
Open August, good deal. I will start planning. You got any recs on hotels? I think we stayed at the Roosevelt the last time we were there

Yes... There are 3 hotels that are the most friggin groovy joints all owned by a Seattle company and they are the hipster/funk places in the city. Boutiquey. I have no idea on cost.

29th /Bway, 28th/ Bway:

The Ace, & The NoMad and (I forgot the third, it was under construction when I worked over on 28th). Both have crazy-awesome bars in the lobby and the NoMad has a primo restaurant. Flatiron district.

the Ace has Jon Dory Oyster bar AND Stumptown coffee cafe in lobby. <~~~Mecca/Medina.

A block away from NumPang Vietnamese sandwich shop, Maysville (Kentucky bourbon bar), and Hill Country BBQ. Killer stoner food. Just sayin.
Yes... There are 3 hotels that are the most friggin groovy joints all owned by a Seattle company and they are the hipster/funk places in the city. Boutiquey. I have no idea on cost.

29th /Bway, 28th/ Bway:

The Ace, & The NoMad and (I forgot the third, it was under construction when I worked over on 28th). Both have crazy-awesome bars in the lobby and the NoMad has a primo restaurant. Flatiron district.

the Ace has Jon Dory Oyster bar AND Stumptown coffee cafe in lobby. <~~~Mecca/Medina.

A block away from NumPang Vietnamese sandwich shop, Maysville (Kentucky bourbon bar), and Hill Country BBQ. Killer stoner food. Just sayin.

Okie. Will check'em
If you need any help or ideas. Let me know. Reviews on parks, and so forth. Places to eat. etc
93, man it would be an honor to have a few brews with you.
Likewise brother. We would like to do a day at a waterpark(maybe Disney one), then a swamp tour one day. We'll be driving over from Clearwater, so I just have to figure out leaving the wife & kid for a little while. Wife doesn't mind a bit.

Maybe I can get a taxi from the water park to a bar, then have my wife pick me up later with the rental car.

If anyone makes their way to or thru Iowa, I can show you...

Well, not much really. We have corn fields.
Likewise brother. We would like to do a day at a waterpark(maybe Disney one), then a swamp tour one day. We'll be driving over from Clearwater, so I just have to figure out leaving the wife & kid for a little while. Wife doesn't mind a bit.

Maybe I can get a taxi from the water park to a bar, then have my wife pick me up later with the rental car.

If anyone makes their way to or thru Iowa, I can show you...

Well, not much really. We have corn fields.
93- I can drive man. No worries. Ask LEK and Austin, you're in good hands man. You're ol' lady ain't got nothing to worry about. My home office is in Clearwater. I can work over there and meet you at a bar in Clearwater
Gotta say, Thanks to Mav. I've been back in the work out mode after hearing him lose weight. My FIL just got diagnosed with Diabeetus. So I have cut the shit out of carbs. Mav- great job and thanks for the reminder for myself. Ever since I cut carbs, I now definite showing in abs and shit. Using an 8lb ball on incline ab crunches.
I tried to smoke a cigar last night. Did bout an inch. It was cool, but there are much better things to smoke. I don't get the appeal, tbh. I get the flavors, and smells, but shit doesn't even get you high. Spent about 30 minutes sucking on the thing. It was way too tame for my liking. I told the hipster dude at the shop I liked bold flavors.
Dude I'm glad my odyssey could provide some inspiration. Thanks for the kind words. I myself was inspired by ATC's example.

After years of fits and starts, I think the key -- and this is no brilliant insight -- truly is making it a lifestyle change. Diets work, but only temporarily.
Thanks for the Kudos, Mav.

The keys are dieting and just keep moving. Actually, most of my activity is with my legs. I really need to focus more on arms and abs.
Good Morning, all.

Grocery shopping, check!

Coffee replaced with McDonalds unsweet tea. That stuff is addictive.

Final Day of the Masters should see the scoring improve with better conditions. Spieth by 1

Getting ready for a day on the course 27 for 27 at BrightLeaf for any of you Kentucky golfers.

Res getting back into form. Lost a game yesterday I believe with a 5-1 lead in the 8th. [laughing]

Hope you all have a nice and relaxing Sunday.
All this talk about exercise and weight loss has made me hungry and sleepy, thanks! I do seem to have a built in early morning exercise program going in though. 2, 4 and 6am piss calls require me to take about twenty steps to and twenty steps back and forth from the bed to the pisser.
It's a good thing I never had kids of my own. Didn't feel like cooking lunch so I went to Waffle House (yeah, I'm a poor). Booth next to mine was a young couple with a 2-3 yr old little girl. Cute as a button. She decided she wanted to talk to me, so she climbs over the back and joins me in my booth. Parents must be used to it since they just made sure she stopped and didn't keep going. After getting interrogated (what did I like to eat), mom and dad were done so she hugged me goodbye and every other adult she could get to.

If I had kids in this day and time, I'd be worried sick, especially if they were as friendly and outgoing as this little angel was.
All this talk about exercise and weight loss has made me hungry and sleepy, thanks! I do seem to have a built in early morning exercise program going in though. 2, 4 and 6am piss calls require me to take about twenty steps to and twenty steps back and forth from the bed to the pisser.

I consider myself fortunate. 72 and no pissing problems. I mostly lay off liquids after 6PM. Piss just before going to sleep and don't have to go again until I get up in the AM.