
Never will get a flu shot. I don't trust them.

As well you shouldn't. Flu shots are the gateway to full government control over mind, body and soul. It's a government conspiracy…

Step 1...get everyone to take a flu shot each year.
Step 2…slowly implement mind control drugs into flu shot mixture. Start with the old folks…then on to the younger generations.
Step 3…integration of full mind control over entire US population.

Just a matter of time really. Pretty sure they have already conquered most of the Appalachian region and a good portion of the Florida & Arizona retirement communities.
Do any of you guys know who They So Sensitive is? He posts on HOB and GYERO and acts like he is well connected. Not sure if he has any real scoop or not.
You in Louisville this week? Not sure I can meet up due to work, hit me an email if you want to try. Doubtful,but maybe could squeeze in an hour.

Not sure about KS, unless you guys have talked.

Depends on when ATC is in Metro???

I'm out of town most of this week. I will be in donfather's neck of the woods for part of that time. Would try to meet up for a beer or even a drive-by trip to the world famous break room but sadly this trip will be all work and no play…kaiser will be a dull boy all week long. Gotta wine and dine some potential clients in the evening and put out some fires by day.

Next time I'm down that way though, donfather…I am determined to dine in that break room at some point in the future. #bucket-list
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He can't do much else, but that mf-er can sing his ass off. Largest vocal range of any artist of the past century. That's not hyperbole either. Wider range than Mariah Carey.

But can he still sing like that? Has his voice held up over time? Does he still have the complete range? Honest questions. I have no clue. I listened to about 20 seconds of about 5 songs on Chinese Democracy and called it a day. That album, which took about 35 years to record, sucked ballz. But...

GNR - Appetite For Destruction is still one of my all time favorite albums. Great tunes start to finish. The fact that it came out during my senior year in HS has helped it stand the test of time.
But can he still sing like that? Has his voice held up over time? Does he still have the complete range? Honest questions. I have no clue. I listened to about 20 seconds of about 5 songs on Chinese Democracy and called it a day. That album, which took about 35 years to record, sucked ballz. But...

GNR - Appetite For Destruction is still one of my all time favorite albums. Great tunes start to finish. The fact that it came out during my senior year in HS has helped it stand the test of time.
I haven't listened to anything of theirs since Use Your Illusion(s), because I knew I would be disappointed. (Appetite was 7th grade for me, BTW)
Depends on when ATC is in Metro???

I'm out of town most of this week. I will be in donfather's neck of the woods for part of that time. Would try to meet up for a beer or even a drive-by trip to the world famous break room but sadly this trip will be all work and no play…kaiser will be a dull boy all week long. Gotta wine and dine some potential clients in the evening and put out some fires by day.

Next time I'm down that way though, donfather…I am determined to dine in that break room at some point in the future. #bucket-list
Do it. We open 6 days.
Got two coats of sealer on the patio (~700 sf).
Groceries bought. Much laundry done.
Ready to eat ham, scalloped potatoes & cheddar biscuits. Brownies & vanilla ice team for desert (no Blue Bell).

Hope R2 rubbed it raw on that re-virginised p***y last night.
He better get used to rubbing himself raw in the relative near future.
I just met up with Bert and his wife about an hour ago. Fantastic folks. Had a truly wonderful visit. Thanks, Bert!

Here's what's up. Change of plans. Heading to Louisville on Tuesday not tomorrow. Cous has an early morning appointment there on Tuesday. I can't post into our private thread on my phone. Will update more in a few as soon as I can get better connectivity.
Faster horses, younger women ......... more money.
Tom T Hall was great.

I once took a trip to Springfield Missouri to pick up a Mustang with a Tom T Hall greatest hits tape stuck in the tape deck. I was driving a 89 Ford 7.3 diesel (non turbo) that the exhaust fell off of on the way. Really really loud. That truck and the tape on loop made for a memorable trip.
I'm having real issues getting my login and password to work with my tablet. The only way I can get this message in is on my cell. I've requested password reset and get nothing from Rivals. Yahoo sent an email asking for a phone number. Anybody got any ideas?

When you call them. Tell them you aren't gonna f*** around. You want your shit fix and (give them a precise time like 4:47 p.m April 18th, 2016). And you say if it it isn't fixed that 3,000 kinds of different Hell is about to rain on them.
We got to spend the whole day with #3 and thoroughly enjoyed it too, Took two meals with him. He is a fine specimen of a young man. He begins Ranger School on the 24th of this month. May God be with him. I love him so. He just left bound for Ft. Campbell in Kentucky.
Oldest son completed Ranger School in 2006 along with jump school an Infantry Officers Basic at Benning. He's now a Major attending Command and General Staff College. I understand your love and pride!! Ranger School is tough.