
Happy belated bday Willy. Hope it was a great day for you.

Cool 41 degrees this morning. Got some much needed rain last night. As of now no rain in the immediate forcast. We've have so many windy days lately. It has just dried the ground out.

Have a good and safe day all.
Happy belated bday Willy. Hope it was a great day for you.

Cool 41 degrees this morning. Got some much needed rain last night. As of now no rain in the immediate forcast. We've have so many windy days lately. It has just dried the ground out.

Have a good and safe day all.

Ended up not badly. Fell asleep by 10 p.m I think. Thanks Jedwar and you have a great day yourself
  • Good Morning, D-Leaguers & returned Heshimu Blu.
  • 60°F in Johns Creek. Light rain. Solid overcast. IFR.
  • Keurig Dark Magic going.
  • Blood Sugar = 87.
  • The Tom Leach Show coming up.
  • Hello to HB. Welcome back.
  • Long day yesterday. More work is waiting.
  • Have a perfect Tuesday, y'all.
  • Bolden?
  • Over.
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Chris Fisher seems to think if UK misses on Bolden then there's a greater than 50% chance UK ends up with Jarrett Allen. I axed him on Twitter last night. Would lend good reason to the fact that if Allen was so decided on Texas why the **** he's not already announced being as how he's from friggin Austin, TX and all. He's likely waiting to see what direction UK takes and I'm good with that. So the general consensus seems to be that UK likely ends up with either Bolden or Allen, 5 McDonald's All Americans in a loaded class, the #2 PF in Bam, #1/2 PG in Fox, #1 SG in Monk, #3 or so wing in Gabriel, #5 or 6 PF in SKJ, and #1 or #2 C in either Bolden or Allen.


Still... **** Duke. They can suction my wiener with their mouths.

Allen's (per rivals) high interest are Houston and Texas, based on that sounds like family wants him close to home..
Happy belated Bd Willy! Hope you had a good day!

93: Where is this poll you speak of?

I'm obviously very very late to the party, is there a weight reduction contest going on in the D League? Props to you all. Takes dedication to lose that much weight. I would imagine that it's tough, but your body will thank you later.

Cold here this morning. Cannot wait for little warmth.

Have a good day all:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Did Marc later realize he was being played like a cheap violin and that they knowingly / willingly ruined his career because they were confident he would write a false story?

1. Writes a false story
2. Negates any goodwill built up while sacrificing his credibility by explaining to people that the UK staff told him to do it and that he knowingly published a false story
3. Exits profession due to lack of credibility and general sucktitude

It's fascinating.
I would LOVE to see GR again. I'm old, but love music and good concert. I will scan to you all later. But my summer is filled with me attending many concerts (job related If any of you loon boons make your way over here. Please let me know.

Most excited about Weezer 7-19, Slipknot with MM 7-4, Rob Zombie with Korn...Heart with JJett (those girls can still kick it) there are many more...dare I say DMB (eek I know I will catch hell for that one) some really decent acts coming up this season and I LOVE the setting, not huge Amphitheater setting. Perfect.

Side note: It is so interesting to be involved in such acts and their rider requests etc. I never really was a fan of Pamela ex husband...BUT have a new admiration for him after he performed last year. He requested (and was obliged) to having the concessions have Natural Light beer served in smaller cups for $4.00 a pop. The beer sold is $9.00 draft, bottled beer/mixed drinks are set in stone. He knows his audience. Got to respect him for that. It is ridiculous what some of these loons want/request AND it was not as easy at it may appear with KR request either....lots of procurement/planning/training involved just for 1 concert.

Sorry to ramble.
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I would LOVE to see GR again. I'm old, but love music and good concert. I will scan to you all later. But my summer is filled with me attending many concerts (job related If any of you loon boons make your way over here. Please let me know.

Most excited about Weezer 7-19, Slipknot with MM 7-4, Rob Zombie with Korn...Heart with JJett (those girls can still kick it) there are many more...dare I say DMB (eek I know I will catch hell for that one) some really decent acts coming up this season and I LOVE the setting, not huge Amphitheater setting. Perfect.

Side note: It is so interesting to be involved in such acts and their rider requests etc. I never really was a Kid Rock fan...BUT have a new admiration for him after he performed last year. He requested (and was obliged) to having the concessions have Natural Light beer served in smaller cups for $4.00 a pop. The beer sold is $9.00 draft, bottled beer/mixed drinks are set in stone. He knows his audience. Got to respect him for that. It is ridiculous what some of these loons want/request AND it was not as easy at it may appear with KR request either....lots of procurement/planning/training involved just for 1 concert.

Sorry to ramble.

I'm going to see Slipknot and Manson July 2nd at Tampa amphitheatre outside.

Agree with your whole post except for DMB. I hate those guys