
I'll bring this up at another time. But you know what the DLeague needs to do?

Buy out a building and turn it into our own nursing home. Buy out a building and turn it into 17 or 20 rooms that we all throw in equally. Get it set up to show UK games on big ass flat screens. Have a few rooms opens for some p*ssy. I"m telling I bet $50K a apiece could buy out a building.
Would it be cool if you all pitched in and bought the building and I just came by to knock off tail in one of the spare bedrooms and watch UK games?

I'll bring a few beers (probably Natural Light) and try not to leave a can make most of them swallow.
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Reactions: Mashburned
  • Keep up he good work Don, LEK, Mav, & everyone else that's making positive changes.
  • Took calculus in college. Kinda wish I would've taken matrix algebra. I need to retake calculus though. I don't use it, but it is the basis for many of the equations that I have to solve at work.
  • Never took logic, unless you count a programming class. I did both undergrad and grad stats classes by correspondence. That was awful.
  • There are def some changes in the brain with addiction. G protein or something like that.
  • I think walking is one of the best exercises. It works for nearly everyone, but not as many injuries as running. The older I get, the more my knees prefer biking. Swimming is good too.
Consider yourself very lucky. My daughter was very colicky and it was nuts. You felt helpless and damn near insane after hours of crying.

The only thing that seemed to shut her up was this older diesel truck (Ford 7.3 Powerstroke) I had that rattled like crazy and was loud as hell. I spent many nights sleeping in that cab letting that truck idle just to calm her down and to let my wife (at the time) sleep. If you would turn it off, she would inevitably start right back up with the crying.

I had 2 boys after that and they slept great and it was much much better.
Consider yourself very lucky. My daughter was very colicky and it was nuts. You felt helpless and damn near insane after hours of crying.

The only thing that seemed to shut her up was this older diesel truck (Ford 7.3 Powerstroke) I had that rattled like crazy and was loud as hell. I spent many nights sleeping in that cab letting that truck idle just to calm her down and to let my wife (at the time) sleep. If you would turn it off, she would inevitably start right back up with the crying.

I had 2 boys after that and they slept great and it was much much better.
My late FIL used to tell stories like that about my wife as an infant. My daughter was premature, so her physical size meant that she had to eat more often. Before she came home from the hospital, she would have to be fed every 2-3 hrs. Tiny amounts. I could get 5 hrs of sleep a night when I stayed with her. Problem was, it was 1-1.5 hrs at a time.

Glad that is over.
The fact you know what Boone's Farm is, means you've drank it too
I have a bottle in my kitchen that I have placed as decor mixed with other stuff, and it's really a joke.

It takes me back to my late teens/early 20s when a good night would be two bottles of Boones Farm (or Mad Dog 20/20), a pack of Marlboro, a joint and willing tail...come to think of it I just turned 40 last week and that still sounds like a good night.
The fact you know what Boone's Farm is, means you've drank it too
Couple of summers ago while visiting my brother. He had his gf's dad hanging out with him all week. Dude was about 80, couldn't hear shit. Korean War vet, but fun as hell. Easy going. He promised his wife he wouldn't drink too much beer. He somehow stumbled onto Boones Farm and insisted that it was the best thing EVER. He kept offering it to everybody. "It's good, ain't it?".

80 yo and just discovered it.
Couple of summers ago while visiting my brother. He had his gf's dad hanging out with him all week. Dude was about 80, couldn't hear shit. Korean War vet, but fun as hell. Easy going. He promised his wife he wouldn't drink too much beer. He somehow stumbled onto Boones Farm and insisted that it was the best thing EVER. He kept offering it to everybody. "It's good, ain't it?".

80 yo and just discovered it.

Ha ha ha ha ha funny shit man

98- yeah Madog 20/20 was a killer for me. Use to drink it with this chick. Drank the Purple Passion with a straw in about 30 min. Both of us puking out guts trying to have sex, pretty nasty,
That's Dru Thornton from Paris, Ky. I knew him personally before he went to the other side. He was a Hell of a good pilot. He flew me to Elyria, Ohio one day in extreme IFR weather conditions (pea soup overcast.) I was impressed with his flying skill. Died of a broken neck near Knoxville, TN.
That's Dru Thornton from Paris, Ky. I knew him personally before he went to the other side. He was a Hell of a good pilot. He flew me to Elyria, Ohio one day in extreme IFR weather conditions (pea soup overcast.) I was impressed with his flying skill. Died of a broken neck near Knoxville, TN.

Yep. Bluegrass Conspiracy is one of my fave books. Surprised it isn't a movie.
Yep. Bluegrass Conspiracy is one of my fave books. Surprised it isn't a movie.
When he was killed, and I read his name imagine my surprise. He was at The Merrick Place Restaurant one time, and The Company tried to murder him there. He was wearing a bulletproof vest and escaped unscathed. He was stealing Cocaine from those guys when he was killed. He put his airplane on auto-pilot and crashed it in the mountains. He was probably going to murder someone and put them in the plane and fake his death.

When I knew him he was intrigued by all the money that we handled. He would check the information that we had on people he was looking for. He probably made some fast money and kept doing that until he went over to join the bad guys.

It would make a good movie. There is a 2-hour documentary about him I think.
You plan on going fishing with it?
Lol I was referring to chumlee from pawn stars and his chum chum room complete with stripper poles. Throw in willies crack shack and emporium, and we will all go out in a blaze of glory. Btw great picture of kentuckys greatest known mass murdering trucker. The police chase was priceless with him trying to get away in something that looked like a white geo metro lol.
Set up the ultimate UK private nursing home. Let's say a building costs 1 million dollars. If 20 of us throw up $50K to live with each other as we get old, it could be cost effective. Plus, we are all going to a nursing home anyway, why not die together?
Stay drunk, stoned and laid throughout our elderly years. Sounds like a plan.
I'll bring this up at another time. But you know what the DLeague needs to do?

Buy out a building and turn it into our own nursing home. Buy out a building and turn it into 17 or 20 rooms that we all throw in equally. Get it set up to show UK games on big ass flat screens. Have a few rooms opens for some p*ssy. I"m telling I bet $50K a apiece could buy out a building.

We need to start playing the lottery more often.
BTW, why did math curriculum change from the way I learned it 40 hrs ago? Seriously, that shit worked. Math from hundreds of years ago worked. Other than writing new text books, I don't see the benefit.

Some mothertouchers are making a whole bunch of money from math textbooks, high school and college, and have been for many years.
Today, the row of (15) fifteen 40' hemlocks will be removed from my property.

Tomorrow, my deck furniture arrives. (Shit Don's QueenBee would dig, ergo expensive as F)

Sunday, craft beer poppin, tunes jammin, planting flowers in pots, flesh smokin on egg, medicating my mind for impending crush of Monday.
Good Morning, all.

Finally Friday

Freakin cold this morning

Co-worker leaves the end of next month. Company is all about WFR, and in a hiring freeze. Twice the work, more responsibility, same pay....sounds about right.

LOVE the "Bluegrass Conspiracy" I've read that book more than any other. My old man knew a couple people in that book, and some distant relatives in there as well.

You guys have a good one!
Happy Friday folks.

Math. Me and Math do not get along beyond basics. The math our 8th graders do is too much for me. I'd need a serious refresher course.

Golf yesterday. One horrid hole and one bad hole hurt me badly. Other wise pretty pleased. Wind was brutal.

Need to mow 4 yards. Looks like rain moving in, so that'll be tomorrow I guess.

Son's water pump out in truck. Going to haul it to a guy who's going to fix it. Too much junk in the way for me to do.

Replacing kitchen faucet in a few.

House cleaned.

Last day of Spring Break. Pity me. PITY ME!
Didn't really expect to read about Pat Sunmit's son knocking up one of his players when I logged on to catpaw this morning. Pleasant surprise.

Also #7 is cute in a "one time at band camp..." sort of way. Would bang with flute or penis. Whatever.

Y'all came up with some really good ideas last might about the old folks home. It would be kind of like animal house for olds.

Happy Friday.