
I just quick read the last dozen or so posts and it seems like the D gang has been banging the tail of some oxen or eating them? I have never been into that sort of thing myself, but each to his own.
Happy Hump Day...



Man I'd love to have that thing too, but might have to wait TIL Christmas. The Aeropress still makes quality coffee though right?

I'm gonna get a fenestrated metal filter too. From what I've read, the typical paper filter in the Aeropress blocks some of the tasty oils released during the extraction from reaching the cup, is that right?
it makes righteous coffee. Just a pain in the ass if you have company or wanting multiple cups.
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We're 7 days from our one year D-versary, you guys (and gal). I have no idea what to get you all. Maybe a nice place setting.

30 days of school, mofos.

Republican (and maybe Democrat) convention ought to be must see TV, this summer. Getcha popcorn ready.

Personal day Friday. Sitter is out of town, so I'm taking one for the team.

Kid cracked his iPhone screen yesterday. He made it 21 months with it, so I'll call that a victory. $50 to replace it at some shop by campus run by a guy with an advanced degree in computer science. Let that sink in for a while.

That's about all I got.

Good Morning, fellers

Been in a bit of a funk as of late. Find two versions of myself fighting against the other.

Spring game this weekend then nothing but Golf until the end of August...GOD help us.

Looks like the weather is making a turn for the better...finally!

Oatmeal, banana, and free coffee....good breakfast!

Got my daily dump at the office out of the way, so it should be smooth sailing from here.

Have a good one.
Ever have to deal with someone who just gets on your nerves just by being?

Dude at work is loud and obnoxious, coughs like he is dying and wants everyone to hear. Talks like he has his job under control, but can't perform simple tasks without the help of coworkers. Did I mention that he comes in like a day maybe two days a week, and only stays for half a day.

I'd love to meet the idiot that hired this person, and find out wth they were thinking.
  • Good Morning, posters and lurkers.
  • 56°F in Johns Creek. Clearing. VFR. Windy.
  • Blood Sugar = 82.
  • Likes applied.
  • If you just have to fight, you know the number, 404-577-5577. Winners of fights go to jail. Losers to ER at Grady. Tear the big guy's knee up, and he will sue you if you have assets. It's better if you don't fight. Bad temper? I know about that too. I have the worst one on the planet, and it's gotten me a couple of times.
  • New pine straw applied.
  • A couple of bamboo plants planted. Handy if I ever buy a gorilla.
  • Tom Leach going.
  • Keurig Dark Magic going and tasting good.
  • Motor boating was fun.
  • Hump hump hump.
  • Please make the wind slow down.
  • Carry on.
  • Over.
Ever have to deal with someone who just gets on your nerves just by being?

Dude at work is loud and obnoxious, coughs like he is dying and wants everyone to hear. Talks like he has his job under control, but can't perform simple tasks without the help of coworkers. Did I mention that he comes in like a day maybe two days a week, and only stays for half a day.

I'd love to meet the idiot that hired this person, and find out wth they were thinking.
Former director of our dept. was always clearing his throat.
My boss (asst. dir.) is a mumbler. Can't stand going to meetings with him when it involves people outside of our dept. It's embarrassing.
Another guy that I work with is always giggling. I remember a former co-worker complaining about it years ago.
Nothing changes here.
Ever have to deal with someone who just gets on your nerves just by being?

Dude at work is loud and obnoxious, coughs like he is dying and wants everyone to hear. Talks like he has his job under control, but can't perform simple tasks without the help of coworkers. Did I mention that he comes in like a day maybe two days a week, and only stays for half a day.

I'd love to meet the idiot that hired this person, and find out wth they were thinking.
Hiring new people can be a pain in the ass. My number one problem.
Wife texts me on the way home from the late game "Kinlee's in bed. Last feeding at 8:30. Expect her to wake up hungry before you go to bed (at midnight) so you can take it. Bottle is in fridge."

Get home, down 75oz of Bud Ice, take a shower, midnight comes, baby hasn't woken up.

Win for dad.

I love my daughter. Sleeps like her Paps.
That's one big Bud Ice. Does it come in a growler?
Mother in Law gave me a check for birthday. Yep, it bounced. Good stuff, no fight with the wife at all (this is sarcasm).

My wife and I have a joint checking account. We each have another account we use for "fun" money. Very little funds. It was this account. Never got notice it bounced 2 weeks ago from bank. Just kept adding fees. Had the account 10 years, never had an issue. Hopefully they refund...

we have two joint accounts, wife has one of her own and telling the gods honest truth, I have no idea how much is in any of our accounts, nor do I really wanna know, I also have no debit cards to any accounts as well, Whenever I go to buy anything I get the debit card or use the trusty discover then she will pay it off. I have 2 pension checks that go direct deposit..all I know,,all I really need to know as creates way to much worrying for many people
soon as I finish the next cup...
gonna power seed some Pennington's today..
gonna power wash outdoor furniture area, put down outdoor rug and set furniture out..
30 bags of cedar mulch to spread..
start prepping for more painting on outside of garage, block has never been painted before, hope I am not ****in up..using this stuff...

who am I way all this gets done today, I play on computer to much!
She was was NOT fat. I mean, girls would call her fat, but that's only because one of her tits is worth more than most girls entire existence.
I didn't mean to imply that she was fat. Just something in the wording of your post reminded me of something my dad used to say. I'm not sure if I've ever heard other people refer to fat women as 'healthy". The way he said it, you knew he was calling her fat.
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