How will they rule ??!

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If Biden doesn’t drop out, anyone want to take odds on whether or not he’ll survive Covid?

Just imagine the headlines, “the president that defeated Covid succumbs to it”.

“Covid hero gives his life for cause”

I’m sure the actual headlines will be FAR more cheesy.
Thought the same thing after the 2016 election. Never underestimate what Dems will do to win. No way their donors/puppet masters are going to allow them to punt on this election.
They have all the cards. The slimier and more corrupt they win this election, the bigger the chance of right wing chaos and destruction…….which is what they want. The media is salivating for footage to show of how the Trump movement must be extinguished for good.
Pretty interesting they claim Biden has covid and he must basically be locked away somewhere. He just had a "cold" a few weeks ago at the debate. Whens the last time anyone had a normal cold? Isnt there an extremely high probability that was covid? If so means he shouldn't have it now.

Pretty funny he could've legitimately bowed out of that debate but instead risked infecting everyone with covid just so he could go up there and bomb. Super spreader!

0% chance he has Covid.

100% chance that’s the one way Hunter and Jill think they can get him sequestered while they negotiate his exit. Every time he is seen in public, the negotiating position of the Biden team drops. The professionals just need to make sure their client doesn’t say or do any more stupid shit before the ink is dry on the deal.
There has been numerous times that Biden has not been able to remember the name of his Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Usually Biden just says the secretary of defense and doesn't mention the name. Again he forgot the name, but this time added 'the black man' haha

Within the week the Biden family will have been pardoned for all their crimes and the family will have a long list of book deals with advances.
One of two things. There are pardons, or more probable the backroom promise of pardons after the election. Not a good look for pardons before the election. But either way you're right....there will be. That's a given.
And yes on the book deals.
And probably some more cash for 'the big guy'. Needs another vette and beach front house for all his public service (on which he bought all this over the years on a public servant salary....sure)
They wouldn't dare humanize Trump by allowing people to see this. He is Hitler to them after all. Despite possible past infidelities, Trump has been the only family man in the race the whole time. His kids are well spoken, productive citizens...he clearly loves the grandkids. The Biden family...another story.

That's the very reason we built checks and balances into our government. To constrain it from ever having the "unfettered" power you're describing. From multiple competing branches of government to the Bill of Rights, we codified these restraints to contrast with the absolute power of the monarchies that had come before. Our democratic principles themselves are a restraint on the power of authority; if someone does something we don't like we, the people, vote them out. I support most forms of democratic reforms like Initiative, Referendum, and Recall which you can see the clear historical progression of through the Western states.

None of this has anything to do with the discussion of how to run the economy. There have been authoritarian capitalist monarchies, authoritarian socialist oligarchies, authoritarian feudalist collectives, and authoritarian slaver states. And just about every mashup of the above and others not mentioned. What none of us want is totalitarian/authoritarianism, regardless of what guise it's cloaked in. Being capitalist didn't save Japanese Americans from the internment camps in WWII. What matters are the specific actions, not any of these ideological labels we bandy about.
I challenge anyone, R or D, to tell me why Kamala would make a good POTUS. No jokes....just tell me what she has to offer that cover our main issues....economy, national security, foreign policy, job creation.
Her ability to suck cawk could come in handy. Hard for Putin to think about war while blowing a load down her throat.
One of two things. There are pardons, or more probable the backroom promise of pardons after the election. Not a good look for pardons before the election. But either way you're right....there will be. That's a given.
And yes on the book deals.
And probably some more cash for 'the big guy'. Needs another vette and beach front house for all his public service (on which he bought all this over the years on a public servant salary....sure)

Jmo but the pardons will be before the election. They can't risk losing and given the current momentum trump should be able to pull this off.

If those pardons actually happen, it will be yet another example of how biden administration is actually everything the libs and msm warned us trump would be
One of two things. There are pardons, or more probable the backroom promise of pardons after the election. Not a good look for pardons before the election. But either way you're right....there will be. That's a given.
And yes on the book deals.
And probably some more cash for 'the big guy'. Needs another vette and beach front house for all his public service (on which he bought all this over the years on a public servant salary....sure)

No chance they are willing to wait until after the election for their pardons. A stiff wind could take Joe out at any point. And Kamala assuredly hates Joe and his family since she’s spent time around them (and knows he’s always been a racist).

Once the plug is pulled on Joe, the democrats are going to burn him. They’re going to point the fingers at Joe for everything voters think went wrong. Obviously we all know Joe Biden has been mentally incompetent for years and has no control over policies, but he’s going to be a perfect scapegoat. “Joe went rogue again and pardoned his family just like he blah blah blah.”
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One of two things. There are pardons, or more probable the backroom promise of pardons after the election. Not a good look for pardons before the election. But either way you're right....there will be. That's a given.
And yes on the book deals.
And probably some more cash for 'the big guy'. Needs another vette and beach front house for all his public service (on which he bought all this over the years on a public servant salary....sure)
I love the idea of pretending Biden could actually write a book right now and that the editor wouldn’t kill themselves by page three.
I don’t get the dislike. I’ve grown to appreciate ViVek as well but Vance has impressed me a lot in the last 2 days.

Also, it was brought to my attention this morning that Beshear is a top 5 candidate to replace Biden. That can’t be right, is it?

I’d love it. Get his lefty ass out of this state.
If Beshear is Biden's replacement, even as a VP candidate to Harris, They're cooked. Beshear wouldn't even bring her Kentucky. The rest of the Country would be 'Who?" nobody outside of our state gives a shat about who the Governor of Kentucky is.
The difference between how the left’s and right’s voter base thinks is remarkable. The left battles between two theories with zero critical thinking here.

Option 1) Trump staged it. Yes he had a guy shoot him or wait, he’s not actually hurt at all and put blood on himself when he ducked down (one of my family members thinks this)! The dead family man behind him was in on the publicity stunt.

Option 2) Shooter was MAGA.

Now the right’s brain immediately uses critical thinking here because what’s being said does not add up.

How was the most obvious place for a sniper not covered?

Why was CNN live streaming a rally in which they have never done before?

How did the shooter know and go to that spot? Why did SS letting him shoot first? Why did they not detain him? Why did they let Trump take the stage despite this? Where’s his social media? Why did Trump’s SS team get switched out and how Jill just happens to have an event in the area? Why isn’t the questioning being done in the public? Why is the head of the SS refusing to talk other than an absurd claim of a sloped roof? How did a 20 year old build a bomb and gain access to this place despite going through security? This all happens at the last public appearance before he’s to receive the nomination?

The logical conclusion of the above is that it’s not a coincidence at all and Trump was sent up there to be killed. At best, their claim is everything aligned from their total incompetence and that it was a mere coincidence that CNN was filming live for the first time and the $DJT was being shorted before he was shot.
Pretty interesting they claim Biden has covid and he must basically be locked away somewhere. He just had a "cold" a few weeks ago at the debate. Whens the last time anyone had a normal cold? Isnt there an extremely high probability that was covid? If so means he shouldn't have it now.

Pretty funny he could've legitimately bowed out of that debate but instead risked infecting everyone with covid just so he could go up there and bomb. Super spreader!

I think newsom and andy would do better. Newsom would kill it with elites and cities and andy is very underrated at appealing to rural areas and older people. He has a very subtle but effective aura where he is very genuine when he speaks, even if it isnt true, but not in a politician way. Throw in his country accent and he would have an impact. Thats why i think hes definitely one to watch next cycle.

Those two are literally two versions of the same person. Its like political twins separated at proverbial birth.

Noone likes kamala and whitmer's best attribute is the general voter doesn't know her that well. Lib voters would definitely have an orgasm though voting for an all female ticket. Theyd definitely all show up for that. So you are definitely right on that point.
he had a "cold" but was gladhanding Waffle House patrons THAT NIGHT.
They wouldn't dare humanize Trump by allowing people to see this. He is Hitler to them after all. Despite possible past infidelities, Trump has been the only family man in the race the whole time. His kids are well spoken, productive citizens...he clearly loves the grandkids. The Biden family...another story.

You’re talking about a group of people who have shown no interest in the Epstein List until about a week ago where they now claim Trump may have been on it.

They didn’t care about Bob Hernandez using child prostitutes. They don’t care about Biden showering with his daughter and sniffing kids. They don’t care about Hunter Biden’s debauchery. They don’t care about the Obama’s sending their daughter to intern under Weinstein (a guy who everyone knew for decades what he was).

This is a group who wanted the man murdered and his supporters imprisoned. They have no morals. They only care about power and doing whatever it takes to achieve it. Anyone who isn’t a Democrat should be destroyed.
There has been numerous times that Biden has not been able to remember the name of his Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Usually Biden just says the secretary of defense and doesn't mention the name. Again he forgot the name, but this time added 'the black man' haha


Not judging but it looks as if our Secretary of Defense has taken a few scuds in the bud, jus sayin.
  • Haha
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