
When you call them. Tell them you aren't gonna f*** around. You want your shit fix and (give them a precise time like 4:47 p.m April 18th, 2016). And you say if it it isn't fixed that 3,000 kinds of different Hell is about to rain on them.
LOL unfortunately I've got to wait for their call. Calling Pakistan may flip them out
I'm having real issues getting my login and password to work with my tablet. The only way I can get this message in is on my cell. I've requested password reset and get nothing from Rivals. Yahoo sent an email asking for a phone number. Anybody got any ideas?

Funkycat is a wizard at all things Rivals related. He can clear that issue up for you with a quickness. Just post your SSN and your bank account # and he will fix you right up.
Willy sent you a wedding pic.

Just saw it. What a great pict man. The fact she doesn't look scared with her back being that close to the ground means that she trusts you. Don't ever ruin that trust. If you do, make sure you kill her so you tie up any loose ends. Just saying, D2.... But ya yeah, first goal. Don't ruin that trust.

If ya'll come in October, I'll bring my wife out.
Don't listen to Willy R2. The most important thing in a relationship is your ability to convince your wife that what she's seeing with her own eyes or hearing with her own ears isn't really what she thinks she's seeing or hearing.

OTOH, if you don't have this ability then, yeah, you prolly do need her to trust you.

hahahahaha, good point Mav
Wasn't it Axl who got into the fuel with Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love? Hahahaha.

I picture that fight going something like this...

(As Kurt cowards in the corner of the room curled up in a ball mumbling the lyrics to some teen angst tune yet to be recorded)...

Courtney is slashing at Axl with her crack pipe while Axl dodges said pipe with his infamous "snake move" while intermittently trying to bitch slap Courtney in between her slashes...with neither one of them ever actually connecting. The "fight" lasts about 26 seconds before 12 body gurda and an MTV exec break it up.
  • Good Morning, boyz. It's Monday again. Hello!
  • 55°F in Johns Creek, GA. Clear and very nice. Perfect VFR.
  • Dark Magic going.
  • Blood Sugar = 110. Ate Mexican for supper. Doggone it. Cheese dip. Fried chips. Flour tortillas. I was starving. Back on the diet wagon today.
  • #3 probably going to Ft. Benning this week.
  • 4 legged Sugar is up too. She applied the usual "I love you" nuzzles. Love that little dog.
  • The Leach Report going.
  • Call Rivals in New York to change password and get it going. They closed on Sunday.
  • Congrats d2. Have fun.
  • I feel a little sore throat. Ruh roh.
  • Read thread. Likes applied.
  • Over.

Last edited:
Don---congrats and you should be incredibly proud of #3. (Not sure if that's a son or grandson--but pride has no family barriers.)

Stumbled across Santana's newest CD this weekend. Basically the original band got together after 50 years--(Santana, Schon, Rolie, Shrive, Carabello) and just killed it. If you ever loved their early work, just go buy/download/steal it. You won't regret it.
Don---congrats and you should be incredibly proud of #3. (Not sure if that's a son or grandson--but pride has no family barriers.)

Stumbled across Santana's newest CD this weekend. Basically the original band got together after 50 years--(Santana, Schon, Rolie, Shrive, Carabello) and just killed it. If you ever loved their early work, just go buy/download/steal it. You won't regret it.
Thank you. #3 grandson. He is a different kid after being in the Army a little less than 1 year. We are proud of him.
Don, first phase is when the majority get weeded out out. Very difficult. Only 1 out of 4 made it through all three phases in my son's class
By the time they get to jungle phase they want them to succeed but it's still rough. Average about 3 hours of sleep over the 50 days or so
Keep us posted
Will be pulling for him
Nice reads in the mfer's are in speed postin mode
awesome uneventful weekend..wifey and I went for a nice motorcycle ride yesterday and she absolutely failed to see the humor in my shirt


today's menu is a lil more painting outside also gonna rip some boards for a small fence I AM GONNA BUILD..Speers..

as of yesterday..down 63lbs since February..the more I lose the bigger my nut sack looks, nice hang time and bulk..

for you newlyweds...NEVER EVER EVER chow down on boiled eggs and hot sauce and expect coitus that night..that you can take to da bank...the aroma of love IS NOT in the air..
Just saw it. What a great pict man. The fact she doesn't look scared with her back being that close to the ground means that she trusts you. Don't ever ruin that trust. If you do, make sure you kill her so you tie up any loose ends. Just saying, D2.... But ya yeah, first goal. Don't ruin that trust.

If ya'll come in October, I'll bring my wife out.

Totally agree willy. My job to protect her now. We are thinking to both fly out to visit family in florida at the same time. Be an honor to get dinner with you and your wife
Don, first phase is when the majority get weeded out out. Very difficult. Only 1 out of 4 made it through all three phases in my son's class
By the time they get to jungle phase they want them to succeed but it's still rough. Average about 3 hours of sleep over the 50 days or so
Keep us posted
Will be pulling for him
He is ready, and he's not a candy-azz. I will continue to worry though.
He will do the mountain phase in Dahlonega (not that far from Johns Creek.) Thanks for the well wishes and interest.
Neighbor behind us, (he has about 5 acres), has had a few beehives for several years but they were always at the other end of his property. This weekend he moved them to his backyard which is no more than 60 yards from our house, even closer to the back of our property.

I think it's cool as Hell there much risk or any concerns about having them that close?
Neighbor behind us, (he has about 5 acres), has had a few beehives for several years but they were always at the other end of his property. This weekend he moved them to his backyard which is no more than 60 yards from our house, even closer to the back of our property.

I think it's cool as Hell there much risk or any concerns about having them that close?
You will love National Bee Week.
There is a tiny subdivision down the road from us that starts at 800k. Big, very nice homes. But they are like 12' apart. I would never spend that much money and be right on top of your two neighbors. How in the world does this close building not violate a spacing building code? Would you consider buying one of these properties? Not I.
When ever I see hipsters now, I have been calling them settlers from the cable commercial. "We settle for cable."

You are the 2nd person in less than 24hours that I have heard make that exact statement. One of my friends at church said it yesterday. Thought it was funny then and still is. Gonna steal it from the both of you and use it until it becomes un-funny.
I had a friend whose older brother was an instructor for the swamp portion of the course several years ago. Said he carried a big stick to push the gators out of the way. Don't know if that part is true or not, but the dude was def. a Ranger instructor.

My buddy was going to do it too, but the Army wouldn't let him do airborne school due to a torn meniscus. Early 1990's they were looking for ways to get guys to quit.
there are gators and snakes
It's at Eglin in Florida
Mountain phase is Dahlangha (spelling?)georgia