
Re: Going off your diet. I have stayed on mine for a little over 3 weeks. Woo hoo I know. Just restart if you fell off the wagon. Don't worry about the relapse. I am well on my way to defeating the Food Obsession. I wouldn't dare to do like I was doing.

Don. Why do you go off your diet? Just curious. Without using emotional reasoning, what is the logical reason? (using emotional is the reason we validate ourselves to go off our diet)
Man, I'm in the same boat. I love food.
When you get hungry these boiled veggies and baked meat taste pretty damn good. I'm only eating 2 meals every day. Breakfast is very meager, but ihe oatmeal with a little fruit is good. About 3-4 o'clock I eat a full healthy meal. That's it. I have only lost 9 pounds. When my back will stand it I will start walking.
Don. Why do you go off your diet? Just curious. Without using emotional reasoning, what is the logical reason? (using emotional is the reason we validate ourselves to go off our diet)
I'm not going off of mine. I want to lose down to 200 pounds. When I get there I'll just have to see if I want to lose 20 more pounds.
I was always fascinated with logic and mathematical proof myself. I work in the field of mechanical engineering, and industrial maintenance, and a premium was placed on mathematics in my field.

One thing I did figure out as I've aged is a golden rule my first boss taught me...You can't fix stupid and you'll never prove someone wrong if they are dumb enough to be convinced they're right.

I now pass this on to the management below me when they struggle with personnel, and it seems as applicable today as it did nearly 20 years ago.
I work a guy that is very obese. He has worked for me for almost 20 years. He has been Food Obsessed for a long time. If he does not change his ways he will die in his 50s. He is a diabetic to boot, of course.
He does not have a girlfriend. He is unhappy because he is fat. He eats a lot because that makes him happy. I have tried and tried, but I have not been able to reach him. It is sad as Hell.
Never minded math. Forgotten most of it. Took calculus as an elective in undergrad. Also used it in the symbolic logic classes. Cool classes. Take any argument and break it down to variables, then derive truth or falsity from the argument.


It's the basic first argument. If/then conditional.
If Sally goes to school today, she will get ice cream. Sally goes to school is P. Ice cream is Q.

So if some one says Sally goes to school, then we can logically conclude that Sally got Ice Cream. This logically holds truth. However, if Sally got Ice Cream, we can't logically conclude she went to school. This is where people use fallacies.

You can affirm the antecedent but can't boy affirm the consequent. Conversely though, you can deny the consequent and thus would equal truth in denying or negating the antecedent. Ant just means 1st term, cons mean last (pretty much like the sound).

So this whole thing expands into complex arguments that can be solved by propositional logic or propositional calculus.

I used to take people's entire arguments and break them down to variables and then "solve" them. Rush Limbaugh was the funniest. Don't care either way about him, but literally every argument never held logical truth. Basically stuff like that.

The issue is though you can lay out someone's argument formulaicly, they have no idea what you are showing them, and only other logicians understand the language. So dumb people, or untrained/uneducated people think they are right, when math shows they are wrong.

Funny though, we don't teach logic in schools as much. Aristotelian logic is the bedrock of Western culture. Literally, how our minds work, comes from Aristotle. We catalog in the western world, break things down to parts, dissect. Other places of the world don't.

My logic teacher, who I had at least 4 classes with, had a final that was completely in jabber wocky, a language Lewis Carroll created (author of Alice in Wonderland, also famous logician)

All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe

And we had to solve it on whether or not the argument made sense. Harder than any law school final.

P ↔ Q
(S v T) → Q
¬P v (¬T & R)
T → U

Would be solved:

1. P ↔ Q Premise
2. (S v T) → Q Premise
3. ¬P v (¬T & R) Premise
4. (P → Q) & (Q → P) 1 Equiv
5. Q → P 4 Simp
6. (S v T) → P 2,5 HS
7. P → (¬T & R) 3 Impl
8. (S v T) → (¬T & R) 6,7 HS
9. ¬(S v T) v (¬T & R) 8 Impl
10. (¬S & ¬T) v (¬T & R) 9 DM
11. [(¬S & ¬T) v ¬T] & [(¬S & ¬T) v R] 10 Dist
12. (¬S & ¬T) v ¬T 11 Simp
13. ¬T v (¬S & ¬T) 12 Com
14. (¬T v ¬S) & (¬T v ¬T) 13 Dist
15. ¬T v ¬T 14 Simp
16. ¬T 15 Taut
17. ¬T v U 16 Add
18. T → U

I'd fail that class. And wouldn't mind one bit. I'll stick with James Joyce's Dubliners, and comparing Felix Dzerzhinsky's Cheka to J. Edgar Hoover's FBI.
I'm sure that's right, but I also think it's neurological pathways that lead us to certain places. So it isn't as easy as emotional/logical unless neurology is logical.

Not blaming it, but certain behaviors become ingrained in our brains, and neurons fire down those highways.

More to it, but you're also the expert, so yield to you

No, you're right LEK. Only thing I would add is that it can be conditioned. Rather than something like Thyroid.

Guess what I was getting at, is it comfort eating? .
I was always fascinated with logic and mathematical proof myself. I work in the field of mechanical engineering, and industrial maintenance, and a premium was placed on mathematics in my field.

One thing I did figure out as I've aged is a golden rule my first boss taught me...You can't fix stupid and you'll never prove someone wrong if they are dumb enough to be convinced they're right.

I now pass this on to the management below me when they struggle with personnel, and it seems as applicable today as it did nearly 20 years ago.
I wish that I had gone to college. I was too immature. It has been a tremendous handicap.
I work a guy that is very obese. He has worked for me for almost 20 years. He has been Food Obsessed for a long time. If he does not change his ways he will die in his 50s. He is a diabetic to boot, of course.
He does not have a girlfriend. He is unhappy because he is fat. He eats a lot because that makes him happy. I have tried and tried, but I have not been able to reach him. It is sad as Hell.
Has he had therapy or evaluated for a mental disorder? A lot of overeating stems from a poor self image.
I wish that I had gone to college. I was too immature. It has been a tremendous handicap.

I had Stats and Logic in college and the only reason I passed was because of an extra credit assignment that accounted for 1 test score. The teacher went to each student and had them draw out a colored marble. There was only one or two blue marbles out of 30 or 40 white marbles. And each student would draw one marble after he shook it up. If you got the blue marble you got a free 100 on any test. Welp. I was 28 or so. No one had grabbed the blue marble. I reached in that MF'er and pulled it out.

Free 100. and passed the class because of it.
I am not mathematically adept. Some of that can be blamed on my high school Algebra teachers being absolutely abysmal. Some can be blamed on my immaturity at the time. I finally took a math class at the WKU extension at Ft. Knox taught by the head of the optometry department, a Colonel. His bachelors and masters was in math at Stanford. He was one of the best teachers I ever had at any level. Took everything and made it simple. Made an A in the class, the only A I ever made in math post elementary school. I think really good math teachers are in real short supply. Math teachers know the subject, they just can't communicate at a level appropriate to the class or can't motivate the students to learn.
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I work a guy that is very obese. He has worked for me for almost 20 years. He has been Food Obsessed for a long time. If he does not change his ways he will die in his 50s. He is a diabetic to boot, of course.
He does not have a girlfriend. He is unhappy because he is fat. He eats a lot because that makes him happy. I have tried and tried, but I have not been able to reach him. It is sad as Hell.

My grandmother and mother died from complications from diabetes. I was the last family member to see Mom alive. It was horrible. Tell the fat guy that if he wants to die a horrible death, go to the nearest nursing home and find a resident that has had their legs amputated or becoming blind because of uncontrolled diabetes. If that doesn't get him on the straight and narrow, it's on him. You tried.
I can te
He just gets angry and continues to overeat. The last thing that he does every day is eat a full meal. He eats something all ******* day long.
l can tell you from first hand experience - a good therapist coupled with the right Meds. prescribed by a doctor of Psychology or Psychiatry can really help with disorders, if the subject is willing.
My grandmother and mother died from complications from diabetes. I was the last family member to see Mom alive. It was horrible. Tell the fat guy that if he wants to die a horrible death, go to the nearest nursing home and find a resident that has had their legs amputated or becoming blind because of uncontrolled diabetes. If that doesn't get him on the straight and narrow, it's on him. You tried.
Ghost, I have had that conversation with him. His mom was one of those 600 pounders that you see on the TV. She died young.
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My grandmother and mother died from complications from diabetes. I was the last family member to see Mom alive. It was horrible. Tell the fat guy that if he wants to die a horrible death, go to the nearest nursing home and find a resident that has had their legs amputated or becoming blind because of uncontrolled diabetes. If that doesn't get him on the straight and narrow, it's on him. You tried.

Deja Vu. I was telling an example earlier this week to a client about diabetes where it takes consequences to change our life. Not sure you'll read it Ghost. But this is one of the best 2 minute reading you'll read to explain a lot of "why" when it comes to us doing what we do.

It's insightful man.
I totally understand that eating delicious food and desserts will make you happy. I have experienced this. But I have broken the Food Obsession habit. Eating Snicker bars and Pay Days is a thing of the past. Never again. This time next year you will not know me. I would run, but right now I would be afraid of having a heart attack or a stroke.
I totally understand that eating delicious food and desserts will make you happy. I have experienced this. But I have broken the Food Obsession habit. Eating Snicker bars and Pay Days is a thing of the past. Never again. This time next year you will not know me. I would run, but right now I would be afraid of having a heart attack or a stroke.

Baby steps. Get your knees pumping in a chair. Spears would be ideal with this.
****in right I would be. I get patients in their 20s I've gotta be creative with an have em doing plyometric workouts and strenuous shit to get the work they need and then I get the folks in their 70s that do seated marching, straight leg raises, hip adbuction seated with a theraband for resistance, etc that absolutely wears em out. Know the patient. Know the population. Know the limitations. No one's the same.

That's why I'd have my care in your hands. Especially that last sentence. Medical professionals could learn a lot from that whole sentence. Especially that last line. Damn, almost teary eyed thinking we have hope that there are people who we can rust our care to.
I think the way Don is talking is awesome. It's the way you have to think and talk to beat it. Winners talk like winners. Losers talk like losers.

Actually, scrap that last line, that's dumb. Other part ok.

This is a whole discussion on it's own LEK. I'm on this big shame thing. And how each generation uses negative based language to teach children, that the result is shame. For example Mom says. "Don't mess up your room" Child feels shame when room isn't clean. Starts to develop in life over anal organization tendacies. Not rocket science. It's been around. Once you use positive based language, you don't promote shame, but you have to be careful because narcissism could quickly form. That's when we have winners talk.
This is a whole discussion on it's own LEK. I'm on this big shame thing. And how each generation uses negative based language to teach children, that the result is shame. For example Mom says. "Don't mess up your room" Child feels shame when room isn't clean. Starts to develop in life over anal organization tendacies. Not rocket science. It's been around. Once you use positive based language, you don't promote shame, but you have to be careful because narcissism could quickly form. That's when we have winners talk.
Being a narcissist could get you killed, right. Informers aren't well thought of in the drug trade, I hear
Being a narcissist could get you killed, right. Informers aren't well thought of in the drug trade, I hear

I read once, not sure where, that native Americans didnt use the word no in teaching children. In stead of saying no touching or don't touch, you say hands off.

Something about the way the mind picks up language, you hear the word touch, not the negative, so works on a subconscious way.

But then again, shame is a powerful tool, but like any weapon, only use to kill, not to show.

BIngo. 100%
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I'll bring this up at another time. But you know what the DLeague needs to do?

Buy out a building and turn it into our own nursing home. Buy out a building and turn it into 17 or 20 rooms that we all throw in equally. Get it set up to show UK games on big ass flat screens. Have a few rooms opens for some p*ssy. I"m telling I bet $50K a apiece could buy out a building.
I'll bring this up at another time. But you know what the DLeague needs to do?

Buy out a building and turn it into our own nursing home. Buy out a building and turn it into 17 or 20 rooms that we all throw in equally. Get it set up to show UK games on big ass flat screens. Have a few rooms opens for some p*ssy. I"m telling I bet $50K a apiece could buy out a building.
Count me in
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Set up the ultimate UK private nursing home. Let's say a building costs 1 million dollars. If 20 of us throw up $50K to live with each other as we get old, it could be cost effective. Plus, we are all going to a nursing home anyway, why not die together?