
So let me get this straight. A guy who prides himself in acting alpha and lifting weights can't build a fence? Geez, I'm so happy I can do anything and have the work ethic to do so...or at least put it off forever.

Get a string line, spray paint, a set of post hole diggers, several 80 lb bags of concrete, a lumber package and a set of balls and save yourself some money that you can use on the little one.

What happened to men?
You deserve 100 interweb points for said act that I will never mention.

Don, that ain't even the half of it.

My mom wasn't home that night . Funny thing is, she was 62 years old and in Carter county giving blow jobs to a 70 year old man who was a one-legged banjo player. I shit you not. I'm dying if my lying. He played Bluegrass music, and played with Bill Monroe a few times.
Yep -- those submersible combines are pretty cool.
I call big ass women "fatasses".

Not to their face, of course.
My cousin was mowing is brothers yard in town. Next door lived a very large woman. While he was loading his mower into the back of his truck, the neighbor walked out of the house and toward her car. My cousin then yelled at her. "Hey!" "Hey!" She turned and snarled back at him. "What!!" To which he replied... "Your mama called.. She said MOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Then she proceeded to curse him like a dog! Crazy ass cousin of mine would say or do anything.
Haha - I have heard this before. I guess that would ruin the entire trip for me.

Maybe I'll just rent the whole bus for myself. Maybe pay a few actors to portray decent human beings just to make it seem (un)realistic.
Rode a bus from Fayetteville, Arkansas to Elizabethtown, Kentucky early January, 1978. Had no money so had no choice. From Fayetteville to Little Rock a drunken Indian sat behind me. Between Ft. Smith a Little Rock the Indian started praying. Said he knew he was no good, God forgive him, help him get back his little girl, etc. I was reading a book. All of a sudden he says hey! Hey! And smacks me in the back of the head. He said "do you know who Sacajewa was?" I said no. He then asked " do you know invented the alphabet?" Again I said no. He the then said, "you're a dumb son of a bitch aren't you?" I said , "maybe so, but I know one thing - the bus driver is about to throw your ass off here." Driver slowed, came to a stop, came back and grabbed Cochise and hauled him to th back of the bus and threatened to take him to jail. Got to Little Rock, the driver got off, locked us on the bus, called the cops who hauled him to jail. Between Nashville and Elizabethtown sat by a woman who smelled like she hadn't had a bath in 4 months.
Haven't ridden a bus since
Don, that ain't even the half of it.

My mom wasn't home that night . Funny thing is, she was 62 years old and in Carter county giving blow jobs to a 70 year old man who was a one-legged banjo player. I shit you not. I'm dying if my lying. He played Bluegrass music, and played with Bill Monroe a few times.
So let me get this straight. A guy who prides himself in acting alpha and lifting weights can't build a fence? Geez, I'm so happy I can do anything and have the work ethic to do so...or at least put it off forever.

Get a string line, spray paint, a set of post hole diggers, several 80 lb bags of concrete, a lumber package and a set of balls and save yourself some money that you can use on the little one.

What happened to men?
Rode a bus from Fayetteville, Arkansas to Elizabethtown, Kentucky early January, 1978. Had no money so had no choice. From Fayetteville to Little Rock a drunken Indian sat behind me. Between Ft. Smith a Little Rock the Indian started praying. Said he knew he was no good, God forgive him, help him get back his little girl, etc. I was reading a book. All of a sudden he says hey! Hey! And smacks me in the back of the head. He said "do you know who Sacajewa was?" I said no. He then asked " do you know invented the alphabet?" Again I said no. He the then said, "you're a dumb son of a bitch aren't you?" I said , "maybe so, but I know one thing - the bus driver is about to throw your ass off here." Driver slowed, came to a stop, came back and grabbed Cochise and hauled him to th back of the bus and threatened to take him to jail. Got to Little Rock, the driver got off, locked us on the bus, called the cops who hauled him to jail. Between Nashville and Elizabethtown sat by a woman who smelled like she hadn't had a bath in 4 months.
Haven't ridden a bus since
It's the people.
I rode a greyhound from Louisville to Athens Georgia. Went with 2 friends.

Well, we were going to hang out with friends at UGA, where wide spread panic was playing. I don't care for the band but was 19, and it was something to do.

Well, it also happened to be Freaknik in Atlanta, which was like the black Mardi Gras.The bus was full of people going there.

Within 5 minutes, we busted open a handle of Evan Willaims, which we called the Janitor, because it cleaned you out. We met a point guard going down to Georgia to try out for the CBA. We all got good n drunk, but we also had a half ounce of weed, which me managed to smoke all of by the time we got to Athens on the bus.

We ended up going to Freaknik. Only white people there. Was awesome.

Made it to wide spread, got more weed, dropped killer acid, 13 people in a dorm room,Otis Redding music is...another story .

Ended up heading back, no cash, plenty of weed, eating mustard sandwiches. Met a dude on way back, that partied with Biz Markie at a strip club, who ended up giving us some kinda green liquor and we got him high.
I remember those days. Did we ever bond you out?
All you real men talkin shit about the fence.... you can come to my house and build it for me and I'll pay ya. Show me how manly ya are. I'll even sit on the back deck and remind ya every 5 minutes or so while I sip a beer. See how much fun you have installing a fence around a yard that's 70 yards deep and 40 across. I'd love some ****ers to show me how to be a man. Begging for it, really.

I've got a fence already. It's just 30 years old and rickety as hell.
Carry on, son. Do the right thing. Latinos.
What are you trying to hide, Jason? With that big ol privacy fence?
Big privacy fence, small privates?

Yard doesn't sound that big. For 6500 I may take you up on that. I have an auger for my tractor. Probably fairly quick work.

I'll even let you help (knock of some per hour) and show you how to back the trailer in your driveway. You can have your wife take pics and put them on Facebook. Kind of a real man starter kit, and you can brag to your buddies about it at the gym. Tell them how sweaty your Affliction shirt got while working.
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