy is sponsored by .......

"The Wonderful World of Science"

Man, here's a messed up story. I knew some Cubans when I was a realtor in Ocala. Great guys. Well, take that back, one of the guys is in prison for child porn on his computer. He wanted me to bring a bible to him in jail. And I didn't do it. I couldn't bring myself to helping him after that, despite giving me a lot of leftover free weed that he was growing. I was his realtor trying to find them a rent to owner financing so they could grow weed. (At least I figured it out, they didn't out right tell me). They would give me garbage bags full of the plants that weren't full stripped and I didn't ask where it came from.

Welp, to the weed butter part. He gave me about a pound in leaves. Well, I took a big ass cooking pot and made 11 sticks of butter and made 4 bowls of weed butter. Except it was so strong that it would literally make you sick kinda high. Damn, you could burn 3 joints and not even tell. That's how strong that weed butter was. wheww
So I accidentally hit some button and was taken back in time through threads on the Paddock. The following gems were posted in the D-League threads before Likes were invented, so you all have some catching up to do.

Really though. Y'all have been cool over the past few years. Best internet friends a guy could ever have. Wait u til you see the next post I dig up from the past (not mine)