
So should I rock the long pants-past-the-ankles or an old-school high socks and knickers look this season? I'm leaning towards knickers, cause I'm basically a stylish sonofabitch when you get down to it.
Weren't you trying to lose a ton of weight? Is fat guy in knickers and high socks really going look in reality what you envision?

That said, I'm a slave to fashion myself.
The good thing about bourbon is that it doesn't FÜCK around.

My 11 year old poured it for me. He of course, about filled a highball. Broke the cork, so there's cork floating around... Wife yelled at me to have a child serve me drinks...and wrecking the bourbon.

I don't give a crap. Noah's Mill is good, but not a fav... And I didn't have to move. Foot is killing me. Success in my books. I thanked him. Scoffed at her. Chugged.

And within minutes, back to my point, I am buzzed. Beer takes too long.
Just got back from Disney today. (Willy, I didn't bother trying to hook up for a beer because i knew this trip was tight on time. Next time for sure.) But we actually had a fantastic time. Weather was very cooperative. Stayed at the Grand Floridian and good times had by all…especially the kaizerrettes.

Funkycat, if you get the chance eat at the Citricos restaurant at the Grand Floridian. Good place for you and the wife if you can break free for a night. Great food, great wine list…and not as expensive as Victoria & Alberts…which is outfreakingstanding but very expensive.

And yes…I like Space Mountain. Other kaiser favorites…Tower of Terror, Rock&Roll Roller coaster, Star Tours (kaizerrette #2 was the rebel spy), Yetti Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, Mission:Space & Test Track. I also like Soarin' but it was closed for renovations…supposed to be ready for Summer 2016 so just in time for funky's visit hopefully.

Kaizerrette #2 (8yrs old) tried Tower of Terror for the 1st time…and loved it.

Worst ride ever…It's a Small World. Sorry, I know its a classic…but that effing song, man. That effing song is STILL in my head. MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a buddy coming up in May to do some work on my the condo I am moving into.

KS- Got some condo lasing questions for you. I live about 5 miles from Disney. 2.2 miles from the first gate. One day I want to move out and want to lease it as a vacation piece. It's in an awesome area. What would a week go for, with your idea?
Willy, I'm sure I would love Universal…and so would my girls. But I don't book the trip. My wife and my sister-in-law make all the park plans. Which always includes Animal Kingdom, Epcott, Hollywood Studios & two days at Magic Kingdom. Would probably take an act of congress to change that format. Maybe one day…
Willy, I'm sure I would love Universal…and so would my girls. But I don't book the trip. My wife and my sister-in-law make all the park plans. Which always includes Animal Kingdom, Epcott, Hollywood Studios & two days at Magic Kingdom. Would probably take an act of congress to change that format. Maybe one day…
[laughing] Understood.

How you like Epcot? I like it, but I think they need more. I like drinking beer around the countries, but the rides suck.

Did you see any changes being done to Hollywood Studios turning into the Stars Wars shit?
I guess I got lucky with Austin,LEK, and Through.

Austin is always alone. LEK's old lady was cool I guess (although LEK had me talk to her to make sure things were cool-hahahaha), and Through's ol' lady I guess was cool with him breaking off.

If I start this contracting job that will pay me double. I plan on moving, and my goal is to let the D League stay at the condo for free. Save on room and board and be absolutely in near by everything. Mav, you remember seeing the Gaylord Palms? I live about 1 mil from that hotel. It is prime area. Once I move, I'm gonna let the D League stay for free. Save money.
[laughing] Understood.

How you like Epcot? I like it, but I think they need more. I like drinking beer around the countries, but the rides suck.

Did you see any changes being done to Hollywood Studios turning into the Stars Wars shit?

Not all the rides suck at Epcott. That Mission: Space deal with the G-force effect is really cool. And I enjoy the test track ride. Kaizerrette #1 really enjoys "building" the car. I guess i gauge most of the rides by the effect they have on my kids. But you are right…other than those two rides…Epcott is lacking. The countries are cool though.

Hollywood Studios is just getting started on the Star Wars changes. I didn't see the changes. I think it sucks that they closed the stunt show to make room for more Star Wars stuff. (Should have burned the Muppet building down to make room instead.) I mean, I'm sure the new Star Wars stuff will be cool…but that stunt show was pretty cool too.
Not all the rides suck at Epcott. That Mission: Space deal with the G-force effect is really cool. And I enjoy the test track ride. Kaizerrette #1 really enjoys "building" the car. I guess i gauge most of the rides by the effect they have on my kids. But you are right…other than those two rides…Epcott is lacking. The countries are cool though.

Hollywood Studios is just getting started on the Star Wars changes. I didn't see the changes. I think it sucks that they closed the stunt show to make room for more Star Wars stuff. (Should have burned the Muppet building down to make room instead.) I mean, I'm sure the new Star Wars stuff will be cool…but that stunt show was pretty cool too.

I like the shooting game in Hollywood studios. The G Force ride is great. How fast did ya'll get up to? I think I got up to 64 mph. Do you go through the ride in the Mexican Aztec building on the International side?
Mav- There is one independent contracting job that pays $40 and hour and $20 for 30 minutes with nursing home residents. Wanna do it. But I think it's unethical because if a patient is on my list doesn't want to talk and I spend 5 to 10 minutes, I still bill for 30 minutes. And just how many people in nursing homes are going to improve their anxiety and depression. Yet I can still bill them for it.
I'd like to grab a beer with Funk too. But I know the family ties stuff.

Kooky- I sure wish I could catch him on a trip. That would be great.

Frankly, ya'll MF'ers need Florida.


With my small guy gonna be 3.5 by December, and wife being a Disney freakshow, we'll be your way for sure.

NTM: wife knows I friggin hate Disney so I'll bank some credit and cash it in on an evening to enjoy with my man Willie some craft brews.

Conversely, any you fools come up to NYC. I'll show you to a decent time as well.

With my small guy gonna be 3.5 by December, and wife being a Disney freakshow, we'll be your way for sure.

NTM: wife knows I friggin hate Disney so I'll bank some credit and cash it in on an evening to enjoy with my man Willie some craft brews.

Conversely, any you fools come up to NYC. I'll show you to a decent time as well.

Dude, I am thinking NYC in August or doing the Florida Keys.
Wife and I wanna do NYC again. I love NYC. Actually the nicest people I have ever met were in Manhattan (American tourism). Total culture shock.
Yeah. The polite ones are transplants... A little secret... Go out to Queens or Staten Island and they're your stereotypical douchebags... Only kidding.

Your wife being in the art scene, I can direct you to some groovy exhibits.